the chapter in which; the girls take matters into their own hands pt. 2

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this is part 2/3.

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We've been outside his door for minutes now, knocking on it, and ringing his doorbell. "Cole!" Camila yells from outside his apartment. "Cole!" Ashleigh exclaims, following. "Cole Sprouse, you get your ass out here!" I yell. This must've been a product of my lack of sleep.

"Hey, girls." He says, surprise evident in his tone. "What are you doing here? Where's Lili?" He asks, shutting his door behind him. "You could have borrowed her keys. She has one to here." He tells us, oh so casually. "Let us in." I demand of him. "Ah, sure." He says, confused as ever as we walk past him.

"Do you girls want anything?" He asks, fiddling with products in his fridge as we settle around the kitchen counter. "Do you know what I want?" I ask, patience running thin. "I don't, Mads." He chuckles. "Don't Mads her." Ashleigh warns him, he furrows his brows at that. "I want to sleep." I say dryly. "Well, I guess you can crash on the couch or take one of the guest rooms. I don't know what you want me to do." He shrugs. "What's up with you?" Camila starts again. "What's up with me? You're the ones that barged into my home. I—" He laughs. "Why are you acting differently with Lili?" I say plainly, causing him to shut up.

Making his way to the living room, "I am not acting differently." Cole sighs, taking his drink with him. "Oh, really?" I laugh. "Last night, you ate out. Yeah?" I ask him. "Yes." He answers. "And?" He follows. "She came home crying!" I exclaim. "She told us that you plugged in your earphones the whole way back to their apartment. Is that true?" Camila says, baffled by her own words. At this point, Cole hung his head low. "Tell me how that sounds, now." Camila adds, laughing. "Does she know that you're here?" He asks softly. "No." Ashleigh answers. "Is there a reason why you're acting like this?" She adds, kindly. I have no idea how she's keeping herself calm. "It's hard to explain." He replies, pissing me off more as if that's even possible. "What in the world can be so difficult to explain?" I yell, taking a seat beside him. "Do you like her, still?" I question. "I love her." He says, covering his face with his hands for a second. "Then why are you acting like this? Why are you treating her this way?" Camila repeats. "I'm not worthy of her." He answers, taking me by surprise. "So, you're pushing her away?" I ask, appalled by his thinking. "You don't even have the balls to break up with her?" I follow, just as harshly. "I don't want to hurt her." He shrugs. I let out a loud laugh, reeling myself in and distancing myself from him for me to not strangle the guy. "Where in the world did you get the idea that you aren't worthy of Lili?" Ashleigh continues, sweetly, still. "Instagram." He sighs. "You were reading the comments." Camila says. "Lili has told you a million times that you shouldn't." She exclaims. "Yeah, it's what made me do it." He shrugs. "Well, you have to stop." Camila says simply. "Don't listen to them." She follows. "How can't I? Everything they're saying has been true so far!" He exclaims. "What have they been saying?" I ask, before the other two got to contradict him. "That I don't deserve Lili... That she's out of my league... That I'm a smoker... That I'm a product of Disney... Yes, apparently that's a bad thing now." He enumerates, looking me in the eye as he did. "And you think that they're right? Do you really think that you're unworthy of my best friend?" I ask with a laugh. "If that's the case, you should stop crying right now because you don't deserve to be doing so." I tell him. Dryly, "you're the one that's sabotaging your relationship with her." I remind him. Ashleigh was trying to stop me from talking, at this point. "She's bawling her eyes out as we speak. She's been doing so, since last night. She and I have not gotten any sleep. She should not be obligated to be the one who—" I get cut off, with Camila calling me by my name with an authoritative tone. It seems like Veronica Lodge entered the building, and I guess they don't want me to tell Cole that Lili is planning to break up with him.

Taking a breath, "if that's the case, you should not be here." He says, standing to leave us. "What?" Ashleigh asks. "You should be where she is to comfort her." He shrugs. "She's at home." I tell him, just to. "Thank you, but I know Lili. She wouldn't want to see me right now." He chuckles. "And whose fault is that?" I couldn't help but challenge. "Do you have any plans at all to see her?" Camila says, speaking over me. "I don't know." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Should I?" He asks. "I can't believe—" I start, only to have Camila put her hand on top of my mouth. "If you do not want to end your relationship, then you should." She proceeds. "We won't want Lili to be the one who comes to you either." Ashleigh adds, not quite capable of looking at him in the eye. "Alright, thanks for telling me." He says. It seems that we've overwhelmed the guy. "Tell Lili to have eyes on her phone." He adds, pointing at me specifically. Through gritted teeth, "it's rude to point." I say. As I did, I hear a message come through to my phone. It was from Lili.

Since my boyfriend loathes me, can you grab some sushi?

Sure, I will.

As I sent my reply, "just tell her that I love her." Cole says, making his way up the stairs. Before I was even able to say anything else, "lock the door on your way out. Grab a bottle of water from the fridge, if you want!" He adds, bellowing from upstairs. "He is mental." Ashleigh sighs, glancing at Camila and me. We were bemused, to say the least.

"Lili, I'm back!" I call, coming in the house as the others went home. Going up the stairs, "I got the food that you wanted." I say, entering the room. I was surprised to see her on her desk, writing. "Mads, thanks." She says, looking at me when I set the takeaway in front of her. "Stay. We can share." She offers. "No, I'm all good. Thanks." I say, settling myself beside her. "What are you working on?" I inquire. "Poems. When I'm stressed, I write." She tells me, starting with her food. "Really? Well, it's amusing that I still don't know everything about you." I laugh. "Yeah." she laughs. 

However poorly, I change the subject. "Has Cole texted? Called, maybe?" I ask, laying on her bed. "Yeah, actually he's been calling since you guys left. He stopped, when you came in. I think he left some messages." She trails, not looking at me. Naturally, "what did he say?" I ask. "He wants to see each other tonight." She says. "And what did you say to that?" I ask, nervous. "I said yes. I mean, I'll end what needs to. That is, if I can stomach doing so..." She laughs. "No, I think you have to think about this, Lili." I puch. "Believe me, I have. This has been going on for weeks." She waves off. "He hasn't kissed these lips since the 13th episode, pretty much." She kids, successfully making me chuckle. With a tone, "Lili Reinhart!" I exclaim. "Roberto!" She mocks. Sighing as I shook my head, "thank you, Madelaine." She tells me. Quietly, "I wouldn't have survived these past few days, if you weren't around." She follows, turning to look at me. "You're welcome, Lili." I smile, hugging her. "You know, I do it for the shippers that do not even know that you've been together for almost a year already." I kid, making her laugh. 

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