the chapter on which; they decide on "and" or "end" the contract -bonus shnaz

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b o n u s  s h n a z, idk...
enjoy, fammaz!! all the love.


I decided on letting out a statement. But, I didn't know where. Instagram and Twitter I've already posted an announcement for season four... So I ended up on YouTube as suggested by Madelaine and approved by Van. I literally take a video on an old G7x Mads handed to me. I placed it on top of my bed me seated on my bedroom floor, with my black wall being the background, natural sunlight hitting my face coming from the balcony.

"Hey, it's Sprouse the better looking one." I start laughing at myself. "What am I doing..." I trail placing my hand on my face. "Okay. First of all, no I am not turning to Youtube to do what Mads does. Don't bother subscribing, just subscribe to hers if you want..." I chuckle. "My hoodie is unzipped and I've got no shirt on, I know. But it's my life, I'm gunna make those kinds of decisions." I say quickly letting them know that I'm well aware. "I just wanna talk. I just wanted a platform that is not too... Crowded? To reach you guys. Mostly the real fans that will be finding this, a priority." I kid. "I dunno, a lot has been happening in Riverdale, recently as you may all know... Both in the show and the... Family." I laugh wincing. "The season has just ended, the episode itself was great, so were the reviewes. If you didn't catch it, it will be out in Netflix soon." I state. "But before those last five-four episodes as you may know, Riverdale had a break off television, and off filming. It was my ex and I. We were the cause of delay, I apologise but also not apologise... I needed that time to think about myself, my life, my priorities, and the people in my life..." I say calmly. The fact not bothering me anymore. "And guys, no. Her and I are not in contact anymore. No, I have not see her since... last day of filming, I think. No, my last day of filming- three days before the other's. Yes, it was hard to keep filming under said circumstances but we, well, I made it work... No, I do not have a girlfriend. And no, I do not intend on calling her dirty, hurting anyone's reputation." I ramble quickly. "Or am I?" I exclaim only half kidding. "And technically, she doesn't have a reputation anymore does she? She's out of the industry, right?" I laugh my forehead on my knee. "Anyway!" I laugh. " As we've said all-over the internet, Riverdale Season four is totally happening. I quote Dad Jones on this, Skeet Ulrich: The rest of Riverdale stands strong. But, It is up to you guys if you stand with us remaining... And yes, we are on the hunt for the half of Bughead, Betty Cooper." I assure. "By the way, Riverdale didn't pressure me into doing this..." I chuckle. "They don't even know that I am, doing this. Nor do I know if this is even legal for me to do this." I shrug. "I don't know, I just wanted to talk even if it's only for five minutes, I will not be editing this I'll just throw it out onto the internet after..." I say honestly. "I just want to remind you guys that, regular people come and go. But abnormal, weird, crazy dorks stay in your life forever... Whether you like it or not... Where do you get one? I honestly, honestly don't know they just sprout into your life like a stupid poisonous mushroom." I laugh. "Surround yourself with said kind of human beings, not stupid poisonous mushrooms, as what I do now, and I a hundred percent certify your happiness. C. Sprouse certified." I wink cringing at what I did, laughing. "So- I do not do this and whatever... I know these people will not drop it in no occasion soon after they see this, but I'd like to call them out." I smile. "The gang: KJ, Melton, Cami, Mads, Hart, Ash, Sunny, Madchen, Skeet, Mark, Luke, Marisol, Lochlyn, Roberto, Travis Mills f*cking Dylan Sprouse even and importantly, Van. I love you guys, you give me life and the will to live said life." I say truthfully. "But please just note, I hate you guys as much as I love you as well. Don't let what I just said get into your heads, jerks." I counter jokingly. "Also to my Disney a**heads" I grin. "You know who you are, and as we've spoken about, our circle will remain a secret to the public so I won't want to call you folks out but yeah, you know who you are... If you aren't, please don't pretend that you are a part. It will just be embarrassing to both parties, so just don't." I say smiling. "To my few friends in NYC, and NYU... Gang, I appreciate you guys too. Til our next wild night out. I won't be tied onto commitment on our next. My treat. I'll ring you right after." I nod smirking mischievously. "How do I transfer this to Youtube... What the f*ck." I exhale just now realizing what actually is happening right now. "F*ck this." I laugh taking hold of the camera and standing from the ground. "I'll be ringing Petsch first then, then you NYC girls and boys..." I laugh. "Oh, shit." I exclaim freezing on my spot. "I actually have dinner with them tonight... Travis, mads, Van and I." I mutter. "Gang, I'll actually ring you tomorrow." I state finalizing. "Fans, I'll see you guys on my socials, I will be also linking my Riverdale family down below if I feel like it afterwards." I laugh. "Stay tuned for Riverdale Season four announcements, news on our open slot for my girlfriend on the show, Betty Cooper. We are still on the search. Keep watch also for episodes of it on Netflix. Same for news on The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina." I plug. "I feel like I have not been looking directly at the lense the whole time." I exhale laughing at myself. "But that's what actors do, innit? You can't stare at the camera while acting. YouTube people are the ones that do this... Props to them." I smile. "...Lili, if you're watching, I wish you the best." I say casually cracking a small smile, for the first part... Then saying the second through gritted teeth. "Addressing this last part of this video to you directly, Lili... We were talking, all of us, as normal people, the days on set after our hiatus, we were civil... Even you and Melton were laughing your asses off together. I wrapped up earlier than the majority of you, yes.  But I've been told that you went dark, after you guys finished. I dunno. What the f*ck happened? We were supposed to meet, all of Riverdale, in the gang's usual breakfast place the next day after filming. But, you bailed on us. That was totally, not cool. Just letting you know that, love, the gang is dissapointed in you, pissed at you for cutting contact. I mean, why'd you do this, anyway?" I chuckle. "Well, don't worry, this will be the last time you'll hear from the cast." I state. "Not sure about the fans though." I grin winking at the camera. "Have happy life off-hollywood, and off-riverdale. I guess." I laugh shutting the camera off later.

end of bonus shnaz~~
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA, idk just a one-seating craft, and an edit afterwards. Whatcha think, folks?

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