the chapter on which; he does camera duels

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"I can feel your eyes on me, love." I chuckle opening my eyes a bit. I crashed in Lili's place last night, because we had a free day yesterday. "I don't know what your talking about, shirtless boyfriend." She laughs looking away. "Come're." I laugh pulling her to me in an embrace. "I was not staring at your face." She laughs. "You can't resist this good looking mess." I laugh as she tries to escape my embrace. "This good looking mess is all yours." I laughs as she pokes my facial features. "They better be! Those eyes, nose, those freckles... Those lips that somehow finds it's way to mine, every second of the day..." She says quietly making me chuckle. "What do you mean, they find yours every second of the day?" I laugh as I planted kisses on her said lips as she chuckles. "What the--- Why?!" I laugh as our alarms went off seconds later.

"Alright, let's go!" She says getting up. "Babe! Lils!" I whine pulling the comforter over my head. "Not happening, we've got a busy day on set." She laughs gathering her clothes from the closet. "I need it... Please" I say not moving from where I was. "Get up!" She laughs before getting in the bathroom.

"Darn it." I exhale as I see Cole still in my bed sleeping so peacefully. "Cole Sprouse!" I laugh climbing on top of him. "Sh*t, I fell asleep." He says making me laugh. "I see that, get upppp!" I repeat. "Still need it." He says opening one eye. "Hmmm..." I exclaim before I kiss every part of his face. "That was all I wanted , er... Needed!" He laughs sitting up right after. "We're already ten minutes late Cole!" I chuckle as he got ready. "I know, I know, I'm sorry!" He laughs raising his hands in defeat.

"Cole!" I yell again from downstairs of my house. "Coming! Geez, Roberto won't be happy about you loosing your voice on me..." He laughs running down the stairs. "That sounded wrong. Hair." I say as he puts on his glasses. "What about it?" He laughs grabbing his coffee that I made him from the kitchen counter. "Fix it, boyfriend." I say as I got out of the house. "Girlfriend!" He yells me shooting him a look as we were outside. "Fix it." He laughs softly bending his head for me to reach his hair and fix it. "You're lucky that my place is isolated unlike yours." I laugh styling it my phone ringing. "Bye!" He says taking my phone from my back pocket rejecting the call after. "Cole!" I yell grabbing it from him. "We can explain later." He says opening the passengers' seat for me. "I hate you." I say. "I love you too Reinhart!" He yells out loud making me cringe.

"We know we're late. Sorry." I say immediately as we got in the trailer. "Sprousehart! Had too much fun last night?" Charles asks me teasingly me smirking. "Shut up, Melton. Unlike you, he gets some." Lili says making the others laugh. "Yeah, just zip it Charles." Casey laughs. "You should know not to mess with Lils at this hour, caffeine hasn't kicked yet." KJ laughs fist bumping Lili making me smile. "They know me... Because we were friends before we met you." She says looking at Charles making me laugh. "Where's Cami?" Lili asks. "She's filming with Mark and Marisol." KJ answers. "You're an hour late." Writer RAS, slash Roberto says as he enters the trailer looking at Lili and I me raising my hands in defeat. "Cole slept in." Lili chuckles. "It was a free day yesterday, had fun." I say looking at Charles who was obviously trying not to laugh as I air-quoted fun. "Mhm..." He says making lii shoot him a look. "I was knackered." I summarized. "Yeah, yeah... KJ, Charles, Casey get ready." He chuckles. "No kissing in the trailer!" Charles yells as he jumps off. "Duly noted." Lili says as she sat in the make-up chair. "Full day of filming..." I say. "Let's do this!" She exclaims making Roberto and me chuckle.


"Nope, can't do this, I'm done." I say sitting on the floor between Cole's legs my head on his knee, in Jughead's trailer. "Just a few more scenes Lils, then we're done." Roberto says. "We're ready!" Cameras exclaim making me stand and leave frame. "Lils!" Cole exclaims chasing after me. "Wha---" I ask being cut by him planting a kiss on my lips making me chuckle after. "We all need power ups." He smiles. "Even bughead."

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