💉Chapter 39

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Both me and Xavier decided that after we woke up to go to our spots and get ready for our...wedding.

"Babe"I whisper and try to wake up Xavier.He groans and I chuckle and climb on top of him and he chuckles and stretches.
"Good morning to be wife"He says and I chuckle and peck his lips.
"Good morning to be husband"I tell him and get off of him.
"Time to get our stuff ready and leave"I tell him and he smiles and picks me up and I laugh.
"Xavier"I tell him and he puts me down.
"Finally"He says and I smile and peck his lips.

I walk to the closet and grave some clothes.I speed to the bath and take a quick shower and change fast.Then Xavier walks in and takes a shower and walks out dressed and ready to leave.

"Ready?"I ask him and he graves his sport bag and nods.
"Ready"He says and I grave my bag and othe bags of the dress and veil.Of course Xavier has not seen it.I grave the small make up bag and put my curler and bobby pins and hair ties in another bag.

He looks at me and chuckles and I sigh and we peck each others lips and we speed to our spots.-Xaviers moms house in separate rooms-

I walk in the room that I was in and see Xaviers mom and another male guy their.He smiles and I smile at both and Xaviers mom graves some of my bags.

"Hi I am Jay Mayson"I tell him and he smiles and he kisses both of my cheeks,but like on the air.I chuckle and he smiles and looks at me up and down.

"May I see your dress?"He asked and I smile and walk to the bed and put it down.I look at him and he smiles and nods.
"I think i'll use a natural look on you and your hair I'll leave it down since its in waves I'll make it a little more wavy"he says and I sigh and nod.

He moves besides and I smile and walk to the vanity set that he had.I sat down and he worked with my hair first.He put it with rolls on them and then started to work with my make up.I smile when I see myself and nod to the stylist.
"By the way sorry I an Fernando Edvarchy"He says and I give him my hand and he shakes it.

"By the way sorry I an Fernando Edvarchy"He says and I give him my hand and he shakes it

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"Nervous?"He asked and I sigh and nod.
"We have been together for a year and three months"I tell him and he smiles.
"Young love"He says and I chuckle.
"Any kids?"He asked and I take out my phone and show him Sofia and I eating a popsicle.

"Any kids?"He asked and I take out my phone and show him Sofia and I eating a popsicle

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"Awww she looks like you"He says and I smile and sigh.
"Love her to death...she's actually my first born"I tell him and his eyes widen.
"I hope you don't mind,but what age did you have her?"He asked and I shake my head and look at him on the mirror.
"Age 19"I tell him and his eyes widen and he smiles.
"Well then is the guy you are marrying the baby daddy?"He asked and I chuckle and nod.
"Lucky you"He says and I laugh and nod.

"I am scared Tay"I tell Xaviers dad and he rubs my hand.
"You'll be okay you just have to walk down the aisle.I am here Jay you are like another daughter to me"He says and I smile and chuckle nervously.
"Thanks"I tell him and he smiles and pecks my forehead.

The song started to play and I sigh nervously and shake my head.
I can do this I thought and then Taylor squished my hand a bit telling me it's time.I give him a half smile and nod.I cling into his arm and grave the flowers tight.
*play song*
I see Nicole and Sam with Jasmine on their arms.I smile at them and then I see Mike smiling and holding hands with his fiance.I smile at him as well and hold on a bit more tight to Taylor and I look at him and he smiles and nods.Then I see Xavier smiling and I smile at him.

"Who is giving the bride?"The priest says and Taylor graves my hand and gives it to Xavier.
"Taylor White"He says and then walks away.

I look at Xavier in his eyes and all I see is love.I smile at him and then we look at everyone sit down.

"We are all gathered here to take this couple and convert them into one."The priest says and I smile at Xav.
"Please the rings"He says and I see our little Sofia with a pillow and the rings on them.

I wink at my daughter and she smiles and I look at Xav and he graves a ring for me.

"Okay Xavier Wallon, do you take Jay Mayson to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?"The priest says and smiles and nods.
"I do"Xavier says and I inhale and exhale and then smile.

Jay Mayson, do you take Xavier Wallon to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?"He tells me and I look down at my daughter and smile and look back up to Xavier and nod.
"I do"I say and we both smile.

"Xavier grave the ring please"the priest tells Xav and he graves it.
"Okay repeat after me"He says and Xav nod and looks at me.
"Jay Mayson, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."Xavier says and then I smile as he slides it on my finger.
"Your turn Jay"The priest says and I nod and grave the ring and look at Xavier.
"Repeat after me"The priest says and I nod.
"Xavier Wallon, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."I say and then smile once it was all the way slide on his finger.
"You may now kiss the bride"The priest says and Xavier walks forward and puts his hand on my chin and we kiss.

As we kiss I hear clapping and I smile as I kiss Xavier.We step back and they all are smiling and I smile back.I look at Xavier and he pecks my lips and I smile.

"Forever"I tell him and he smiles and nods.
"Forever with the vampires babys"He says and I chuckle and everyone comes forward and hugs me and Xavier

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