the chapter on which; stalkers strike again

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"Good morning!" I exclaim from NYC as Lili picks up from Vancouver. "God, don't be so cheerful, it's five in the morning here..." She responds making me chuckle. "I miss you." I say. "I miss you too..." She replies. "Especially you making coffee for me, I need to make my own for three days more." She mumbles making me laugh. "What are you doing today?" She asks after. "I'll be taking pictures for a magazine, and some meetings." I respond walking the streets. "Busy, eh?" She chuckles. "Compared to enjoyable, chilled filming back home, back there, Riverdale... Yes, busy, hectic." I say both of us laughing. "I'll pick up, whenever you'll call though. I promise." I smile. "If you say so..." She chuckles. "Even just for an I love you?" She kids making me laugh. "Even just for an I'm hungry." I insist. "Whatever, Cole." She laughs hearing her door close from the other side. "I'll talk to you again later, I'm going to make coffee." She says. "Alright, I love you!" I exclaim. "I'm going to grab coffee... Alone! Without my boyfriend... Because he's busy." She says making me laugh. "Eat your breakfast, love." I say sternly. "Later on..." She comments. "Eat. I love you Lilian!" I exclaim. "Not my name, but I love you too!" She laughs ending the call after.


"Cole! Nice working with you again..." The manager smiles shaking my hand as I got in the studio. "You too, sir." I say kindly taking my earphones off. "How's Riverdale?" He asks looking genuine. "Great, as always." I answer. "What are we working with?" I ask. "Today, we are working with... nothing exciting actually, it's January..." He kids nudging me. "Hey lighten up are you alright?" He says after me cracking a smile. "I'm okay." I laugh. "Just missing a piece of me, but I'm okay." I mumble. "Pardon?" He asks. "Model, who is it?" I ask louder. "A Californian model. 5'5." He answers me nodding. "I heard she's single, and rich." He teases making me uncomfortable. "No, I'm not into that." I say. "Why not, Sprouse?" He laughs taking a swing of his water. "I... am committed unlike three years ago since we last spoke." I answer putting my coffee down him getting the message nodding. "With whom?" He asks smirking. "Zip zip, I'm not to be interviewed in this copy, I'm a photographer." I joke making him laugh. "Let's get to work." He chuckles clapping his hands getting the attention of set.

"Yeah, just avocado toast, and lemon water please, thanks." I smile at my local cafe that Cole and I always go to. "No Cole?" The waitress, Hannah, smirks. "No Cole." I pout making her laugh. "I am an independent woman!" She exclaims. "True, true." I chuckle. "Order will be sent in less than five, thanks Lils." She says before getting back inside. "Thank you too!" I laugh.

"Oh my God, you precious being!" I exclaim approaching a golden retriever the owners chuckling at me enthusiasm. "What's her name?" I ask the couple. "His names Mitchell." The girl smiles making me blush a bit. "A good name for good looking dog." I laugh as he licks my face. "Have a nice day ahead, Mitchell. Thanks for brightening my day..." I chuckle as I stood. "We watch the show. Good luck on future projects!" They say making me smile. "Thanks... Take care of the dog!" I laugh as they walked away.

"These are perfect." They say commenting on the pictures I took for the past few hours. "Yet again, product of Cole Sprouse." I say making them laugh. "I'll see you dudes in three years." I say saluting them. "Next copy, you mean." They joke making me laugh as I got my coat on again. "Thanks, Cole!" Manager says high-fiving me before I left the building.

"Steady on Sprouse! Eyes on where you're walking, less on Lili's Instagram." My manager laughs as I bump into him in the corner where I was supposed to meet him ten minutes ago. "Sorry, I'm late, got praises from the last photoshoot I got." I brag jokingly making him laugh. "Lili is free of filming today." He says me nodding as we continue on walking to the next building. "Why?" I ask eyeing on him. "Just letting you know, Sprouse. Cause if you didn't know, I'm her manager as well." He says making me chuckle. "Justin, if you didn't know... I'm her boyfriend." I shrug. "And again, I'm asking you... Do you not want the fans to know?" He asks again me annoyed. "Like what I answered two years ago till yesterday, and now... No." I laugh.

"I swear, Lili. Dogs, and avocado toast, your boyfriend's biggest competition." Hannah jokes as I find her placing my order on the table as I got back. "He's higher by 0.1 percent." I say sitting back down making her laugh. "Cheers to that." She laughs clinking her pen with my lemon water.

"What the f*ck." I say quietly noticing a bunch of girls taking pictures of me and giggling to themselves. "Only a can I take a picture, and I will oblige." I say. "Yet again, you want your idols, creeped out." I mumble taking another bite of my food. "Can I not live in peace and eat my avocado toast, in happiness?" I text Cole. "Stalkers, strike again. Where are you now that I need you? :P" I add.

"Can I not live in peace and eat my avocado toast, in happiness? Stalkers, strike again. Where are you now that I need you? :P" A text coming in from Lili reads making me chuckle in a meeting with my management. "Cole, Lili signed the contract for Riverdale until it's last season, you only signed it for three years..." Justin speaks as I type back a reply. "The rest of the cast?" I ask. "Signed, and are a go." One speaks. "Then yes I'll sign it, those weirdos need help." I laugh sending in the reply; "I want avocado toast. Stalkers = Fans, say hi to them... (Or not) HAHAHA. I'll ring you. Let's see their reactions."

"Are we done?" I ask giving them back the pen and contract. "Justin, say yes to anything unless its singing. Dancing... It depends on who I'm with, and kissing scenes, no. Unless it's Riverdale." I say exiting the room leaving my stuff. "Where are you going?" Justin laughs. "Ringing the girlfriend." I yell.



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