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I have been here in this place for 2 straight months.They have not done anything to me since the first few days I was here,but they did something that I never expect for them to do.They changed me into a room ever since I started getting sick.I have asked for answers to why did they gave me a room with my own bathroom and clothes,but no one gives me answers.

"Hi Jay"The girl from whom I ask where was I two months ago said.Her name is Hayley.
"Hi Hayley"I tell her and she walks in with a little boy.
"Hi to you too handsome boy"I say and he giggles.
"Logan it's rude for you to not say hi back"Hayley says and I scoff.
"Doesn't bother me"I tell her and she shakes her head.
"Who's this?"I ask her and she sits down in the bed.
"My son he is three years old and a pain in the ass"She says and I laugh.
"Toddler's"I tell her and she chuckles.
"Multiply it by a hundred...He is Logans twin"She says and I laugh.
"By the way you still don't know why they changed me here?"I ask her and she shakes her head and I sigh.
"Sad?"she asks and I nod.
"Today is Xaviers and I's two month anniversary"I tell her and her eyes widen.
"You know I can do something for you"She says and I scoff.
"I don't want to get my own best and only friend killed"I tell her and she winks at me.
"I could send a note to him by putting it in Logan's mouth and walking out like if he is chewing gum"She says and I look down at him and he is smirking.
"Fine"I say.

I waddle to the desk and get a piece of paper and a pen.

'Dear Xavier

This is Jay well happy anniversary my love.Surprisingly Jayson and Queen have changed me to a different room.I have been sick this past two months.They have been feeding me a lot of food and I have gained a few.I Love you so so so much and well I hope I get to see you soon.I have not forgotten you not even a chance have I forgotten you.

                    Your dear Jay'

I fold it and give it to Hayley who gives it to Logan and he puts it in a small bag and starts chewing it and Hayley chews a gum.She then gives me one and I laugh.

"You should get your rest you look horrible"She tells me and I scoff.
"Thanks for the compliment"I tell her and she shrugs.
"Have to talk to you with the truth"She says and I roll my eyes at her.
"Get out I am sleepy"I tell her and she gasp.
"How rude"She says and I laugh.
"Have to talk to you with the truth"I mock her and she rolls her eyes like me.
"Alright see you later babes"She says and I get up and hug her.

I give Logan a peck in his forehead and he blushes.
"Bye mommy's friend"He says in his cute little voice and I smile and wave as they walk out of the room.

I lay down on the bed and go to sleep fast.

I wake up fast as I hear some hisses and growls.
"What the hell is going on outside?"I whisper and get up.

I try opening the door and in my luck it was unlock.I peek through the door and I see others fighting with others.

I get out slowly and look around and I see one in particular.

"Xavier?"I whisper and I think he heard me because he looks up to me and my eyes widen.He speeds to me and hugs me and I hug him back.
"Jay"He says and rubs my hair.
"The one and only"I tell him and he chuckles.
"I missed you my love"He says and I kiss him.
"I missed you too"I tell him and he makes me step inside the room and locks the door.

He looks around and then at me.I feel my heart beat fast and he smiles.
"You got thicker"He says and I feel heat go up my cheeks and he chuckles.
"Lets go"He says and he picks me up and speeds to the entrance of the place I was in.

I see other people speed behind me and Xavier and then I realised.I see Hayley waving and I gasp.
"Wait"I tell Xavier and he stops.
"What's wrong?"He asked and I look at him.
"Can we take the one person that has taken care of me and has always been their for me?"I ask him and he sighs and thinks and then nods.
"Who?"He asked and I turn and look at Hayley and her son.
"Them"I say and he nods at one of the man.

I see the guy speed to her and then she nods and speeds inside while the guy gets Logan.Then I see her with two big bags of luggage and then I see
"Logan?"Xavier asked and looks at me and I shrug.
"Hayley!"I yell once she catches up to me and Xavier.
"Glad you didn't leave without me"She says and I roll my eyes at her and the we all speed to Xaviers parents house.

We get inside and then Xavier lets me down and I look at Nicole and Sam.

"Jay!"Nicole yells and hugs me.
"I missed you Nicole"I tell her and I hug her tight.I peck her forehead and then I look over to Sam who was smiling.
"Are you not going to give me a 'welcome home Jay I missed you' hug?"I ask him and he chuckles and hugs me and I chuckle and hug him back.
"Darling"Both parents of Xavier say and I smile at them.

They walk to me and then look at me up and down and then stop at my stomach and gasp.

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