💉Chapter 46

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Jays father left and me and Jay are now laying down.I kiss her neck and she moans as I do and I smirk.

"Stop"She whines and I look in her eyes and she smiles and looks at me.
"You really want me to stop?"I ask her and she shakes her head and I lean in and kiss her.

I wake up and I look besides me and Jay is asleep and I smile.I get up and walk inside the bathroom.I turn on the shower and take a fast shower.I got out and I graved some boxers and some black sweats and a plain grey shirt.I walked out of the bathroom and I see Jay still sleeping.

I speed down to the kitchen and I grave a bag and pour it in a foam cup.I speed out to the garden and grave a red rose and speed up to the room.I see Jay barely waking up and she smiles when she sees me.

"Hey"She says and I smile and walk to her.
"Good morning"I tell her and give her the rose and the foam cup.
"Thank you baby"She says and I smile and nod.

She drinks it and I look away and then when I hear hee finish it I look back.She smiled and I smiled at her and then Sofia walks inside the room.Jay and I smiled and she climbs on the bed and lays her head in Jays bump.
"Mama baby boys in tummy?"She asked Jay and Jay and I chuckle.
"Yes baby girl...And baby boy is your brother"I say and she frowns.
"What's wrong baby?"Jay asked.
"I no wants boy...I's Wants girl"She says and I chuckle.
"Don't you want to be the only princess of the house?"I asked her and her eyes widen and nods.
"Then let the baby boy be the only prince"Jay says and she nods.
"Sofi woves you babys boy"She says and me and Jay look at the bump and we see it jump and I smiled.

My beautiful family I thought and then I walked up and laid down besides Jay.Sofia was in between the legs of Jay and Jay smiled at me and pecks my lips.
"Jesus I love you and our children"I tell her and she smiles.

Jay then screams and I get worried and I hold her hand.
"What's wrong?"I ask her and she looks at me and breaths in and out.
"Baby boy on...the way"She says and my eyes widen.
"Here?"I ask her and then she points to the bathroom.

I speed to the bathroom and I put a bit of more hot water then cold.I speed to her and I slide off her clothes and leave her in her sports bra.I put her on the water and she sighs and then Nicole rushes in.
"Baby?"She asked and Jay screamed.
"Yes"I say and I smiled.

"My baby boy"Jay whispers when she has him in his hands.I smiled at her and then I peck her forehead and then my baby boy's forehead.
"Wow Xavier...he is your twin"Jay says tiredly and I smiled.
"And Sofia is your twin"I say and she chuckles,but then groans.
"What's wrong?"I ask her and she sighs.
"Normal pain baby after I have a baby"She says and I nod.
"You sure?...Wait I think I'll a doctor instead"I say and I speed to my phone and call the coven doctor.

"Hello King?"He asked over the phone.
"Come fast to my house"I say and I hang up and in seconds he was in my room and I smiled at him and nod.
"Check my wife"I say and he walks towards the bathroom.
"What for?"He asked.
"She just had my baby"I say and he smiles and nods.

We walked inside and as soon as the doctor saw the baby his eyes widen and he kneels down dropping all of his stuff.Jay looks at me and smiled and I nod.The doctor gets back up and smiles at me and Jay.

"Where my Queen?"He asked and she smiles.
"Lower region"Jay says and he nods.

Jay groans as he touched her and the doctor frowns.
"Nothing major my king just it's still opening since you have another one on the way"He says and my mouth opens and my heart races.
"T-twins?"I stutter and the doctor chuckles softly and nods.

Then Jay screams and I rush to her and grave the baby and then Jay holds tight to my hand.
"Okay my queen 1...2...3...push"He says and Jay does.
"Again"He says and she pushes.

After a few pushes the other baby comes out.
"It's a girl"He says and I smiled.
"Let me see"I say and the doctor gives my baby girl to Jay and I look at her and my eyes widen.
"She has your eyes and lips Xavier"Jay says and I feel a tear shed.
"She has your hair and face features except the lip"I say and she chuckles softly.
"Congratulations"Nicole says and Sofia rushes in.

"Baby boy?"She asked and I showed her the baby boy.She gasp and pecks his forehead.
"Bewtliluf"She says and I peck her forehead.
"Yes baby girl"I say and she walks towards Jay and she smiles.
"Baby?"She asked and Jay smiles.
"Baby girl"Jay says and Sofia frowns.
"I's wounths I be wons giwl...pwincess"She says and I chuckle.
"Baby you are the first"I tell her and I hug her.
"Weawy?"She asked and Jay nods.
"Really my little one"She says and she giggles and jumps up and down.
"Cawwy babys giwl?"She asked and Jay smiles.
"Let's get her cleaned up first"I say and she nods and smiles.
"Nicole grave the baby girl"I tell her and she nods.

We walk to the sink and I bathe my baby boy and Nicole bathes my baby girl.

I loved that surprise about Jay having twins,but lets see what happens with both of them now😊Thx for 600 reads love you guys💓FYI it's my first book so if it's kind of shitty I am sorry💁

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