💉Chapter 48

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                          Sofia 9 years later
I see my parents play with both my siblings and I sob.I knew they would brake their promise so I speed to them and brake down their stupid blocks and they cried.My parents look at me pissed and I roll my eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"My mother asked and I rolled my eyes at her.She gets up and slaps me and I sob and run up to my room.I feel someone speed behind me and they grave me.

"Sofia come"My father says and I sob and we walk inside his office.
"What is going on with you Sofia?"He asked and I sob and looked away.He kneels down and graves my chin gently.
"Sofia I asked you a question"He says and I sigh.
"You and mother left me alone all because of my siblings"I say and he shakes his head.
"What did we told you before?"He asked and I played with my fingers.
"That you guys were never going to leave me"I say and he nods.
"And that is exactly what we are not doing...we are not leaving you alone"He says and I scoff.
"You guy are always with the twins and leave me out"I say and he gets up.
"Baby we give a bit more attention to your siblings because they both have a responsibility and they are younger then you"He says and I sniffle and wipe my tears away.
"Whatever"I say and I walk to the door,but my father stops me.
"Darling you have to stop disrespecting me and your mother...you may think you are alone or that we have left you alone,but trust me we have not"He says and I nod.
"Okay"I say and he moves from the door and I open it and see my mother.

She runs her hands through my hair and I close my eyes.I always loved it when mom does that I thought.
"Darling if you have felt like we have left you alone...we are sorry,but you have to understand the twins have to give away their childhood to protect every coven"She says and I look at the twins and they smile at me and hug me.
"Okay mom...guys I am sorry come let's build it up again"I say and I grave both in each hand and we speed to the balcony.

"Mom I want to put them to sleep"I whisper to her since I have Logan on my arms and my mom had Lizzy on hers.She smiles and nods and I smiled and got up from the chair.
"Okay come I'll help you"She says and I nod.

Mom and dad follow behind me and I look down at Logan.His hair is blond like moms and has dads features.He has the nose,lips,eyebrows and cheek forms.I smiled and I peck his forehead and I felt a water drop on my arm.I look at Logan and he was crying and he started to sob and I look at mom and Lizzy was doing the same.I saw her hug her and I did them same and she rocked Lizzy and I did the same.

"Why are they crying mom?"I asked and she sigh.
"They cry when they feel a death"She says and I frown and shake my head.
"It's okay Logan"I whisper and he stops crying and still asleep.

We walk inside their room and one side was of boy and the other of girl.I look at mom and she laid Lizzy slowly and I did the same.I.covered him and he sighs in relief and he opens his eyes and they turn blue and they look at me and I smiled.I look at Lizzy and she was looking at me too.

"You will be a beautiful and independent woman who will have 2 children with your new born mate"They both said in unison and I shivered and my mom chuckles softly.They got up and they touched my stomach and in a part it glowed and I gasp.They go back to their beds and go to sleep.

I look at my parents and they are smiling and they hugged me.
"What was that?"I ask them and they peck my head.
"Your child will have their blood...you and your mate will have one baby and then second baby will have the blood and make peace on the human and supernatural world"My father says and I chuckle softly and I look back at my siblings and smiled.

"Goodnight"I tell my parents and they smiled and turn off my room lights and I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

"Roman I love you"I said.
"Baby marry me?...let's have michael and Marie be born...don't abort them"He says and I cried.
"My parent's will kill me if they found out I was pregnant at a young age...i mean I am very happy I am pregnant,but god I am 17"I say and he shakes his head.
"They will understand"He says and I sigh.
"I don't know Roman I am scared"I say and he hugs me.
I shoot up and looked around and I had sweat on my forehead.I looked at my phone and it showed 3am.I groan and got up and speed to the kitchen.I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of animal blood and opened it.

I drank it and I heard a noise outside and I speed to the window.I look behind me and I didn't see my parents.I open the door slowly and a big dog was in the door.I gasp and they growl at first,but them they whimper and walk to me and limp.I frown and I walk forward.

They started to turn into something else and then I saw a guy laying on the grass naked.I shake my head and I speed inside my house and graved a robe.

"Hey"I whisper as I tried to move the guy.He looked at me and I felt something inside me and his eyes turn grey and I looked in his eyes and I saw the reflect of my eyes as they turn grey as well.
"Mate"He whispers and he got up as I touched his shoulder and I got up.

He came closer and closer and then I pulled back and closes my eyes and handed him the robe.He chuckled softly and I felt his hand and sparks radiated through my body.

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