the chapter on which; they aren't starts of the generation²

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"Sup Jess..." I say as I approached the library I hang out at. Jess and Francis were in my class, my best friends. "Jess guess what?" Francis says sitting beside Jessica. "What?" She laughs. "I'll get in now bye!" I laugh as I started walking. "He found love in front of the shop today." He says making Jess laugh out loud. "I honestly don't know how you got the job here..." I chuckle voice low. "Only a couple are in anyway..." She says. "I'll be joining them." I say saluting them and getting in.

"Lili!" He yells as he sees me getting down the steps from the library. "Get these, I'll get the few books I left." I say tossing James some binders, papers and books. "O-ookay." He exclaims as I ran back to borrow some others I can use for school.

"Oh sh*t." I say as I ran into a dude, making me drop some of the books I was holding them landing on the floor. "Sorry, been a long day." I chuckle. "We should stop meeting like this." I hear the dude laugh picking up the other books. "What?" I say standing noticing his face. "Oh." I laugh pushing a strand of hair from my face. "Cool." I say.

"Will you be borrowing these?" I asks the girl I bumped into at the Cafe and here in the library. "Yeah, university student with big dreams~ I think, I don't know what I want to be yet." She laughs looking at me. "Ah, I graduated two years ago NYU?" I ask flipping through the books as we walked to Jess, her nodding. "I remember reading about these, I enjoyed history." I say. "I'm more of a science person." She laughs. "Alright, science is cool." I admit. "Cole." I introduce myself stretching out a hand. "Lili." She smiles shaking it. "My friends are in the counter, they'll be..." I start. "The girl you bumped into at the Cafe!" Francis yelled making me cringe. "Loud." I say, Lili laughing as we placed the books in Jess' desk. "Have we met?" She chuckles looking at Francis. "No, but you've met Cole!" He exclaims. "So this dude's the good looking man you bumped into that you were telling me..." Jess laughs Lili crossing her arms. "What are the chances right?" She laughs. "Destiny." Francis finalize. "This is Francis, by the way the Cali boyfriend. Cali boyfriend, Lili, a new friend of Cole and mine I guess." Jess chuckles stamping and doing her librarian duties with the six books Lili borrowed. "You've met too?" Francis asks. "Well you're a friend of mine too then Lili." He adds high-fiving her. "Five is the maximum books you can borrow but fu*k it, your a friend." Jess laughs. "When's the due date?" Lili asks. "I'm, two weeks~ to next year." Jess laughs. "Anytime, before you die basically." I say. "You like studying ah?" Francis says reading a back of one. "Just like Cole." Jess chuckles. "Great, now that we're friends and all, Cole would like to ask you out on a date." Francis says quickly "Pardon?" She laughs. "Date with Cole?" Francis says carefully.

"Lils." James says walking towards us. "James fu*king Reinhart?" The three beings behind me exclaim. "Hey gang!" My cousin laughs side hugging~ whatever kind of hug they do. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks me shoving him the books I borrowed. "I mean, except for Cole we all know he lives for the smell of books..." He says me rolling my eyes. "I work here." Jess smiles. "I'm her lover." Francis shrugs. "What are you doing here?" Cole asks. "Take Lili home." He answers simply. "You know them?" I ask James confused. "Yes, they were my classmates. You know them?" He laughs. "Well..." I start. "Are you his girlfriend or something?" Jess says making my eyes widen. "She's my roommate." He says. "Ah, so you're technically lovers." Francis says looking at Cole. "No, what the fu*k, we're cousins." I laugh. "What a freaky small world we leave in mates." Francis laughs. "Oh James, Cole wants to date your cousin by the way." Francis adds quietly me placing my hands on my face.

"Well, that's cool with me Cole, but haven't you just met?" James laughs. "It's complicated." Francis says. "Would your parents mind?" James asks Lili. "They don't care about my love life, but studies they do." Lili says simply. "Is that a yes then?" I ask her smirking. "I'll think about it." She say patting James' shoulder. "Finals are coming, I'll think about it." She repeats smiling. "Cool." I say Jess and Francis pulling out thumbs up.

"Cool that you're gonna be dating one of my mates but, are you really gonna be needing this many books?" James asks placing my books in the back seat. "Love you James." I laugh. "Love you too, but really?" He says getting up front. "I don't remember borrowing books from here, I just like doing my homework, and I was on top with those weirdos. Cole number five above of course..." He says. "Drive James, I'm exhausted." I say making him chuckle.

It's been two weeks, haven't visited the library since the night I met three 2015 graduates. Everyday James will remind me about it, everyday I think about it. I even ask my parents, they, spoke to James. "If you are willing to break the spine of this friend of yours if he hurts Lili then yes, tell Lili I allow her to date this Cole." James says quoting my dad. "Are you willing though?" I ask him, only joking. "Blood runs thicker than water, of course I would Lils." He responds surprising me a bit.

"Hey, finals are over." I text him~ how did I get his number, well folks not from James. Jess stuck a small piece of cardstock with his number and placed it in between two pages of one of the books I borrowed. Amazing, right? "Is this Lili?" He replies not even a minute passing. "Yes, Lili the blonde that likes science, the one you bumped into infront of a cool cafe and the NY library, and whose cousin you're good friends with apparently Lili." I text back. "Yeah! Yeah! Have you thought about it? The date?" He texts back immediately. "I have." I reply. "So, will you go on a date with me?" He texts back. "Yeah, I'll be cool, can I meet you in the library by ten?" I text back smiling. "Cool, perfect see you there!" He replies.

"James, I've got a date at ten, get up!" I yell barging into his room.

end of part two of two~~
>> school starts again tomorrow, uhm... pls be patient with updates... kung man may nagbabasa neto hehe


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