the chapter on which; he forgot ⁴

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"Where are you going?" Casey asks as Cole stood up. "Uh, I'm just going to drown myself in my bath tub." He says. "Oi!" Casey and I yell. "Kidding, a shower." He chuckles entering the bathroom. "Did you know Cole sings to Lili?" I ask Casey. "For once, no. I did not know that." He laughs. "Damn." He says standing picking up Cole's phone. "Cole you shattered your phone!" He yells. "Yep, now it matches my heart!" Cole comments yelling from the bathroom. "That was sad but lame." I comment.

"Should I give her a ring again?" I ask Madelaine. "First Lili's with a guy and now these tweets from you!? What's up??" She says reading replies from Cole's tweet. "What's up, is mind our own business people." She exclaims dropping her phone. "Mads, should I call her?" I chuckle asking her again. "Give her time, she must be on her way back." She replies her phone ringing.

"Casey!" She picks up putting it on speaker. "Is Lili there?" He asks. "No, Lili's not here yet." She answers. "How's Cole?" I ask. "He's taking a shower." KJ answers. "He shattered his phone though." Casey says. "He says it matches his heart now." He adds. "Well, have you seen his tweet?" I ask them. "No." They answer. "It's getting loads of replies..." Mads say. "I'm sorry. With no apostrophe and all lowercase." KJ says. "Is it getting replies from grammar obsessed people?" Casey kids. "Yes, and fans slash detectives." I say.

"Why are the lights still on? It's ten PM." I ask as I got down from my car. "And Cami's car is here." I say entering the apartment. "They know. They know." I say. "I'm home nerds! I'll head to bed now." I yell running up the stairs teasing them. "Oi Missy come back here!" Madelaine yells from the living room. "What?" I whine walking towards them. "We know." They say. "Course you know." I laugh. "Can I head up now?" I ask them. "Sit!" The exclaim. "What?" I ask again. "Where have you been?" Cami asks. "With a guy friend from home." I answer. "You better tell your fans that then." Cami continues. "Alright, what else?" I ask posting a picture of Hugo on Instagram and tagging him; 'today was great, thank you bub! (ladies, hold your horses. He's engaged.)'

"He's engaged?" Mads says reading what I typed. "Yeah, you think I'm cheating on my boyfriend?" I laugh. "Maybe." Mads says. "And it's just a shame, he's hot." Cami laughs making me laugh. "Pictures of you guys are on Twitter, he's getting a bit of hate." Mads tells me. "He knows that'll happen." I say. "How do you know him?" Cami asks. "He's my best friend we grew up together, neighbors." I say simply. "Did he become your boyfriend?" Mads asks. "No, his girlfriend since then was our other best friends at home, we were trio you, and his girlfriend is now his fiance." I say. "First kiss, he must be your first kiss." Cami says confidently me nodding. "You and Cole..." Mads says changing the topic. "Hm?" I say. "What do you plan?" She asks crossing her arms. "I dunno." I shrug. "It just sucks that he forgot about one date that I was really excited about." I say. "We all had a stressful week last week." I say them nodding. "I thought, it's Saturday. I'll tell Cole to meet me at his place at six o'clock, since he still had a photoshoot." I start. "I ordered pizza, drinks brought blankets at his place. I arrived at six." I continue them nodding. "He still isn't here, I'll just wait for him he might just be late, I tell myself." I say. "Seven o'clock came, eight, nine, ten. He still didn't arrive at his place. I tried to call him those hours, he didn't answer. Texted him, I don't think he read them. I should have been worried that time sure, but how can I be when I see his friends' Instagram stories with him?" I say tears running down my face. "I was pissed. I wrote him a note and went back here." I laughed. "Have you forgiven him though?" Cami asks. "He freaking didn't get any of his lines right today, we cancelled shooting because he was crying..." Mads starts. "Us being good friend, us I mean all of the cast present today comforted him. I tried to call you, phone on speaker, all of us in the trailer." Cami laughs. "To a hot masculine voice." She finishes. "Amazing." I laugh. "T'was Hugo, my best friend." I chuckle. "So? Forgive him?" Mads asks.  "Yeah. Of course I forgive him, I was never mad." I answer laughing. "I'm just giving him a dead time alone." I add standing and slinging my backpack. "He's miserable without you!" Cami exclaims. "Where are you going?" Mads asks. "It's ten thirty Mads." I exclaim. "What about Cole?" Cami yells. "Tomorrow. Don't tell him though." I say getting back to the living room. "The boys are probably at his now, knowing you guys." I say arms on my waist. "You are not wrong." Mads says carefully. "Tell them to leave him alone." I say. "And Cami!" I yell from the stairs. "Yeah?" She replies. "Guest room's free." I respond getting back upstairs.

"Lili says leave him alone already, shush, she's gonna fix this tomorrow." Cami texts showing it to Casey. "Alright then." He comments standing from the couch. "Cole!" He exclaims knocking on his bedroom door. "We'll leave now!" I yell opening the door me was on his side facing opposite the door under the covers. "Yeah, thanks." He says. "See you tomorrow." Casey says. "Appreciate you guys." He says quietly.

The next day~~
"Where's Lili?" I ask Mads, both of us all dressed and ready on her computer in the kitchen--- five am. "Morning, Camila. "I actually do not know, maybe she's in her room, she is free today." She answers me heading upstairs again towards Lili's. "Lili?" I say opening her door. "She isn't here!" I yell informing Mads. "She might have bought food or something if her car's not up front." She says as I got back to the kitchen. "Sure, maybe she's with Cole." I say pouring myself a cup of coffee her raising an eyebrow. "Omg, I forgot." She exclaims making me laugh.

"Cole!" I yell as I got in in his apartment.

"Cole!" I hear Lili's voice yell outside my room making me sit up. "She's driving me crazy." I say closing my eyes again. "Cole! I'm waiting, I can't sleep!" She repeats making me get out of my room grabbing my phone. "Lils?" I say walking down the stairs.

"Thought you'll fail me again." I say by the front door arms crossed smirking at him. "I'm sorry..." He says, I can tell his face is wet even from a distance away. "I heard you didn't deliver your lines right yesterday..." I smirk. "I heard you've been crying..." I say him looking at the floor.

"And I don't like my guy crying." She says suddenly in front of me raising my head. "I missed you." She says quietly. "I really missed you." She adds me hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry." I say on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I repeat still hugging her. "Dude, I'm not mad." She laughs leading me to the smaller living room. "Sit." She says. "You weren't talking to me." I say. "But you aren't mad?" I ask. "I wasn't mad," She says her head on my lap looking up to me. "I just hated you." She says making me twitch. "Oi! Can you blame me though?" She laughs. "No, you can't. Hated myself too." I state. "I'm sorry babe." I say. "S'alright." She shrugs raising her index finger making me smile as I aligned mine with hers. "I love you." She says sitting up again. "I love you too." I smile giving a peck on her lips. "We good?" She asks. "Great." I smile. "Good, I'll make you coffee now." She say standing up me making her sit down again.

"I've got a question." He says staring at me. "Ah, I know that look." I chuckle hitting him in the arm. "Check my Instagram." I say him getting his phone out without saying anything. "What happened to your phone?" I ask him. "Tossed it into the wall in frustration of you not talking to me." He answers looking at me. "Babe..." I say. "It's okay, it matched the state of my heart the past few days." He says making me chuckle.

"Who is this dude?" He exclaims as he clicked on my profile. "He's engaged babe." I replied. "Exactly, why are you seeing him then?" He says making me laugh. "He's my best friend." I say. "No, I'm you're best friend." He exclaims double tapping the picture. "Says who?" I ask. "Says you!" He yells, me giving him a peck on his cheek. "You had actual friends at home?" He chuckles. "I only had Dylan." He kids. "Well, you've got me now so you're good." I say standing. "I didn't have you few days ago." He says standing as well. "I didn't have kisses." He pouts me leaning into him.

"You wish Sprouse, you already had two today." She exclaims pushing me. "Lili!" I laugh. "I love you babe, but you've got work." She says heading towards the coffee maker. "When you get home." She say looking at my eyes me nodding. "Do you swear?!" She asks. "I swear, I love you." I say. "I love you too." She says kissing me near my lips. "You missed." I kid. "Ha, when you get home." She laughs.

end of part four of four~~


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