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"Why the hell did Xavier come to the same restaurant as I did?"I ask myself as I drove back to school.I started to get a feeling that someone was watching me.I stopped at a red light and look everywhere,but I did not see anyone.I shrugged it off and turned on my phone and connected it to the car.I started to play a random song and Heart of stone IKO Started to play.I sigh and drove again once the light turn green.

I arrived and I see Xavier walk to the school and I look at him.He turned and smirk at me.I roll my eyes and parked my car.I got out and saw that he was standing up in the entrance.I locked my car and walked angrily towards him.

"Where you following me?"I ask him and he chuckles.
"Straight to the point huh?"He said and I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Answer me"I say and he nods.
"It was so I can keep you safe"He says and I chuckle.
"Safe of what?I was with my brother"I tell him and I look in his eyes and I saw that he was starting to get angry.
"Look instead of yelling at me and been a bitch you should thank me"He says and my eyes widen.
"A Bitch? Really alright then"I say and he walks towards the parking lot and I scoff.

"Asshole i am not done talking"I yell at him and he stops and my eyes widen.He turns around and I see his eyes turn yellow.
"I AM"He tells me and I started to back away.

He gives me one last glare and walks out of the campus of the school.I started to get angry and walked towards him.
"Xavier!"I yell and he doesn't stop.I run to him and he stops which makes me bump into him.
"What?"He tells me and he turns around and I started to feel this urge to kiss him.
"N-never"I started to say,but he pulled me aside into the back of the school where their was no cameras and kisses me.

I don't kiss back just because he caught me off guard and I was shock.
"Are you not gonna kiss back?"He asked and I look at him and then I pulled him in again and I started to kiss him.

He groans and I wrap my arms around his neck and then run my fingers through his hair.He puts his arms tight around my waist and slams me on the wall and I groan.He goes down to my collar bone and I close my eyes and moan lowly.He then steps away fast panting and I look down.

"We should head back to school"I say and walk away.Then I feel an arm around my waist and I look down to the arm and then up to Xavier and he was smiling.
"Let's take things slow...This kiss was something,but we have to go slow"I tell him and he nods and pecks my forehead.

We walk inside the school and everyone looked at me and Xavier walk down the hall way and I look down.He chuckled and we started to walk to our fourth period which we have together.We got inside and he sat on the back and I smile at him and walk to the middle row where Mark was at.

"Hey Mark"I tell him and he smiles.
"Why are you blushing?"He asked me and I look towards Xavier and he nods at me and smiles.
"You and cute/weird guy huh?"He asked and I chuckle.
"Stop calling him that...his name is Xavier and no nothing is going on"I tell him and he smirks.
"Okay little mermaid"He tells me and I shake my head at him and chuckle.

The class was now full and class started.I looked a little to the back of the class and saw that slutty girl of every high school flirting with Xavier.My blood started to boil,but I shake my head.

I raised my hand and Mr.Walon nods.
"Yes?"He asked and I look up to him.
"May I go to the restroom?"I ask the teacher and he nods.

I got up and he smiled at me and I rolled my eyes and walked out.
"Mr.Walon may I go to the restroom as well?"I hear Xavier say and I walked out fast.I hear the door open and I run to the girls restroom.I got inside and locked myself in a stool.

"You know locking yourself in a stool is not gonna help from me entering the girls restroom and asking you what was that back their?"Xavier says and I sigh.I stay silent and I pull up my legs to the toilet.
"Putting your legs on top of the toilet doesn't help either"He says and I sigh and walk out of the stool and walk past him.

I started to wash my hands and he stood behind me.
"Why did you roll your eyes at me?"He asked and I stayed silent.
"Answer me"He says and I turn around and look at him.
"Because...I can"I tell him and he scoffs and shakes his head.
"Honestly I only have eyes for you...It may be the first day of school,but I don't care...I only have eyes for you"He tells me and I smile and peck his lips.
"Good because I would have killed you with a wooden stick and stick it in your heart"I tell him and he turns pail.
"W-what?"He stutters and I chuckle.
"I am just joking Xavier...I would never do that"I tell him and he smiles.
"I think you should go to the boys restroom"I tell him and he chuckles and walks out.

I smile and run my fingers in my lips and squirm.I hear a chuckle and I put my hands in my face and walk out of the restroom.

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