the chapter on which; a ring is worn²

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"Dang that was quick." KJ laughs. "You super jinxed it." Lili laughs me placing an arm around her shoulder. "What was quick? Who jinxed what?" Roberto laughs leaning by the door. "We were talking about them being called in for interviews." Cami laughs. "We're gonna do it if we get the rest of the day off." I say Roberto contemplating. "They're technically my boss, so I can't say no or you guys won't do it." He says Lili looking at me hopefully. "Whatever." He shrugs. "What?" Casey exclaims. "Unfair, boo!" Mads pout. "Oh shush, we'll only be doing a few now that they're gone." Rob laughs. "Drive to their building." He adds looking at us. "Alright." I say pulling Lili out of the trailer. "Drive safe!" KJ yells.

"We are super gunna answer super questions." Lili says as we got in the car. "Well I'll be there, your Superman so don't worry." I say buckling up. "I can't imagine what the fans are feeling now." She laughs. "Yeah, they've been wanting us to date for years now, and now you've got a ring in your finger." I laugh starting to drive.

"Let's go." I say getting out of the car. "I'm nerby." She laughs as I open the door for her, her not getting out. "Don't be." I laugh. "Here." I say planting a kiss on her lips. "I'm gonna kill you." She laughs getting out. "No, no, no." I laugh running away from her and her tickling fringers in the streets of the city infront of Netflix. "Lils!" I laugh. "Sprouse! Reinhart!" Security calls pointing out to the other side of the street to fans and their phones out. "Hey!" Lili waves. "Let's go." I smile taking her hand and jogging into the building. "Congratulations to your engagement." The security smiles me nodding in reply. "Thanks." Lili laughs. "Yeah, congrats!" Macy ---a Netflix person and Lili's... "Macy!!!!" Lili shrieks greeting her with a hug excitedly. "Lili!" Macy smiles. "I haven't seen you in so long." She laughs. "I know!" She chuckles. "Hey." I greet her. "Cole." She nods. "Again congratulations to the both of you... Uhm fifteen minutes and they'll be ready for the interview since you were early and almost crowded on outside..." She says security guy nodding. "Heh." Lili laughs "Uhm let's go to the suite." She says us following.


"You're viral-viral!"
-@/madelainepetsch and the gang

I tweet since the girls have been catching up and then there's me feeling totally out of place.

"Babe, we're being called." I say Macy a few feet from the couch. "Oh, yeah yeah." He say standing. "Oh dang, did she say anything about what they're gonna be asking?" He asks quietly. "No, why?" I chuckle his hand on my shoulder. "Here. James would be asking you the questions, he's gay and really fun." Macy smiles opening a door. "True and true." James laughs as he waved.

"Aight, you guys ready?" Camera asks us raising thumbs ups. "Babe, you answer the questions you know I won't want to." I whisper to him, him answering with a smirk and a nod. "We're just three seconds into the video AND THEY'RE ALREADY FU*KING CUTE!" James ---the host exclaims making the whole room laugh. "Oh, we're recording?" Cole asks. "Yeah, I asked you guys if you're ready." Camera laughs. "Alright. Alright." Cole laughs sitting up. "It's Netflix US and we're with the newly engaged and newly announced couple Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse. They may be familiar to y'all because they're in Riverdale and are viral as of the moment..." He starts. "Newly announced sure, but newly engaged... Uhm." Cole starts. "Newly engaged depending on what's newly to you all." I continue. "Ooh, this is already getting interesting." James chuckles. "I didn't expect this to be this fun this soon gang." He says quietly looking out to people out of the camera. "Why?" Cole laughs. "I'm new here..." He says sheepishly. "Well that's great." I chuckle. "First question!" He says excitedly.

"Are you really engaged or is this all for show?" He ask quickly making me chuckle. "Yes he proposed, I said yes... We're engaged." Lili laughs. "Alright, alright. Just checking friends." He laughs. "I love that this is a chilled yet high maintenance interview." I laugh. "Haven't you been in a Netflix interview?" James asks. "No, I haven't I've been in games but not interviews." I say. "And we're in the James train. I'm excited." Lili laughs. "That just made my life, I can die in peace now y'all." He laughs. "Second question; how long did you guys date before he popped the ring out?" He asks. "Since you know, we've been shipping you guys hard basically since the trailer of the first season of Riverdale, and y'all are no comment on your relationship status and suddenly, out of the blue you post pictures last night." He says making us laugh. "Five years and..." Lili trails. "Eight months. Five years, eight months." I nod repeating. "What the f*ck?" He says dumbstruck. "I expected you to say like two years, maybe three and you dated, five years and eight months?" James laughs. "Your reactions are hilarious, you guys can't see their reactions behind the cameras but there are like ten people in the room and they're struck." Lili laughs. "Alright, alright. Do you guys have something planned after this, are we in a time limit should I lessen my fangirling or?" He says. "No, we've got the whole day free after this." Lili laughs. "We're enjoying this." I laugh. "Where did he propose?" He continues. "And when?" He adds me nodding. "I proposed, last week. Mykonos, Greece." I say James' eyes just wide at this point. "Greece?" He repeats us nodding. "So we were really of the radar." I add. "Wait excuse me, how?" He says. "We had two weeks off from filming because I dunno, Roberto was generous..." Lili starts. "No, no, no, babe. This is what you don't know..." I laugh her raising a brow. "What?" She laughs James now just shrieking. "Wait, what?" I laugh looking at him. "You just called her babe." He says pretending to tear up. "Well, yeah I think I'm allowed to do that she's my fiance..." I say Lili pushing my head to the side. "Oh my God... Alright continue, what did Lili not know?" James says weak. "Yeah you're right this'll be a thirty minute video, excluding the bloopers." He says agreeing with the camera man. "Wait, what do I not know?" Lili laughs. "Roberto wasn't generous and just gave us two weeks off out of nowhere..." I chuckle. "I mean, he's great but our schedule will be messed up and just won't make sense if he just gave up two weeks like that..." I say. "Yeah, what are you trying to say?" She laughs. "I asked for those two weeks." I say. "Really?" She asks me nodding. "Bloody hell." James laughs. "So he was in this?" She adds. "Yep." I chuckle. "And I thought only Dylan knew." She continues. "Alright next!" James claps his glasses tipped from excitement. "What made you decide on telling the public that you were in a relationship or engaged after six years of starting or going back to acting, and for Christ's sake... why did it take so long before you made our little hearts explode?" James asks. "I was new in the industry... I didn't like the thought of people getting into my personal life yet... Especially since I and the gang excluding Cole, we're also new..." See starts. "They would always be called in for interviews, and interviews... In their stage, being new, would focus on their personal life for the fans to kinda see through them and get to know them." I continue Lili nodding. "I started filming for Riverdale, I was single." She states James nodding. "Watch it, every Wednesday, Netflix." He whispers. "Time came, this dude convinced me to go on dates with him." She says pointing at me. "She bitterly believed that chivalry was dead, and me being a man who possesses chivalry, I did not want that. I showed her that chivalry was indeed not dead, and I got a date." I say proudly. "Win win!" James laughs. "Where was your first date then?" He asks. "Ah, in this cool diner near set." I answer. "Now we're best mates with the owner, we go there at least twice a week now." She laughs. "Right, shout out to Matt Wesley, we love you man ---those photos you took of us are now trending." I say smiling at the camera. "That was the diner?" James asks. "Yeah. It's kinda hidden, and near set. It's busy, you'll probably now it of your from that place, since it's like the chocklit shop of the area..." Lili explains. "But I think we'll be doing Matt a favour if we don't say what this diner is called or where it is located, because we all know how you guys go hard and will just flood the place since we told you we are always there..." I say Lili laughing. "Do the others stay there too?" James asks. "No, it's just our thing." I shrug. "We didn't even answer the question." Lili laughs. "We decided to announce our relationship public because of Matt also, he said the we were ought to tell you guys too because the wedding will happen eventually." I say quickly. "First kiss... Where did it happen?" James asks looking at his cards. "Was it season one episode seven?" He asks narrowing his eyes. "Nope." I mouth scratching the back of my neck, Lili shaking hers. "She was my girlfriend even before that." I say. "...I'm not even surprised anymore, am I coping now? Am I doing a good job?" He laughs. "If it wasn't then, when and where?" He laughs. "Hm..." I say sharing a look with her. "We rather not say anymore..." She answers James nodding. "Alright, you can just tell me when this is over..." He trails. "No, we would actually like to hang with you after this sometime." I say Lils nodding. "I love my job." He breaths out. "So Cole, how much is the ring?" He asks me raising a brow. "Well, James you send... I tried finding one that costs how much I loved her but I didn't find one, they said one doesn't exist so I got the one that seconds to that." I shrug. "That's all I'm gonna say." I add him nodding. "Who said I love you first?" He reads. "I did, both of the times." I laugh. "Both of the times..." James questions. "Once unconsciously, while asleep with Mark Consuelos driving Casey and I on board... And while on the couch Netflix and chilling." Lili answers. "They must be very happy, the two boys..." He comments "They believe they earned bragging rights above the gang after that." I say as a matter of factly. "Have you seen the tweets of friends outside of Riverdale?" He asks. "No, not yet." I answer. "But I believe we don't have any of those." I laugh. "Mhm..." James says sarcastically. "A fan favourite is one from Ashley Tisdale." He exclaims. "She wrote; From Cody to soon to be daddy! Congratulations Cole and Rein!!! All the love, see you soon ❤" He reads making us laugh. "Your reaction?" He laughs. "He's my daddy, Ashley. Won't be a small human's anytime soon." Lili comments. "Yeah, Princess Lili is already a handful." I add. "We love you too and we will see you soon, Ash." I add. "You've met Ashley, Lili?" James asks. "I have indeed. The boys, the twins I mean always hang with her therefore me meeting her and... She's just one of the greatest." I say. "Nice... Dylan Sprouse;" he continues. "Oh no" I chuckle. "Lils, I don't know why you went for the less good looking one, but congratulations... I guess. Totally kidding. But may your offspring with my brother look like you and more off me than of Cole, for the world's sake." He reads making Lili laugh. "Amazing." She comments. "I love when the twins get under one roof." She adds. "Yeah, she cries tears of happiness when we're, Dylan and I are together." I chuckle. "Cute!" He laughs. "Can you kiss on camera?" He asks casually. "We do a lot of that on Riverdale." Lili shrugs. "No, right now as Cole and Lili." He says. "Nope." I says simply. "Told you, whoever wrote this question." He says making us chuckle. "So, last question; when's the wedding?" He asks after. "I dunno." I smirk. "It's a secret." Lils smiles. "We'll see you in Riverdale." Lili and I say ending the shoot with James tossing the cards to the camera as rehearsed.

end of part two of two~~


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