the chapter on which; he forgot²

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"Roberto said you wanted us he--- Cole Sprouse you're crying." Luke says making me chuckle. "Father Andrews, yes, he is crying." I say Cole looking straight, tears running down his face. "Cole, why are you crying?" Marisol asks kneeling beside him. "Love is crazy innit?" He laughs. "Thought so." Luke says raising his bottle of water at me. "Tell us what happened then..." He says grabbing a chair. "I don't think I can anymore." He chuckles closing his eyes. "We'll tell them?" Mads says unsure Cole replying with a small nod. Friendship. Friendship, friends at the end of the day they're all you've got.

"There is a seventy percent chance that this will be on Twitter, am I right?" Hugo asks quietly as he pulls back. "Sixty, seventy, yes." I laugh. "Well, I'll be a victim of yours and your boyfriend's shippers then won't I?" He laughs. "They don't know..." I chuckle as we started walking into the Cafe occupying the one in the corner. "They don't know what?" He asks sitting down. "That we're actually... A thing." I say choosing my words. "and that we aren't actually good at the moment." I add silently playing with the promise ring Cole gave me, Hugo staring at me as I look up. "Thank you." I say as the waiter gave us the menus Hugo still staring at me. "You two look great together." He says. "We have been told." Hugo say kindly, Hugo laughing after. "Thanks." I chuckle. "I'll get the steak with the side of veggies." He continues. "Salmon, side of salad." I say. "And drinks?" He asks. "Lemonade." He says. "Same." I add. "Alright. Ten minutes max." He says taking our menus. "Thank you." Hugo repeats.

"What do you mean, you and your boyfriend aren't good?" He asks quickly ---quietly as the waiter left. "It's his fault..." I laugh.

"You're a sht of a boyfriend..." Luke says after us girls told the story to him and Marisol. "Your cute moments with her here on set are great of you." Luke says. "But you missing a date like that?" Marisol says. "I know what I've done." Cole says. "I want you guys to help me, since I told you." He says tired. "There is nothing we can do." I chuckle. "Untrue." Madchen says. "Love wins, if it fails, friendship do." Ashleigh says. "So, how?" I ask. "We help him get Lili's forgiveness?" Mads says. "Call her!" Marisol says. "She won't pick up, believe me. Plus my phone's dead from trying, just like me." He says.

"Well he's a sht boyfriend." Hugo laughs after I told him the story. "He's great, just false? At times." I say as our orders came. "Enjoy your meal." The waiter smiles us returning them. "How's Talliah?" I ask referring to our other best friend--- his girlfriend. "She wanted to come actually... To show her the ring but she wasn't---" he says me cutting him off. "Wait. Ring?" I ask. "Yeah..." He laughs. "Wow, bub, I thought I'll get married before you do." I say making him laugh. "I just love her, so I asked her you know before she gets sick of me." He chuckles. "How dare you guys don't tell me this earlier." I laugh taking my phone out to call Talliah. "Chill, princess, it's only been a week." He chuckles. "Talliah, I'm with your fiance right now, and I hate you for not telling me." I say as she picks up on the third ring. "It's not my fault, it's your Bub's." She answers making me laugh. "Congratulations, best friend." I say. "Thank you, will you be the maid of honor Lili?!" She asks excited. "And I thought I was the best friend." I hear Hugo say. "Of course I will be, duh, you didn't have to ask." I say making them laugh. "When's the wedding?" I ask. "Not anytime soon." She answers. "Well, amazing." I say sarcastically. "I don't want to get married yet, I just like having a fiance for a while alright?!" Hugo exclaims. "Yeah me too, me too." Talliah laughs. "How's you and your boyfriend then?" She asks. "Let's talk about that some other time." Hugo says. "Alright then. I'll call you guys again later. I'm allowed my phone at work, but I don't like abusing the kindness of my boss..." She says. "Alright, bye Talliah, love you!" I exclaim. "Bye. I love you guys too, Lili, Hugo." She says ending the call.

"Thought, I'd be walking an aisle next week or month... Turns out not." I say making Hugo laugh. "Patience, princess." He says sipping on his lemonade. "Can I ask you a question Hugo?" I say. "Course." He answers. "What time is it?" I say. "Five." He answers. "Five? Damn, nah I'm kidding." I say making him laugh. "Ask!" He exclaims. "Fine fine, Why do you call me your princess?" I ask. "Like, you've got a girlfriend, now your fiance." I add. "Why do you call m me your bub? You've got a boyfriend." He asks making me think. "You've been my princess since we were literally crawling, princes protect their princesses. I'm a year older than you, so I protect you." He says casually. "Even if that means killing a great creature like Cole Sprouse." He whispers. "And besides." He add before I had a chance to comment on what he said. "Talliah and I aren't that jealous-y icky, yucky couple I assume you and Cole are, she knows I call you princess. Like we were the trio till you left for Riverdale." He says. "Cole doesn't even know you yet, how you look like." I shrug. "Same as he doesn't know I'm with you right now." I say. "Well, Rein, now, what do you plan with this situation you're in with Cole then?" He asks. "Yeah, on that note, I'll head to the restroom." I say standing making him chuckle.

"'I suck.'" I read a tweet Cole sent in a few minutes ago. "Mate, you're not a sucker for a friend." I say as I scrolled down through Twitter. "But as a boyfriend I am." He says still in the place where he was at earlier. "That is not, not true." Luke comments. "What about you prepare her a date?" Madchen suggests. "No, that just plain annoying then." Madelaine says. "Yeah you're right." She agrees. "Sing her a song? Since you don't sing?" Ashleigh suggests. "Who says I don't sing to her?" Cole says smirking making us laugh. "Cole Sprouse." I laugh. "If the fans knew, I'd tweet that out." Madelaine laughs. "Cook?" Marisol says. "I cook for her on a normal day." He comments. "Just call her." Cami says. "On my phone." Cami adds handing it to him.

end of part two of four~~


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