the chapter on which; he misses her

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Hey, all! "the chapter on which; he goes on the Ellen DeGeneres Show²" will be out next week! I'm still working on it... School's been busy, sorry for the delay : ( enjoy this update though, one of my faves as well! x

"Camila Mendes... Hurry up!!!" I exclaim for the nth time in our Airbnb at London, eight thirty AM. "Lili. I'm Latina, and it's twelve thirty in Vancouver, hold up." She says getting down the stairs decently dressed. "We've been here a month now, you're telling me you're still jetlagged..." I laugh handing her her coffee. "Thanks, and yes. I am still jetlagged... We're eight hours ahead home, I'm going to need more than a month." She chuckles. "And by home, I mean work, meaning Riverdale, meaning best friends... and meaning to you, boyfriend." She adds following me to the door. "How are you guys holding up lately as long distance lovers?" She asks before tossing her bag in the car. "I miss him." I say simply my phone ringing. "Speaking of... Answer it, I forgot something upstairs." She grins. "Of course you did..." I comment taking my phone out her laughing.

"Good evening, Sprouse." I say sitting on the stairs leading to our door. "Good morning, my lady." He speaks making me smile. "I miss you." I say. "I miss you too." He says. "Lili, I miss you too is a huge, huge understatement... He's going crazy!" I hear Casey yell making me laugh. "You're still on set?" I laugh. "Shut up, Case." He laughs. "Yes, babe we're still on set. Done filming, but still on set, chilling with Cott and Apa." He answers. "What are you up to?" He chuckles me hearing Casey still going on. "Photoshoot. We should be on our way now, but our Latina pal is still inside." I say making him laugh. "How many more days?" He whines. "Three weeks." I say aching. "I love you." He breaths out. "I love you too!" I exclaim. "British boys are hot, Cole." Cami says barging out of the house to the phone. "What do you mean? British boys bow down to my boyfriend." I say hearing Cole laugh. "Not gunna lie though, they're huge flirts." I say following Camila to the car. "I push them away from both of us." Cami laughs. "I am captain of the ship." She adds. "She protects, she attacks." I laugh. "Why are you there again? We miss you girls..." I hear KJ say. "Photoshoots, meetings, interviews, opportunities... Meetings, interviews." Cami says, we've been out of filming for a month now, I know even she misses the gang. "I can't wait to get home." I say. "I can't wait for you to get home as well." Cole laughs. "Cole's moody without you Lils." KJ laughs. "We need you to save us." Casey laughs. "I am not to admit nor deny." He laughs. "We are sending our love, boys." Cami laughs. "Dibs on Lili's love!" I hear Cole exclaim making us laugh. "We should be going, I'll call again later on." I say. "I love you!" Cole yells. "I miss you, I love you." I say ending the call. "Sh*t, I miss them." I exhale Cami nodding. "Just a few more days, just a few more days..." She says quietly.

"Props to people who are in long distance relationships." Madelaine says as I got in the student lounge set/where the cast hangs in general quoting what I tweeted last night. "It's blown up." She says. "Doesn't every tweet Cole makes blow up?" Casey asks. "Really?" I laugh. "Why hasn't Lili said anything about it earlier when we spoke then?" I ask. "Lili doesn't go on Twitter very often. I mean, you should know." She says. "Mate, have you seen your tweet?" KJ asks getting in the room Mads raising her phone at me as she sits beside Casey. "No, I don't want to..." I start. "It's okay, we'll read some replies to you." Casey says enthusiastically. "O, dear Lord." I laugh KJ sitting with them as I lean on a table.

"Is he talking about Lil--- he's deffo talking about Lili, definitely." Casey starts. "@/lilireinhart has been in London with Camila for a month and some now, you miss her huh?" Mads asks/reads me nodding. "Does this confirm #Sprousehart?!" KJ asks. "Sprousehart." Casey says simply. "But all caps and with eight A's so it's; SPROUSEHAAAAAAAART." he adds making me chuckle. "WTF does this mean?" Mads laughs. "Then tagging all of the gang, Roberto, CW'S Riverdale, writer's room... And your brother." She says. "Cody's inlove, I repeat, Cody's inlove." KJ chuckles. "That's great." Mads laughs. "I'm shooketh, sprousehart is real, no one can tell me otherwise." Casey continues making me laugh. "...In all caps, by the way." He adds. "Got it." I say. "Okay... I may or may not have exposed my own relationship status... And relationship, to thousands..." I laugh. "Millions." Three of them say correcting me. "Millions, Thank you. But---" I say. "Girlfriend's calling!" Casey exclaims as Lili rings me.

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