the chapter on which; he goes on the Ellen DeGeneres Show²

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welp, you guys wanted a second part, so... here you go, hope it pleases standards!☝

"Lils, we're closing in fifteen." Staff exclaims as I got out Cole's dressing room. "Wow, you guys work quick here." I laugh looking at myself one last time in the mirror. "Thank you, gorgeous." The makeup crew laughs. "I'm not gorgeous." I laugh. "You're gorgeous-est." One speaks making me laugh. "Lili, come here!"

"I still do not know how we're going to do this." I say. "Cole, you've said that like, four times already in ten minutes." KJ laughs. "The audience don't even know what you're on about." Ellen laughs. "Why is my phone with me?" I laugh placing my phone on Ellen's desk. "Because... Oh lookie, nice lockscreen." Ellen says casually pressing the power button viewing a picture of Lili and I making me grin then pocket it. "Piss off." I laugh the audience very active. "Did the camera catch that?" KJ laughs. "Just in time." Ellen exclaims. "Cool." She adds. "...Why is Lili your lockscreen?" Ellen asks resting her chin on her hand. "Because..." KJ starts. "Actually, I already know... It's because she's your girlfriend." She says casually making me groan. "Yeah, yeah... she's my Juliet, okay?" I say making the audience go wacko.

"Should I do it now?" I ask the staff grinning, hearing their conversation up front. "Yeah, go for it." She chuckles.

"Sit!" I exclaim facing the audience trying not to smile. "Oops, someone's calling." Ellen says as I took my phone out. "Who is it?" KJ smirks. "What the f*ck are you guys up to?" I chuckle the caller ID reading Lils 🌞. "You don't want to take it?" KJ asks me still staring at my ringing phone. "You won't take it then I'll take it." Ellen says quickly snatching my phone from my hand. "The f*ck!" I laugh taking it from her as she accepts the call and puts it on speaker.

"Cole!" Lili says cheerfully. "Lilian!" I exclaim. "What the f are you up to?" I whisper the two grinning at me. "I have something important to tell you!" She says just as cheerful. "Really? Well you can tell me after the show..." I say KJ hitting my arm. "Yeah sure..." She says. "So, babe, listen." She says right after making Ellen laugh and the audience getting louder by the minute. "I have decided that..." She starts Ellen writing something on a dry erase board that seemingly just popped up on the table. "You want to get married?" She writes showing the audience me silently judging her. "...I don't want ice cream for later anymore." Lili continues me resting my back on the chair. "Oh, so that's important..." Ellen chuckles. "Typical Lili." KJ mouths making me chuckle. "Really? Where do you want to eat out then?" I ask holding a finger up to the audience for them not to make any noise. "I want in-n-out." She speaks making the audience laugh. "In-n-out..." I say.

"What's so funny?" I ask walking out to the stage phone still on my ear the audience going crazy me seeing KJ and Ellen laughing. "Why are you so red?" I laugh putting the call down looking at Cole. "How do you have makeup on that fast?" He laughs as I sat beside KJ. "I don't actually know, the team back there's great." I chuckle telling Ellen. "Only the best in the industry." She shrugs. "Hm..." Cole laughs. "I dunno, Emma and the others are pretty dang great..." KJ laughs. "I think I'm being judged, because I'm sitting in between you two..." He adds standing up. "Scoot over, Sprouse." Ellen exclaims him doing so. "Hello, I'm Cole Sprouse... I'm applying for the role Romeo in your life." He speaks as so. "You've already booked the part years ago." I laugh emphasizing years making the crowd... Yeah you already know... "Now who's calling?" Ellen asks a phone ringing amidst the crowd's noise. "Mine? Yours?" Cole asks. "Mine." I say taking my phone out of my pocket again. "Y'all, steady on..." KJ chuckles. "Happiness is great, but we don't want anyone fainting because of it." Cole laughs me giving him a look. "What?" He laughs. "It's Cami." KJ says reading the ID. "Camila Mendes people!" Ellen exclaims as I answer the call. "Hey gang!" She speaks. "You guys are out!" She exclaims excitedly. "Yes they are." Ellen laughs. "Thanks to you, Ellen." She laughs. "Am I in the show?" She asks. "Yes, technically." Cole answers. "Yes Veronica, you Archie, Jug and Betty are in a talk show with Dory." Ellen jokes making me laugh. "Who would've thought?!" I laugh Cole wrapping an arm around me as so.

"Are we not going to talk about Cole and Lili being l-o-v-e-r-s?! #Riverdale"

"That's it?! Let's get it trending!!! #Sprousehart #Riverdale"

"So.... They're datin--- wait no. They're fucking girlfriend-boyfriend!!!"

"I need more!!! That was only like five minutes of official #Sprousehart being on screen!!!"

Ellen read these as we walked backstage after closing the show, an amused grin was plastered on my face. "Cole didn't expect this kind of acceptance from the fans." KJ says speaking my thoughts. "What'd you expect then bambino?" Ellen asks still scrolling through Twitter. "I dunno, I didn't expect them to be that happy." I chuckle looking at Lili her brow raised at me. "What?" I laugh. "You're stupid." She chuckles KJ placing an arm around her shoulder. "Lils, we all know that since day one." He says speaking to her specifically making me laugh. "Cole looks so crazy in love! Happy for them both! #Sprousehart." Ellen reads. "There he's crazy in love. That's it." She says making us laugh as I got on the couch with Lili. "Wanna grab food with us, KJ?" Lili asks. "And ruin your first meal as an outed couple?! No he won't." Ellen exclaims. "Wha-- Do you want to come with us then?" Lili laughs. "Well..." Ellen says making me chuckle. "Nah, I'm just kidding I've got things to do here still." She smiles. "KJ?" I ask. "I've got a shoot later on." He says sitting up. "You and me, babe." I say smirking. "Shhhhhhhhhh..." KJ laughs mimicking the sound of running water. "That was hot." Ellen nods pocketing her phone Lili laughing.

I widen my eyes at him as he tries to hold my hand out in public him raising a brow at me. "We're out there Lils." He whispers in my ear making me grin. "Oh, right." I say my body tensing up suddenly feeling watched. As if reading me er~ reading me he wrapped his arms around me as we continued walking to his car from Ellen's. "I'll get used to it, right?" I chuckle nervously him nodding immediately. "Like how you got used to fans stopping you as you... jog. Like how you got used to waking up at two am to film, in Vancouver. How you got used to the gang's shenanigans. How you got used to me..." He trails me placing my hand on top of his. "I love you." I smile. "I love you too." He smiles kissing the side of my head.

~end of part two of two, END 👐


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