the chapter in which; the cast finds out

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oh my goodness. this is such a damned cheesy chapter. it gets better, i swear.

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It's already 2AM and we're just halfway through filming episode 3 for season two. We're still going. I'm not even sure how. Cole and Camila are currently with the directors, filming as far as we know. By we, I mean KJ, Marisol, Casey and I. Being the only place with decent air conditioning, we are in the trailer of hair and makeup as the rest of the cast watch the two do a scene. Don't ask me what scene they're doing, I can't even remember what I did and have to do still. However, yes. Cole and I took our relationship to the next level. The cast don't know. It's still new. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wary of what we did. Same is true if I said it wasn't exciting.

Right now, I'm just tired. I haven't been feeling well the whole day. I even think I've gotten myself a fever. I do not know. "Don't you think so, Lili?" Marisol says, all of them looking at me. "Sorry?" I utter, from the others side of the trailer. "Are you okay, Lils?" Casey asks, concerned. "I'm just saying, you always pay attention. Are you good?" He reiterates. "You have been bit off since this morning." KJ says, getting up from his seat to approach me, maybe. Just as he gets to in front of me, all I remember is collapsing in his arms and seeing black.

"Shit, Lili." I murmur, looking at the others, unsure of what to do next. "Oh, dear." Marisol, sighs, getting up and motioning me to bring Lili to where she once sat. "Oh my god. I'll... I'll get someone. Yes, Marisol you're a mother. Do your thing." Casey rambles on, managing to stumble out the trailer bringing the hairdryer with him too, I think. "Hey what's all the raucous?" Charles asks as he opens the door to the trailer with Madelaine. "Casey was incapable of speaking words." She laughs looking over her shoulder to see if he was still behind them. "And he handed me this." Charles says, unsure why he was carrying a hairdryer. "Lili fainted." I sigh. "What?" Charles laughs, making sure he heard us correctly and flinching when Madelaine shoves the man aside to see if her roommate was okay. "She's flaming!" Marisol exclaims, the back of her hand resting on Lili's forehead. "This isn't good." Madelaine says under her breath. "You think?" Charles comments, therefore getting a glare from the woman. "Shut up and carry her to my trailer." Madelaine demands from him then. Charles hits my arm and I take it as a cue to ask, "why?" The girls share a look and I still don't get it, honestly. "Ice." Marisol says. "I've got ice in my trailer and it's the nearest one to here. Do you want to carry her to her trailer? It's at the other side of the lot." Madelaine follows. "The AC..." I attempt. "My AC works perfectly fine." She cuts, marching out of the trailer and Marisol following suit.

"Oh, my god." This is all I say, again and again and again as I frantically made my way around set, which was nearing empty by the way. Apparently, everyone was gathered around the cameras now that it's past midnight. "Slow down, kid." One of the crew tells me after sending some of medic to Madelaine's trailer. Since I was now in the presence of my friends, I might as well call for them too. Right? "Camila!" I call. "Cole!" I yell. "They're about to do another scene." They tell me. "Not yet, though." I shrug before calling to them again. They were just chatting with the people there. "Camila! Cole!" I continue. "What's going on?" They ask me, now. "Lili fainted." I say quietly. "GUYS, IT'S LILI!" I follow with a loud declaration, now see faces turning to my direction and Cole running out the set of the diner, Camila not far behind him too. "We'll take this in a few." The director says, dismissing them then. However, their eyes pan me with apprehension. Fuck it. I'm knackered and stressed too, alright. "Hurry." I call as the two of my friends get in earshot. "What happened to her?" Cole asks petrified. "Just follow me." I murmur, jogging back to Madelaine's trailer.

We were in between takes. Apparently, a couple of the extras were extras as well On Deck. I don't believe them. Camila was also taking advantage of this opportunity teasing and telling me that I was acting all high and mighty for being one of very few Disney stars who managed to build a career outside of that box. "Oh, shut up." I chuckle, looking at her with amusement flashed on my face when, "GUYS, IT'S LILI!" I hear Casey yell very loudly from outside the diner making me snap my head to that direction. Camila and I exchange looks and I immediately then turn to the two we were talking to. "Sorry. I have to, we'll, go." I manage to utter before rushing out of the place and running towards Casey. "Hurry!" He urges. "What happened to her?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows when I got to him. "Just follow me." He says, visibly as exhausted as the rest of us and leading us there.

"Why are we here?" Camila asks. "This is not Lili's trailer." She adds. I see Casey stare at her in disbelief. "Thank you for stating the obvious, Camila." He says making her hang her mouth open, slightly offended as I climb Madelaine's trailer. There I see my girlfriend on our friend's bed surrounded by the a few of the cast. The others were outside, sparing the space of too much people. "Shit." I breath out kneeling beside her bed as the others made way. We both knew she wasn't feeling well. I told her not to go into work today. Well, she did come and here we are now. "Love, wake up it's me." I whisper taking her hand in mine. "Don't. She's fine, just sleeping now. She's in need of rest." Marisol says quietly rubbing my shoulder. She's the only one that knew about us. "She is not the only one." Casey murmurs, leaning by the door of the trailer. He's shoved by the fake redhead, KJ, who was smirking at me. He knew now as well, obviously. So are the rest of them. They aren't that thick. "She's okay? Well, that's good then. You can all get out of here now." I whisper, smiling as I led them to the door. For my sanity, I was acting oblivious to them seeing me acting all close with Lili. "Hey, mister. This is my trailer. My bed and my rules." Madelaine says, stopping me from shutting the door on the ones outside.  "Oh?" I chuckle. "Yeah. So rule number one, please explain to us what just happened." She demands. "What do you mean? I'm just being a good friend. Here are keys to Lili's, you can take her trailer for now if you want." I say casually giving her the keys from my pocket, making Marisol laugh. "Oh, don't even try. We saw and heard everything." KJ laughs. "The rest of us have been here the whole time and I observed no holding of hands and no use of romantic nicknames." Charles follows. "Plus, why do you have keys to Lili's trailer? Didn't Roberto say we shouldn't have each other's?" Camila presses. "Well, these aren't hers." I say, cautiously. "These are mine. To hers." I say, rolling my eyes and lifting my shoulders. I run my fingers to my hair, leveling myself again to Lili as our friends released a surge of emotions amongst themselves. "Lili, I'm going to tell them because I don't think I can hold a lie especially now in this state so it would be better if you were awake right now." I say very softly. "Cole." Marisol scolds from the foot of the bed. "Hey. What do we not know?" KJ speaks up when I quit on waking Lili. "Uh... What do you think do you not know?" I choose to word and taking a deep breath. "I don't even know why my girlfriend fainted and I'm still dealing with you fools..." I ramble, taking them to the door again. "Yo! Did you guys just hear what I did?" Charles laughs. "Oh my God." Madelaine squeals. "Hey, Cole!" Marisol exclaims and I see Lili stir when I turned to their direction. "Stop yelling!" Camila chuckles, scolding Madelaine. KJ took the liberty of covering her mouth, only to curse when the woman bit him. "Oi!" Charles grimaces when KJ wipes his hand on his shirt. "Shut up. All of you." Casey sighs.

"Love, I'm here now. Are you feeling better?" I positioning myself beside her again. "Cole." She says, barely audible and her eyes still shut. "Yeah?" I ask, stroking her hair. "I love you." I whisper, hearing Camila and Mads hold in squeals. "Shush." Charles scolds. "I'm sick. I'm tired." Lili continues and still not opening her eyes yet tears falling down her cheeks. "I see that. Lili, love, I see that. It's normal. Please don't cry." I said trying to calm her down and wiping her tears with my thumb. "Don't cry. I already hate seeing girls cry but it breaks my heart seeing the only one I love cry." I say tearing up as well. "Dang!" KJ exclaims by mistake, it seems. "Leave." Camila tells him and pointing to the door, her volume no different. "Can you open your eyes for me?" I ask her. "Please?" I add. She sits up and follows. "I love you." I say staring into her eyes. "I love you." She replies. "So..." I say softly tipping my head a bit to the side to where the others were. "I like to pretend they're not there." She tells me. "Oh, babe. Pretend all you want. We're not leaving until you two talk." Camila declares, sitting on a spare stool and Madelaine on top of her lap. "And when you do decide to address us and answer our questions, we're still going to be here until daylight." Madelaine adds. The boys were merely nodding along as they sit on the floor. I look back at Lili and she just raises her shoulders, defeated. "Fine. What do you want to know?" I ask the group. "Everything!" They all yell. "Are you up for this right now? I can pick you up and rush us to Betty Cooper's bedroom." I tell her very seriously. She smiles and nods. "I'm with you now. We can do this." She replies patting the side of my head. "Who wants to ask the first question?" She asks them. "Alright! Someone lock the door." Madelaine demands. "Tell the people outside that we are not here especially Roberto and the director!" Camila exclaims, as KJ gets to the door.

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