the chapter on which; its a "can I come over" situation

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"This is stupid, I'm leaving." I laugh grabbing my bag from the couch across the kitchen in Cole's flat. "You know what? You're right, this is stupid..." He laughs following me up the stairs. "Do you know what is?! What's stupid?!" He laughs grabbing my arm me slapping it off. "Yes! As a matter of fact, I do! Stupid? A being who sets and prioritizes work over love." I continue on walking. "You call that stupid?! Ha! Stupid, a girlfriend who doesn't know what world she entered a year ago, a person who doesn't understand the universe she's in." He exclaims still following me to the door. "A person who doesn't want to accept nor adjust to what her life is now, to who she's in a relationship with!" He continues. "Says someone who doesn't want a relationship public." I laugh facing him. "Some friends don't believe that we're together, some joke that maybe you don't actually care, that's why you don't want our fans to know..." I laugh. "You know I love you!" He yells my eyes starting to well up. "I do not care what you're friends think! We're actors, our life is out there!" He laughs. "That's the point, isn't that; what we sign up for?" I say air quoting. "It's okay... I understand, you value your reputation, work over us, I mean, why would someone like Cole Sprouse date a blonde nobody from Ohio?" I exclaim walking again. "I don't know... You tell me, why would a  Sprouse date a blonde nobody from Ohio? A newbie, someone fearing change..." He shrugs tears starting to fall. "Someone too weak---" He laughs me slapping his face tears rolling down mine. "F*ck you. I told you, I am not weak." I say firm, eyes locked with his. "I may be all of what you said... New to the industry, slow in adjusting to the life... Yes. I fear change, but that's what fellows are for aren't they? They make things easier, give you advice... They do not rub it in your face. I may have not known what I entered a year ago... I may be stupid. But I am not weak." I state wiping a tear away. "Lili~" He says trying to cup my face me stepping back. "A year ago, I didn't know I'd meet the parents, Luke, Madchen, Mark... I didn't know I'd meet Roberto... The gang, the others. I didn't know I'd meet you." I say crossing my arms. "Most of the times, I wouldn't have it in any other way. I tell myself, I am one of the luckiest girls in the planet. But sometimes I wish I didn't audition." I laugh opening the door. "Babe~" He calls. "Oh, you've got a meeting to attend to, right? After that... Another?" I say trying to hold back tears. "I'll ring the restaurant telling them to cancel the reservation." I chuckle heartbroken as I left.

"Can I come over?" I text Casey after a meltdown a block away from Cole's. "It's a long drive, are you sure?" He replies almost immediately. "Cami's here. We can come over if you want." He adds making my heart warm. Casey, support system. Camila, light. But the thing is if they come over, Cole might, will, probably, hopefully, will, barge into mine... I don't want to see him, not yet. "Can I come over? I need a long drive." I text again. "Yes, of course. Drive safe x" He replies me buckling up, tears dropping from my eyes still without my knowledge.

"F*ck, sh*t!!!" I yell kicking the books off the coffee table, crashing on the carpet crying my life out. Lili and I barely, barely go through rough days. Voices are never raised, doors are never slammed. "Meeting is in five, where are you?" Manager texts making me sigh. "Priorities."

"...So I don’t wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love yous"
But I bet you if they only knew..." The radio plays, waking me from my thinking, the dubbed "Cole and Lili's song" by the gang. "You sh*ts, you're technically not even band anymore!!!" I yell shutting it off. "What happened?!?!" I cry forty minutes more to the drive.

"Do you want to join this project?" They ask me, myself barely listening. "Anyone in the project I'm familiar with?" I ask absent mindedly. "Yes, as we've said, your girlfriend, Lili." He answers looking at me questioning. "Girlfriend, right." I chuckle. "Did she say yes to this, already?" I ask him studying my face. "She said yes, but wanted filming to be pushed kindly. Because according to her, it's her father's birthday." My manager grins making me chuckle. "A short film, for mental health awareness. Yes." I smile. "Great, a few more things, then we're done." He continues standing from his seat.

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