the chapter on which; they decide on "and" or "end" the contract⁴

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guys, what the actual f*ck. i gotta f*cking star for this digital book that I've been writing, that you guys are surprisingly reading and for stanning cole sprouse! HAHAHA ikr, must be a glitch... Here's part four of they decide on "and" or "end" the contract, it'll be the cherry on top of the cake we've been basically baking for a month now... (if you're an emotional one, you may of may not be needing tissues, it actually depends on u)


"Gotta hide them bags, Sprouse." KJ laughs, Van facing me. "It'll be a pain in the ass to hide." Emma laughs... Rather painfully making me laugh. "But I'm not complaining." She continues as she applies a heck ton of concealer under my eyes. "At least we've got the stupidly happy funny Cole back." She says making me smile. "Very. True." Van laughs pinching my cheek. "Hair's done. Don't touch." Emma exclaims just before KJ laid hands on mine. "Take that, Archie." I grin. "We love you, Jug." He says hitting my arm playfully. "Feel loved yet?" Mads yells from the other side of the trailer. "Sending hearts if not!" Cami chimes in the whole trailer raising their hands forming hearts making me smile wider if that was even possible. "Dang it, you're gonna make me tear up." I say sheepishly. "Please don't." Emma hushed making the others laugh.

"All those ready head on to Riverdale high hallway please!" A crew member exclaims opening the door to the trailer. "Can Van hold back?" I ask to no one in particular. "Vanessa's on the first shot with me if I remember correctly, Cole." Mads says patting my back. "I'll catch you later." She says then following the others out.

"You've been close with Vanessa?" Emma ask after. "It's nothing." I grin. "She's been with me throughout my break." I say air-quoting. "You'll look good together~" She nods. "Emma, drop it." I laugh. "Of course I care for Van. She's been one of my best mates here ever since my heart broke." I chuckle. "Even before then." I shrug. "Yeah I know, I might just be overreacting with what I see with you Southside pair..." She laughs. "You tell me." I laugh in reply. "Can't blame me, you guys look hot." She says making me laugh. "Ems." Charles exclaims entering the trailer his eyes locking with mine for a split second then avoiding my gaze making my brow rise. "Sit." She says ushering him to. "Melton, what's up?" I ask him just brushing it off.

The cameras started to roll, Vanessa and Mads first up front. "Thanks for coming back to filming." A male voice speaks waking me from my construction of words for later when I see Cole Sprouse~ well, he's here. "I couldn't have let the cast down, much more the fans." I say seeing him nod in my peripheral vision. "You made Charles happy." He says a smile plastered on his face making me crack a small one. "M'pretty sure he's upset with me though." I breath out facing him now. We were a reasonable distance away from the others. "I don't think you can blame him." He says honestly meeting my eyes him dodging it with not more than seconds of it. "I know." I nod.

awkward silence~ honestly a vital part of relationship closures...

"Are you happy?" I ask him, him slightly taken aback with me breaking the ice with the particular question, yet answers immediately, confidently: "Very." He says accompanied with a nod. We were looking at each other eye to eye and if I knew him really, and I did. He was telling the truth, with a matching shine of glitter in his eyes if that was even a thing in real life. It surprised me. Not his answer. But what the effect of his answer had to me. F*ck, it hurt.

"Very." I reply to her straightforwardly. Surprisingly, I wasn't lying to her nor to myself. "How bout' you?" I ask actually concerned. "I'm fine." She says cracking a small smile, I wasn't convinced. I breath out; I couldn't do anything about this anymore. I shrug to myself. "Good to know." I say looking out to the others now, KJ sending me a small nod and a smile me returning it gladly.

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