the chapter on which; its a christmas romance

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"Merry Christmas, sleepyhead!" Lili exclaims getting on my back. "It's the twenty fourth..." I laugh. "Technically, it's Christmas." She says confidently. "Nope." I say. "Get up!" She yells banging a pillow onto my head. "Lili..." I whine grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to the bed again. "Babe!" She laughs. "Christmas-stay-in-bed." I say her not arguing yet running her fingers through my hair.

"Let's grab some coffee..." He says getting out of the restroom about an hour after. "We're going to meet the gang in bout' not till ten... Yeah let's grab some Starbucks." I say tying my hair up. "Oh sh*t..." I trail as my hair band snapped. "Christmas gods agree with me that it's a hair down day, babe." He chuckles tossing me his coat. "Yours in the wash, use mine." He smiles as I put it on. "Your clothes look better on me." I tease. "I will not object." He laughs.

"Hey!" I smile at the staff in the next window of the drive thru. "Lili Reinhart!" They yell, freaking out. "Oh, okay Lili Reinhart..." I say looking at her, her grinning at me. "Cole!" They laugh. "Hey girls!" Lili smiles. "You're beautiful!" One exclaims me nodding. "I'm beautiful too..." I pout. "You're great, Cole." One says casually. "Are you guys dating?" One asks making me smirk. "I don't know..." Lili chuckles. "You've got to be... It's the twenty forth, why are you together if you aren't?" They say. "...Yeah, she's my friendgirl, I'm her friendboy." I say making them laugh. "We are not surprised." One says as she hands us our orders. "Two cake pops are in there... Stay Strong and Merry Christmas!" They smile as we drove. "Merry Christmas!"

"It's Christmas!" Lili laughs bringing out Christmas-y cake pops when we got back to the house. "No." She snaps swiping my hand off. "What?" I ask confused. "They're too pretty to eat." She pouts me sitting beside her on the carpet. "Babe... That's the most basic thing you have ever said." I laugh. "...Without posting them in our Instagram stories first." She adds me wrapping my hands on her waists.

"Merry Christmas you filthy animals." I caption mine, plus a small thanks for Starbucks for the pops (with a selfie of Lili and I holding them up) then post it. "How original..." She teases looking over my shoulder from the couch. "Happy Holidays is not original just because you replace the 'O' with a heart." I reply. "And that doesn't help keep our relationship." I add, her taking a bite from her cake pop. "I love you." She says making me laugh. "I love you too." I smile kissing her on the cheek.

"Lils let's go!" Cole yells from the driveway. "Wait!" I reply grabbing his coat from the bed for me to wear. "You look beautiful." He smiles as I got down. "That is why you date me, I know." I say patting his shoulder walking to the door after. "False." He says quickly grabbing my hand stopping me from walking out. "I love you because I love you." He says making me smile, me pecking his lips quickly. "Love you too ugly." I laugh pulling him out the door. "Paparazzi is at it's finest during Christmas, believe me." He says slapping a cap on me doing the same. "Are we walking it?" I ask him. "Yep, Cami's isn't too far is it?" He asks me nodding. "New York is..." He starts. "Pretty, when covered in snow." I continue him holding my hand me staring at it as we were out in public. "It's Christmas." He shrugs kissing it. " Paparazzi is at it's finest during Christmas, believe me." I mock making him laugh.

"Romeo and Juliet!" Casey exclaims as he opens the door. "Great, you've made it here at one piece, hair and makeup alright..." Charles teases pretending to look at us up and down. "Surprisingly, yes we have..." I chuckle taking my cap off. "Eyes. Up here hobo." Cole jokes messing Charles' hair. "Nothing but respect." He laughs side hugging my boyfriend me leaving them to find the girls.

"Lilian!" Vanessa exclaims finding them in the kitchen. "Smells great!" I laugh as they were doing the cooking. "You look great..." Cami says. "Boyfriend's jacket... Mhm, the cherry on top." Mads says getting back from the pantry. "Travis?" I ask. "Didn't make it, he's with his family." She says me nodding. "Riverdale Christmas parties are lit, from what I've heard..." Vanessa trails. "You aren't wrong, I mean, they're held on the 24th for a reason." Ash laughs. "It's more of a get together than a party, but yes it is amazing." Cami nods. "Ladies, to the lounge please!" Cole announces loudly from the door.

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