the chapter on which; they decide on "and" or "end" the contract¹

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author's note, well, warning: this four-part story is full of f*cking drama and sh*t... hope you're up for that kinda crap. well, seriously though brace urselves :p


"Is Sprousehart over? A love we didn't even know existed." An example of thousands of articles published two months ago after the break-up of two of my best friends and costars. How did they know? Lili deactivated her accounts. Cole deleted photos he took of her, and turned off commenting in his Instagram. Both took time off acting, holding off the weekly episodes of Riverdale. "They've been in a relationship for three years before the break-up. None of us expected this." I say in lunch with Ashleigh. "Last week, I was filming a Youtube video for a magazine and they asked me--- they've been asking us too, for f*ck sake." She laughs. "Whole of Riverdale, I think." I shrug. "It's the biggest break-up after Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie." I add. "I agree. The two should come out of hiding though, we should get back to filming sooner or later." She starts. "Or else, CW will cut us off." I continue nodding.

"Lili..." Mum knocks me still in bed not getting up five in the evening. "I'm not hungry." I mutter. "Someone's here." She says making me sit up.

"Nice seeing one of you visited." Lili's mum laughs as she leads me to Lili's room. "I was once Lili's roommate, the gang decided that I'd be the one to visit her first." I say kindly before she leaves, me opening the door. "Hey." I smile seeing her in bed still. "Madelaine." She says a small smile on her face. "Don't kill me." She chuckles. "The work, actress part of me wants to because Riverdale has been on hold but the best friend of yours part of me says otherwise." I say walking to her bed making her chuckle. "That sounded weird." She comments. "Which sounded weird?" I ask confused. "My laugh." She says. "No it didn't." I chuckle. "Hmmm, haven't done it in ages." She says sadly. "How are you?" I ask placing an arm around her shoulder. "If all the negative adjectives had a child, that'd be me." She says quietly. "How do you and Travis do it?" She asks looking at me. "How do you stay so in love? For f*cks sake, you're even in different countries most of the time." She exclaims giving me chills. "...I'm sorry, I don't even know why I'm asking this. I mean, it doesn't matter, we're over." She laughs dryly. "Lils, listen. Happiness is a choice. It's a choice if you want it. It's a choice if you depend on a person for it. It's a choice if you'd like to see it in every little thing. Or amidst everything negative." I say her tears flowing. "Don't depend on Cole for your happiness. You can be happy without him, you know that." I say softly. "Can I?" She chuckles. "Without him, I only see a plain old Lili Reinhart." She says. "Really?" I laugh. "Yes." She answers simply. "With him, what kind of Lili do you see?" I ask grinning. "A better Lili, a valid Lili." She says quietly. "Well, I personally think that post-Cole Lili can be the best Lili. The independent, important Lili." I say casually. "Don't you think so too?" I ask looking at my friend. "You know, a Lili that doesn't need help from a guy just to make her feel valid nor special because herself alone makes herself feel important, and none needing of validation." I add. "post-Cole Lili sounds great." She laughs. "But post-Cole Lili needs time." She says. "Well, the CW gave us a month more..." I say honestly making her laugh. "I'm sorry." She says. "Just make sure your hearts mended and we'll be alright." I laugh. "Thank you, Mads." She smiles. "Don't mention it, the gang gives you their love as well." I smile hugging her. "...And KJ sends you this double double in-n-out burger that I have been telling myself not to eat." I say grabbing the paper bag and handing it to her. "Tell them I miss them, and thanks to KJ." She chuckles. "Hmmm, anything else?" I ask hopefully. "I'll be back on set, soon." She smiles making me happy.


"We both knew we lacked everything a relationship needed." I mutter staring at a Polaroid picture of Lili and I tears rolling down my face. "But you let go." I mutter tossing it to the other side of the room. "Bro." Dylan says catching it as he enters. "I get why you don't like falling in love now." I say looking at him. "Really? Why then, do you think I don't let myself fall?" He asks grabbing a chair as he hands me the photo. "Because you don't want to face heartbreak, hurt." I say looking through more of my printed pictures tossing ones with Lili on the floor. "Wrong." Dylan says. "What else can you possibly fear with love?" I laugh. "I don't love because I know I'm not ready yet." He shrugs. "Well, so was I, so were we." I say. "I loved you guys, you loved each other but sadly, time thought otherwise." He says. "You were ready to love, but time wasn't." He adds.

"Lili!" My little sister, Tess, exclaims surprised as I got down the stairs, them clearing up breakfast. "Daughter!" My mom chuckles. "Good morning." I say cracking a smile, it's been a few days since Mads' visit. "Breakfast?" Chloe, older sister offers grinning as she hands me a plate. "Thank you." I chuckle.

"You know, I never thought I'd say this but these past few days I missed your ugly voice teasing me." Tess nods. "What made you get up?" Chole asks. "Life." I shrug us hearing the doorbell ring. "Girls, can you get it?" Mom calls. "Duck!" Tess calls a millisecond before Chloe does leaving me dumbfounded. "Goose!" They exclaim pointing at me laughing their asses off. "Hate you, b*tches." I joke making them laugh louder.

"Guess who's back?" KJ exclaims from outside the trailer. "Lili?" I ask. "Them Sprouse!" He exclaims as we got out. "How's life?" I ask noticing his state ---he definitely lost some pounds. He didn't answer, just shrugged. "Come're." Casey smiles pulling him into a hug, Cole returning it.

"As much as we would want to bring things back to normal, of course we wouldn't be able to." Roberto says in the student lounge. "You tell me." I hear Cole mutter me cracking him a smile. "Will she be returning to work? If so, when will she be back to set?" He asks quietly. "As far as we know, she's still in Ohio." Camila answers. "Mads visited her a few days ago, when she had a magazine shoot there." She adds feeling Cole's eyes on me. "H-how, how---" He starts. "She's... as hurt, as you are." I say carefully him just replying with a nod. "As far as getting back to work, she hasn't informed us officially." Roberto answers. "And the contract?" Charles asks. "She's still our friend." Ash reminds him. "I wouldn't want to sue Lilian as much as possible." KJ jokes. "There is only two months left of filming as adjusted to the situation we are in now." Roberto continues. "We only have two months of filming left, so as you are in your contacts." He sadly finishes. "But isn't season 4---" Charles asks stopping midsentence.

We all knew where this was headed; Season four was either; happening with Lili, without Lili, or not at all.

end of part one of four~~
what and/or who do you want to see more of?? lemme know, hmu in the comments! hope ya liked thizzz :>


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