the chapter on which; five years have passed

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Five years.
Five years after Riverdale.
Five years after happiness.
Five years after my resurrection.
Five years since we broke the internet, me saying I would not be acting anymore. Her saying the same... They thought we did that because we were together. They didn't know;

It's been five years after all that but, it's also been five years after my fall, after my breaking.
Five years after Lili.

"Good morning!" I smile as Sasha my assistant- and best friend in my interior design company joins me in walking turning a corner as always. "Hey Lils." She replies. "What's up for today?" I ask her. "Business-wise nothing much just some phone calls for the morning..." She says me nodding. "Tristan wants us to head out later though." She smiles waiting for my approval. "Course." I say smiling.

"Cole!" Dylan yells getting in my room. "Dylan?" I say still in bed. "Wake up you need to make money!" He yells me turning the opposite direction. "What's up?" He asks arms probably crossed, him leaning on the door frame. "It's... Nothing." I say fighting back tears. "Dude..." He starts. "Five years." I say. "Oh... What about it?" He says. "Nah I'm kidding, as much as I like Lili though..." He starts minutes later. "It's been five years you need a girlfriend, get up, I'm getting you a date." He exclaims. "What the f*ck? No." I say. "I still love Lili." I say simply. "And people would just like to date me because I'm Cole Sprouse." I add. "Sweet. But get up, anyways we're heading out somewhere." He says grabbing my blanket off me. "Dude!"

"What day is it today?" I ask her as I sat behind my desk. "May 24." She says my heart skipping a beat. "May 24." I repeat making me sad. "May 24." She repeats remembering what the day means for me. "You still love him huh?" She smiles. "I mean loads of guys ask you out almost every day for the past five years, from the most good looking to the richest yet you turn them down even without thinking of it..." She laughs. "Yeah, I still do." I shrug opening my planner a picture of us in the first page. "Uhm, let's take the first call..." I say wiping a tear away and shutting my planner closed.

"I hate you for getting me up this morning." I tell him as I got down the stairs. "We'll be in headlines." I whine. "You haven't been in one for more than five years already, I'm not famous, why would we be on headlines?" He laughs tossing me an apple. "Up for a hike?" He asks me heading out the door. "Hollywood sign, let's go." He says me getting out of the house lazily. "Dylan!!!"

"...thank you, and yes the sketches would be forwarded to you by my team as soon as possible. Thank you for you patience." I say ending the nth and thankfully final call I'll be having this morning breathing out and grabbing a piece of paper and wrote;

It's been five years since our misunderstanding, since our break up and I still love you. I don't know how, I don't know why.

Folding it and placing it in a box filled with letters I write for Cole that I keep in the lowest drawer of my table and placing my hands on my head, closing my eyes afterwards. "Why am I still in love with you?!" I yell. "Why can't I move on?!" I yell again.

"Did you even listen to me narrating my feelings?" I ask him as we climb this sign. "Huh?" He asks taking an earphone off. "I'm kidding." He laughs. "I get it, you're mad at me for wanting you to find a girlfriend because you still love Lili more than your life." He says continuing climbing. "Five years... How?" I laugh looking out to Los Angeles. "Where are you now?" I say sitting on the ground.

"Lili, Lili... Lili!" Voices yell waking me from my thinking. "Sh*t." I exclaim eyes on me. "Why?" I ask wiping my tears looking at Sasha and Tristan staring at me with concern. "You alright babe?" Tristan- gay. Asks as they sat beside me behind the desk. "Fine." I smile. "You guys ready?" I say grabbing my stuff and getting to the door them still behind my desk staring at me. "Lili." Sasha breaths out. "What?" I ask. "Let's go." I say walking out of the building.

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