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I drive to school and we arrive.Girls and guys that were walking in front of Jays car and they got surprised.This has been my second year here in this school.Last year a lot of girls were throwing themselves to me,but they well even though Jay is a human as well.I knew that the other girls have had intimate relationships with almost half of the school.I don't feel like fucking a girl who had had multiple guys in like a week.

I park the car and I smile at Jay and she looked nervous.I hear her heart rate pick up and I chuckle.I got out and walk to her side of the car and open the door for her.I give her my hand and she smiles and takes my hand.I see girls giving Jay that angry look and I smile.I peck her lips and she giggles.

"Your giggles are my first favorite sound"I tell her and I see her blush.
"Stop"She says and I chuckle and close the door and lock it.
"I promise to take it slowly,but if you don't accept any dates with other guys then I don't look or accept any other girl which is not hard because i have been doing that since last year until now"I tell her and she smirks.
"We'll see"She says and I look at her serious
"Was that suppose to be a joke? Because if it was then it was a very bad one"I tell her and she laughs and wraps her arms around my neck and I smiled.
"I am not very good with jokes and fine"She tells me and I smiled widely and I kiss her.

Our lips go in sync and I smile while I kiss her.
"Come on"I tell her and she nods.

I put my arm over her shoulders and we walk inside the school.Everyone was looking at us and Jay was looking down and I smiled.We get inside and walk to our lockers.She opens hers and I open mine.We grave our books and then we close the lockers and walk to our first period.

We both have the same first period.We walk in and I sit in my usual sit and she does the same.I look out the window and sigh.I feel eyes on me and I turn to look at Logan at the door.

I shake my head and he leaves and I turn to the front when the class starts already.

I walked out of school and saw Ethan leaning on Jays car.I stayed in the entrance and saw him looking for Jay.I looked to the entrance of the school and she saw me.She tried to kiss me,but I shake my head.She looks at me confused and I look at her car and she looked back and I heard her heart beat rise at the sight of Ethan.

"I-I'll be uh...back"She stutters and I nod.

I stay in the entrance and Logan came to me.
"Why?"He asked and I looked at him confused.
"Why what?"I ask him and he scoffs.
"Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about"He tells me and I looked at him confused.
"Explain yourself Logan I am not a mind reader"I tell him and he scoffs.
"Jay...I am talking about Jay"He tells me and my eyes widen.
"What about her?"I ask him and he shakes his head.
"Everytime Xavier...Every fucking time I lay eyes on a girl you end up with her"He tells me and I chuckle and shake my head.
"I did not make her be with me"I tell him and he tries to punch me,but I doge his punch.
"Logan you are my friend...I don't want to punch you"I tell him and he scoffs.
"Bullshit...You are a pussy"He tells me and I started to get angry,but I contain myself.

He throws another punch and this time he punches me.I throw the blood that was now in my mouth.I smirk and look at him.
"You should not have done that"I tell him and he laughs.
"Or what?"He asks me and I caught him off guard and punch him.

He fell to the ground and I smirk.I tried to control myself,but it's to late now.He got up and shake his head and by now a lot of the students were around me and Logan.

"You don't know how long i've waited to beat your ass"He tells me and I chuckle.
"Lets see who beats who's ass first"I say and he steps up and I dodge his fist.

It went like that for a while and then I see that he is completely beat and I step away when I see Jay.I got out of their and ran.I ran without using my speed.

"Xavier!"I hear Jays voice,but I ignored her because I did not wanted to hurt her.

I ran and called my sister to speed to where I was at so I can cool off.

"What's up?"Nicole asked and I sigh.
"Come I-I am losing control"I tell her serious and I hear wind.Meaning she was on her way.I turn and see someone their alone.

They were crying and I felt hungry.I heard the beat of their heart.I smelled the person and they smelled depressed.I smirk and walk to them and they look down.

"Why so alone?"I ask her and she shrugs.
"I'm tired of this world just wanna be alone"She tells me and I nod.
"I am Jase"I lie to the girl who was looking up at me.
"Im Niss"She says and I smile at her fakely.
"So you tired of the world huh?"I ask her and she nods.
"And you want to be alone?"I ask her again and she nods again.
"I can help with that"I tell her and she looks up to me.

I see my eyes in the reflection of her eyes and fear takes over her.
"What are you?"She asked and I smirk.
"Your Savior"I tell her and bite her.

I taste her blood and she was about to yell then she feel unconscious on the floor as I drained her body.
"Finally"I sigh in relief and cleaned my mouth.I pick her body and speed and go to a cemetery.

I see a shovel and I grave it when I put the dead corps down.I look around and see no one.I dig fast and then I throw her body inside and I covered her body with the dirt.When I was done I feel my sister presence behind me.

"Let's go"She tells me and me and her speed to our house.

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