the chapter on which; they fly²

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"Hey, Chris." I say getting the attention of the security guard. "Sir?" He asks. "Cole." I say, him replying with a nod. "Where are they?"  I ask. "Just walk straight ahead and you'll find them, they just arrived not even thirty minutes, but your security Sir." He says. "Cole." I correct looking around spotting a familiar blonde. "Uhm, I'll just use the restroom, can you just bring them my luggage and tell them I'm in the restroom?" I ask. "Are you sure... Cole?" He asks making me chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be alright thanks!" I say jogging to where I swear Lili is and conveniently same direction as where the restroom was.

"Hey, love." I say as I pulled the door open to a small balcony. The blonde girl looking up. "Cole?" She says looking at me. "I prefer Lili Reinhart's boyfriend." I kid as she stood and hugged me, and me hugging her back.

"Why are you here?" She asks wiping her tears. "Why are you crying?" I ask her as I sat beside her on the fake grass afterwards. "Hey, why are you so sad?" I ask her again her leaning on my shoulder. "I missed you." She answers not taking it. "Hm, aside from that?" I ask again. "It's stupid." She chuckles positioning on how I saw her when I came in the balcony; her head in her knees. "You can tell me." I say putting an arm around her as she  started to cry again. "Hey, I love you." I tell her. "Why are you crying? Mads says you've been zoning out, silent these couple of days I've been gone. Why?" I ask her again. "Its selfish, but I needed you these couple of days and you weren't here." She laughs looking out. "What?" I ask again. "Cole, I've got this, I won't say fear, but a bad trauma of planes and flying." She starts shocking me. I did not know this. "My best friend, died in a plane crash." She says minutes later making me tear up as well. "Before that, I did not break down before a flight. I did not zone out, I did not act different. I did not hate the days before the flight. I was excited to fly." She says. "Recently flights from home to here and back and fourth were easy, I get through them, I get anxious and all but I get through it. I would talk to my mom for comfort, or better I would be with my family in flying I would feel safe." She says. "But now that I'm with Riverdale and not with them, I wanted to try to face this alone." She says speaking up. "But I realized that I can't, especially this time of year." She cries me hugging her. "What do you mean? And you're not alone, I'm with you now." I say hushing her. "I know, but she died in the crash, with her family. Two years ago this week." She continues crying on my chest as I hugged her tightly.

"It scared me getting on a plane without someone that understands me. I did not want to tell them, I wasn't ready to tell them." She says minutes later. "I love you." I say kissing her forehead. "I love you too." She says quietly. "Hey lovebirds!" KJ yells from the other side of the glass me feeling Lili's body tense up and her breathing quicken. "Lili~" I start her cutting me as she stood. "No, I can do this." she says under her breath pulling me up. "Just stay with me." She adds looking at me in the eye.

"Chris brought your stuff." Cami says as we got out of the balcony. "Thanks." Cole smiles. "Have you been crying Lili?" Casey asks me. "I'm okay." I say smiling at him. "Are you sure, what did you do?" He asks Cole making him laugh. "It's all good." Cole says taking our stuff from the security and my slinging on my carry on. "You guys should be boarding already." Chris- me figuring is the security. "I'll leave you guys here." Chris says leaving us saying our thank yous.

"Hey, guys, we're outside set." Mads says quietly a short while after. "Yeah, maybe want to lessen the... touching?" KJ says carefully walking backwards looking at our hands interwined. "I don't care about that now, keep walking weirdos." I say.

"It'll be quick." I tell Lili as she pulls me back from the entrance to the plane-- the others were already in. "I feel so stupid." She laughs. "It isn't stupid, you've got a reason to be traumatized." I tell her. "It was two years ago." She chuckles. "Hey dude, they're calling you in already." KJ says from the entrance. "Lili?" I call her again her looking up. "I'm scared." She says walking towards me. "I'll be there, so will the gang." I repeat her nodding.

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