the chapter on which; they develop nicknames

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"Oh, buddy..." Charles laughs from the backseat, Cami driving. We were heading to La Jolla from San Diego. We're set to meet the rest of the gang there. "Sup?" Cami asks looking at the rearview mirror. "Pauline," He starts me raising my brow at him. "Did you... And Cole... Get it on, somehow last night?" He asks leaning towards us. "Maybe." I say dodging eye contact from them, eyes directed outside, viewing beautiful San Diego. "Yes, they did." Cami answers at the same time. "Why'd you ask?" I chuckle. "What time did Cole drive out for Los Angeles?" He asks getting back to his seat. "Three hours before we did? I don't know." I laugh. "It's nine o'clock so..." He states. "Six." Cami says him snapping his fingers at her making me chuckle. "You know mathematics, Camila Mendes." Charles teases making me laugh, Camila raising her a finger quickly. "Where is this heading, though?" I ask. "Have you checked his IG story?" Charles speaks up still grinning. "No." I shrug. "Check it then." He laughs.

"And what about it?" She asks after watching his most recent story. "Right." I laugh. "An average person won't see it." I say. "But." Cami laughs. "Our fans aren't average. They go big or... Go big." She says. "Check your Twitter." Cami exclaims. "I haven't seen it but I know the drill." Camila shrugs.

Lili bursts out laughing. "Have you texted Cole?" She says in between laughs. "He's in a photoshoot, he won't be able to answer, even if I did." I say laughing as well. "What?" Cami exclaims. "What is it?" She asks. "Sprouse's got a love bite, by lover." I say making her laugh. "Oh b*tch." She comments making Lili laugh harder a screenshot from Cole's video on his Instagram story flashed on her phone in tears. "It's there!" Lili adds. "Visible, very visible." I nod.

"They might just think he had a wild night in a club or something." I chuckle wiping my tears away handing Cami my phone showing her the picture. "Mhm... Nice one." She laughs handing it back as we made our way to the beach. "He won't be up this early if he was intoxicated and he wouldn't be that blooming." Charles says flinging an arm around Cami and I's shoulders.

"Got him good, Reinhart." KJ laughs. "I know, thank you." I say casually trying not to laugh. "Dang, it's that widespread that even an inactive person in Twitter will know?" I exclaim making the gang laugh.

"Hmp." Casey exclaims taking a bite of his food then taking his phone out, placing it on top of the table. "Answer it." He mumbles taking a napkin me answering the call placing it on speaker. "It's Cole." I say the girls looking up from their food. We got the place reserved for dinner, it was 10pm, so it was all good and private in here. "Speak." Lili whispers taking a sip from her sweet tea making Madelaine laugh.

"Is Lili still with you boys?" Cole asks. "Yes, and shes still breathing... Boss." Casey answers causing all of us to laugh. "A'ight, sergeant... Can my please ask her why she isn't answering my calls." He continues making me grab my bag and check my phone. 8 missed calls, 15 unread texts. "Sh*t." I chuckle, taking Casey's phone which the boys were handing to me. "Hey, babe." I manage to say the gang grinning at me. "Didn't answer his contacts, he thought you were dead boss' girl." KJ teases making Cami laugh. "True." Cole laughs. "He thought you ran away while he was in a hickey-bitty crisis, reputation-slightly wounded, as his neck, time." Charles adds me hearing Cole laugh on the other line. "Thank God I'm the photographer and not the model in this one, gang." He laughs. "My phone was on silent." I confess. "I see. But what the actual f*ck, Lili. My lady, you wounded me good." He starts making the gang snicker. "I have been told." I laugh. "How did you not see that before posting it though?!" Madelaine laughs. "Nor a while ago waking up, fixing your hair and all..." Cami asks. "I don't know!" He laughs. "Concealer would have done the trick." I nod. "It's a life saver that product." Charles nods nudging KJ, him nodding as well. "I thought you were out." He says myself furrowing my brows. "No I'm not." I chuckle. "I just had none out in my vanity." I shrug. "Girls, girls, maybe he just simply wanted to show it off... Let him live." Casey jokes. "No. No..." He says me not believing him. "Mhm..." KJ laughs. "M'not taking it, love." I laugh. "I'm hearing something in your voice." I chuckle. "No you don't." He laughs.

"You guys still in La Jolla?" Cole asks later on. "Mhm." Cami answers looking at me, me replying by raising my brow getting very clearly the message. Yep, we can read each other's minds now... Goals, I know. "I've got to head back later on though." I say nudging Casey, Camila kicking me under the table. "By later on, I mean soon I mean, geez..." I mutter making Cami snicker. "Why?" Lili asks innocently. "The photoshoot, I was emailed earlier that it's been rescheduled for tomorrow." I say, amazingly not lying. "Me too, a friend from college asked me to meet her early tomorrow morning in LA." Charles says making me grin. "Her?!" Cole laughs. "Reggie Mantle... Numero dos' got a her!" Casey exclaims. "Piss off, I hate being compared I told you twats." He mutters making us burst out laughing even harder. "We love you, Melton." Madelaine starts genuinely, making me grin. "Yeah, you little innocent precious Korean bunny..." I continue casually. "We're gonna get back to the Airbnb earlier than I thought, then. We'll see you there then, Cole?" Lili says disappointed, playing with her food placing the phone on the table.

"No, no, no. Don't hang up, love." I say quickly. "Bummer huh, Cole?" I hear Camila continue. "I mean, yeah, yeah... I'm on my way actually." I smirk. I was. I am very well in, in knowing what they're up to. "Oh... Dang it. But the four of us have to leave soon..." Casey speaks. "What, you don't have an appointment." Lili says. "Yeah, but I won't have a ride if I didn't ride with KJ." He says. "Same, if I didn't with Charles." Cami shrugs. "You can ride with Cole and I." Girlfriend offers making me chuckle. "Or not." KJ laughs. "I'm on my way driving at ninety" I sing making them laugh. "I still don't know why he won't sign a record deal." Madelaine exhales. "Me neither, bub." Lili answers making me chuckle. "Dudes, ever heard of secret talents?" I exclaim. "Nope, don't have any." Lili says. "Woah, we know you just placed the best thing seen on Cole's body..." Charles laughs. "That's a secret talent?" She laughs. "An A+ secret talent at that." Cami laughs.

"Simba!" I exclaim hood on as I look for her by the water when I felt arms wrapping me from behind, startling me. "Simba?" She laughs as I turned to face her. "I thought you were a crazed fan or something." I say kissing the top of her head. "I am a crazed fan." She says making me chuckle as she loosens her grip on me. "Simba, because you bite good." He exhales showing me said thing. "Damn..." She chuckles. "Gang left me." She pouts later us walking through the place. "Charles lent me his hoodie." She adds raising her arms showing me how baggy it was on her. "Cute." I chuckle taking my hood off. "What'd you say, love?" She asks. "I said, it's good to know that that dude knows sh*t, lending you it." I laugh lifting the oversized hood over her eyes making me laugh.

"How was the shoot?" I ask removing the hood off my face trying to not to grin as I did. "I didn't even notice it earlier on." He exclaims his fingers reaching his neck. "That's a lie." I chuckle shaking my head. "Why would I let the fans know I had a great night?" He asks making me laugh. "Question is why would you not, Mufasa?" I mock making him laugh. "Come're." He chuckles leaning in for a kiss.

"We've got to let the world know who did it..." He exhales. "Excuse you?" I laugh. "Just a picture for the IG story." He says taking his phone out. "That's where the rumours came from." I say brows furrowed. "Rumour?" He chuckles looking at me weirdly. "It's not a rumour. We both know." He winks me laughing along. His caption was nowhere near adorable, stupid, teasing and attention seeking at the same time: "named her simba, what's your pet's name?"

comment a name of a celebrity that you would like to see on here (potentially haha) someone who isn't linked to riverdale like previously on here, Hailee Steinfeld <3 ((check out the chapter on which; they've kept it secret for four years if you'd like//

This was just an innocent, stupid, crappy chap. Am not proud of thiz :p Will be back in the game next week hehehe see you then fellas :)


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