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Me and Jay dance from side to side with the song as everyone watches.I look at my now wife and she is smiling up at me.

"I love you"I tell her and she smiles and pecks my lips.
"I love you too"She says and I smile at her.

The song ends and me and her walk to our table.Everyone starts dancing and then Sofia comes to us and I carry her.
"Hey princess"I coo to her and she rubs her eyes.
"Sweppy"She says and I smile and rock her back and forth.
"Xavier"Jay says and I look at her and she looks up front.I see Logan and his wife/girlfriend.I nod and she walks up to them as I rock Sofia to sleep.

I look up and I see Logan smiling and I nod to him.He walks towards me and I get up slowly.
"Princess Sofia huh?"He says as he looks down to Sofia and I smile and nod at my now asleep princess.
"My princess"I say and he chuckles.
"Congratulations bro"He says and I shake his hand with the arm under Sofia.
"Thanks"I say and then I look down and see Logan jr.

Logan smiles and then I take out my wallet and give him 5 dollars.
"Here buddy for you to buy what ever you want"I tell him and he smiles and hugs me.
"Thank you unwel xaw"He says and I smile and get back up.
"Hows the fam?"I tell him and he sighs.
"We are pregnant with a little girl now"He says and I smile and nod.
"Congrats Logan"I tell him and he smiles and nods.
"Well better get back to my girl see you around Xavier"Logan says and I nod and walk to the table.

Me and Jay are now leaving for our honey moon,but I am sad because we have to leave our daughter because well it goes down in the honey moon-if you know what I mean-

"Have fun guys"My mother says and I nod and peck her forehead.
"Yo Xavier congrats take care of her while you are over there"Sam says and I chuckle and give him a bro hug.
"Bye little Jasmine"I say as I pick her up and peck her forehead as well.
"Be good for mama okay?"I tell her and she nods and hugs me.

I put her down and wave at everyone.They all wave back and I smile and gave a hug to my father.He chuckles and pats my back.I step back and he smiles and nods.I walk to Jay and she smiles and I peck her lips.We look at Sofia and she is smiling and I peck her forehead.

My mother comes and picks up Sofia.I frown and then smile and kiss her.She waves and then Jay kisses her.We smile at each other and get inside the car.I look at everyone and they are all waving and smiling.

I sigh and look at Jay and she is smiling and waving at everyone.
"Ready?"I ask her and she looks at me and sighs and then nods.
"Ready"She says and I turn on the car and start driving.

Both me and Jay walk out of the airplane and went to the car that was waiting besides the plain.I nod at the captain and he nods back.

"Where are we going?"Jay asked and I chuckle and graved her hand and kiss the back of it.
"You'll see"I tell her and she groans and rolls her eyes.

I chuckle and we walked to my driver and he smiles.
"Mr.Wallon"He says and I nod and looked at Jay.
"Jackson this is my beautiful wife Mrs.Wallon"I say and I see Jay and she is smiling wide.
"Ms.Wallon"Jackson says and bows down.

He gets up and goes to the airplane to grave out luggage.I open the door for Jay and she smiles and gets in.I close the door and went to my side and open the door and then close it once I am inside.I look at Jay and she is looking out of the window and I smile.

I grave her hand and she looks at me and smiles.I go close to her and she smiles and looks down to my lips and then to my eyes.I kiss her and I feel sparks and I smile while kissing her.We step back and then then Jackson gets inside and starts driving.

I put my arm around her and she leans in to my chest and I hug her.

I got out as we arrived to my beach house that my father gave me when I turned 18.I speed to Jays side and open the door for her.She chuckles and I smile and she looks at the house.

"Who lives here?"Jay asked as I walked to the back of the car and graved our luggage

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"Who lives here?"Jay asked as I walked to the back of the car and graved our luggage.
"No one"I tell her and she looks at me confused and I chuckle.I nod to Jackson and he gets inside the car and drives off.

I walked to her and I nod to the house and she starts walking.I graved the key and then I open it and I put the luggage down and picked her up and she is laughing.

"What are you doing?"She asked me and laughs.
"Its tradition"I tell her and she rolls her eyes and smiles.
"I love you"I tell her and lean in to kiss her.She smiles and then I put her down.
"Look around"I tell her and she nods and I go to the door and grave our luggage.

I speed to our bedroom and put the luggage on the side of the bed.I chuckle when I hear her behind me.I turn around and she is smiling.She walks towards me and hugs me and I hug her back.

"You know-"I say and she looks up to me and I smile and grave her hands.
"Yea"She says and I smile to her and peck her forehead.
"I've been waiting for you to become my wife since the day that Sofia was born and way before"I tell her and she chuckles and kisses me and I kiss her back.

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