the chapter on which; they aren't stars of the generation¹

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It was Saturday, New York. I decided to stay here after graduation since... I like it here. I still don't have a job yet though, nor a girlfriend so... My twin says I'm lame.

I write, and do photography. I'd like to find a job in the creative side of the world but never have time to look for one... So for the meantime, aside from home, I spend my time in the public library editing pictures I take or continue writing. I'll be heading there later, since I've heard that projects are being passed next week, meaning more people will be there in daylight. Why don't you spend time with friends and brother? We look, I'm antisocial, ever heard of it? I hate humans. I like the world earphones on and head in a blank page of my notebook, books or my editing software.

"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t." I say staring at the pile of school works I'm supposed to be bringing over next week. "Steady on girly." My cousin laughs getting in my room in a apartment we shared in New York. "Easy for you to say, you've graduated." I say. "Want to head out?" He asks. "Do you think I want to? I've got sh*t to do James." I say staring at him. "No, I mean to the place I went to while I did my sh*t when I was the one stressing." He chuckles. "To get your brain to work and not bed." He adds.

"The New York public library." James says opening the door for me. "See you when I call you." I say. "They're open twenty-four seven yeah?" I ask. "Mhm, and they've got pretty good coffee too." He yells as I got in balancing the stuff I got.

"Good morning!" The librarian greets me replying with a smile. "Alright... This is a huge library." I tell her. "Is it? I think it's a bit small still..." The librarian jokes making me laugh. "Don't worry, you won't get lost." She says. "Thanks?" I chuckle. "Good luck on your stuff." She laughs as I entered.


"Is it alright if I leave my stuff here?" I ask the kind librarian in her counter more than half of the day passed. "Yeah, yeah. Eating out for lunch?" She asks. "Late lunch, yep." I say nodding. "Got to fuel the brain cells you see." I shrug.

I was getting to the cafe I frequently go to for lunch when Dylan called; "What's up?" I say as I pick up. "When are you visiting? Mum's asking." He says. "I don't know, the holidays, next week, I dunno." I answer. "They really want to see you." He breaths out. Basically, I was the only one who moved out, semi-lost connection with the family, matured and grew into New York. I didn't mean for it to go this way... But it happened. "You just miss me." I tease. "When?" He laughs. "I'll see, I've got friends, they'll be sad when I'll leave, so uhm maybe..." I say thinking. "Sh*t." I exclaim a girl bumping into be, me catching her by the waist before her hitting the ground. "Oh my God." She breaths out.

"Hey, dude are you there?" I hear Dylan speaking on the phone. "I am so sorry, I'm so sorry." She says as I helped her up. "It's alright." I smile. "I shouldn't be texting people as I walk... Especially in New York." She laughs. "No, it's totally on me I wasn't paying attention." I laugh. "Yeah, sorry bout' that again, I'll go now, lots of stuff to do." She smiles jogging off. "Oi, Cole!" Dylan yells. "Yeah, uhm... What were we talking about again?" I laugh shaking my head.

"Oh my God, oh my God." I say shaking my head as I left the good looking dude I literally bumped into. "James will kill me." I laugh continuing with my day getting food nearby.

"I saw that Cole." Francis, my best friend and the barista of this cafe smirks as I got in the shop. "Shut up." I laugh. "Oh, you're happy... You like her." He says. "The usual, please." I say ignoring his comment. "You found love in a hopeless place, we found love in NYC!!!" He sings making me chuckle. "Do your job." I laugh. "Jeez, I am." He laughs. "Later when I get off?" He asks me nodding. "Now, serve these devil's they don't seem happy." I whisper to him as he shoves me aside. "Good afternoon ma'am!" He greets the lady behind me as I grabbed my order from the counter.

"Uhm~ Jessica, tell me, do you usually bump into good looking men here in NYC?" I ask Jessica~ the librarian as I got back to the library, I got materials from the craft store for my project, so I was out for maybe three hours. "No." She laughs. "People here are sh*t, no good looking people, I swear." She says voice low. "I'm not a New York person, I'm actually from California so is my boyfriend, and best friend, we all just graduated two years ago." She says. "I'm from Ohio, Lili. Er~ student, I'll be graduating this year as you may see from the projects I have." I smile as she shakes my hand. "Jess. Don't mind the name tag, only strangers call me Jessica." She whispers. "Am I not a stranger?" I chuckle. "You're a friend now." She laughs bringing my things out. "I'll see you later, after I sort my... stuff, out." I say making her laugh.

"Love is in the New York City air!" Francis exclaims some hours later, it was nine o'clock. "Am I not right, Sprouse?" He asks nudging me. "Grah~ you're the one saying I'm in love." I say. "Are you not?" He laughs. "She was cool, sure." I say. "Good enough. Love is in the air!" He repeats. "I don't know him, I don't know him!" I say running him chasing me as we laughed.

end of part one of two~


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