the chapter on which; he wants the whole day

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"What?" I ask pushing Cole's face away from mine~ he was waking me up by kissing me. V Normal. "Good morning!" He laughs. "What? It's not your birthday, not mine, not Valentine's, not our anniversary... What do you want?" I say rolling over. "Babe." He says. "Mhm?" I say. "Do you not appreciate my kisses?" He breaths out making me laugh. "Dude I love them." I kid. "Come back to bed, why are you even dressed and ready?" I ask. "Do the same! I want to go somewhere today." He says. "Five more minutes..." I say. "Nope, I want the whole day." He says. "Cole!" I yell him lifting me up bride style. "Get ready, it's six am!" He says. "I'm flying how could I?" I say. "Alright." He laughs getting me back to bed. "Okay, ten more minutes..." I say pulling the covers over me. "Lili!" He yells again making me stand. "Hmp..." I say pointing at my lips. "I love you." He says giving me a peck.

"What do you want me to wear?" I ask in my closet. "Anything, I want to take pictures!" He yells from our bedroom.
"Lili!" I yell staring at the bathroom door. "What?" She repeats. "It's been twenty minutes!" I laugh. "Miss me?" She yells back making me laugh. "Do cartwheels or something." She says me heading back to our room. "Hm..." I say scanning the room looking for something to do my eyes landing at Lili's phone which was plugged. "Well, this is convenient." I chuckle seeing that she's on a hundred percent. "Instagram?" I say going on the app. "Good morning humans." I type with a derp picture of the cast and sending it to her Instagram story. "Cole..." She laughs getting in the bedroom all dressed yet hair still wet. "What? I was bored." I say simply making her laugh. "You could have made me coffee or something..." She says getting her phone from me. "I already did, it's downstairs ready for the car ride." I say proudly making her laugh. "Am I a great boyfriend or what?" I laugh arm out. "Mhm, continue being one I still have to put on makeup and fix my hair." She laughs getting her stuff from around the room. "I'll wait downstairs..." I say her kissing my cheek.

"Check my insta stories." He texts me as I was getting down the stairs minutes later. There were four... (1) a derp photo of him with the word Hurry (2) another derp photo of him with Up (3) another with the words I'm waiting :') (4) a photo surprisingly of him hot~ with the words Decent?

"I like the forth one the least." It'll him as I got down the stairs. "Great, you'll be seeing him the least in your lifetime." He laughs handing me my coffee. "Yeah, I look forward to the first three." I laugh getting out of the house.

"You do know that they'll be digging up reasons for your stories to connect to me right?" She says buckling up. "Yeah well, no cellphones today?" I ask raising my phone. "Hm... Alright." She smiles shutting her phone off and me doing the same. "We haven't even left the house yet but I already feel so happy with our phones off." I say making her laugh. "Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I love you and that's all I really know." She sings in reply making me smile. "I love you too Juliet." I laugh pinching her cheek her gasping. "Are you cheating on me?" She exclaims. "What?" I laugh. "Who's Juliet?" She exclaims making me laugh her following. "You're crazy..." I say starting to drive. "You're crazy..." She repeats. "You're crazy..." I say again. "No you're crazy!" She exclaims. "Okay... Crazy for you." I say looking at her. "Crazy! Eyes on the road!" She laughs.

"This is not a very Cole Sprouse location, boyfriend... This is more of a Lili Reinhart location." I say as I got out if the Jeep. "Where are we even?" I laugh looking out to water. "I actually don't know, there aren't humans aside from us that's all I want." He laughs taking my hand as we walked to the sand. "It was a road trip coming here but I like it." I laugh. "I think I'm the only one who knows of this place, uhm it's been a while since I went here." He chuckles.

"Why take me here then?" She asks. "This is your place, why take me here?" She follows. "Because I love you." I shrug making her smile. "And that I'd like to give you this." I smile taking out a small box seeing her face making me laugh. "Uhm Cole..." She says crossing her arms. "Chill, it's only been three years, three amazing amazing years yes, but I am not proposing to you..." I start her arms on her side again. "Not proposing to you... Yet." I say her smiling. "Give me a week and I'll cook something up and then I will." I say her shaking her head. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I laugh. "Uhm, a promise ring." I say getting on a knee. "A sign that I love you, that I care about you that I love you, that you mean everything and everything to me, that you are my life, that you are my Lili, my Juliet, my Betty... That you are all I live for." I smile her tearing up already. "A sign that says that I don't get tired of you taking my side of the bed, nor that you take hours in the bathroom. That I love the little things about you, the fact that your eyes can't make up their mind if they're green or blue, that you get jealous of fans who kiss me on the cheek, and deny that you aren't, that you blush every time when I kiss you on the cheek. How you hug and talk to me after a bad dream, how you take care of me when I'm sick and when I do when you get sick. How you run your fingers through my hair making me sleep my best sleeps." I continue. "How you love me, and how you make me feel loved." I say looking at her. "Why today?" She asks hands on her face. "It's been a thousand and three hundred four days since you became my girlfriend. Thirteen-four." I say putting on the ring in her finger. "Thirteen-four." She repeats kissing me when I got up. "I love you." She smiles kissing me again. "So...  You're taking it?" I ask her. "Yeah!" She exclaims hugging me. "Meaning... You aren't sick of me yet? We've been together for a thousand and three hundred four days already..." I say looking at the horizon. "No, not sick of you." She smiles looking at me. "Great..." I smile. "I'm not a sh*t boyfriend!" I yell her laughing. "Let's take some pictures." She laughs.

"It's been a thousand and three hundred four days..." I start on our way back to the house it's nine PM and we are just on our way back. "Do you want them to know now?" He smiles looking at me. "I don't want them to know." I say making him chuckle. "Maybe a tease?" I ask him. "I think they're teased enough, anything we do together is basically a tease for them." He laughs. "I like the ring, thank you love." I say looking at it him chuckling. "...Tweet that out." He says seconds later. "Are you serious?" I laugh in disbelief. "That's too big of a tease we'd be asked in interviews." I say. "Then..."

"Lili, the pictures are done I think!" I exclaim from the couch~ a week after day one thousand three hundred four. "Wow, can I finally see them now?" I hear her exclaim from the kitchen counter. "Yeah yeah, come here!" I say.

"We don't want them to know, yet we want them to get hyped." I repeat both of us captioning the pictures on our accounts; "a thousand three hundred four" ...with the comments off.



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