the chapter on which; a ring is worn¹

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"I don't know what you're thinking, that's barbaric---" I say going through my lines in the corner of the room, being interrupted by Camila. "Look at you flashing us your engagement ring..." She laughs pulling up my hand to see the ring again. "I wasn't even---" I start. "It's gorgeous!!" She cries staring at it:

 "It's gorgeous!!" She cries staring at it:

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"And you were fiddling with it." She states. "It's been a week since the engagement, and you're still not over it." KJ laughs getting in the conversation. "I know---" I laugh. "---Let me see the ring again." He says at the same time. "C'mon!" I exclaim making them laugh. "Lili's engaged!" Cami exclaims shaking KJ by the shoulders.

"Lili's engaged!" Camila exclaims from the Student Lounge of Riverdale High making me smile. "You're engaged. Why didn't you tell me?!" I mock walking towards them. "Yeah she's engaged you didn't know?" Cami asks playing along. "To this semi-good looking bloke who was in a Disney Channel show, I think..." KJ teases, me giving him a look making Lili laugh. "Roberto's calling us in... Uhm, Pop's." I say the two nodding. "I still need to get V's pearls from the trailer." Cami says. "I'll help you." KJ offers kindly as he follows Cami out of the room.

"You like the ring don't you?" I laugh wrapping my arms around her after. "I love it." She laughs. "I see that you've been fiddling with it all day." I tease planting kisses on her lips. "The promise ring was one thing..." She says running her fingers through my hair. "Oi! Pop's!" The two yell from outside. "Coming!" I respond planting another kiss on her cheek.

"Lils, the ring." Roberto says cameras set and us in our places. "Oh, right... Sh*t." I laugh taking it off. "Well..." I trail looking at Cole. "Where do I put it?" I ask. "I can take it." He smiles me handing it to him. "You're not taking it back are you?" I joke. "Yeah, I take back his character if he does." Roberto exclaims making the four of us in the booth laugh.

"Costume Department gave me this..." I say as I walked into Lili's trailer. "What is it?" She asks. "A chain... For your ring, according to them, when filming." I say putting it around her neck. "Hm..." She exclaim sadly. "Why?" I chuckle. "I hate this." She says lifting the necklace by the chain. "I love it..." She says my arms crossed grinning. "Like this." She finishes placing the ring on the finger again. "Only as Betty and Jughead we're keeping it." I say. "We won't be keeping it from the public." I continue motioning for her to join me in the bed like thing in the trailer. "I'm surprised we've kept our relationship for five years now." She laughs. "We've like known each other for six...?" She adds me nodding.

"Up and at em' lovebirds, you're up for camera time!" Cami yells barging in with KJ and... An airhorn. "What the hell is that?" Cole asks sleepyly. "It's Charles.'" KJ laughs. "Great, now a few more minutes." I say. "How do you even fit in that bed?" She asks. "I dunno." I shrug. "It's the last scene for today..." KJ starts making me stand. "Boyfriend! Last scene!" I yell messing his hair up. "Boyfriend?" He asks quietly opening one of his eyes. "Oh." I laugh. "Fiance!!!" KJ and Cami exclaims letting the horn off again and again. "Adjusting, give me a few more days..." I laugh placing the ring back to the chain.

"Enjoy your night!" Cami smiles as Lili and I left set 11 o'clock. "Where do you want to go?" She asks me taking hold of her hand. "Stop." I say her doing so. "What?" She asks confused as I go some steps away. "Love..." She chuckles. "Wait." I laugh taking my phone out of my pocket. "Really?" She chuckles me taking a picture as she does. "Lighting's great... And you look beautiful." I say her smirking as I take a couple more. "You love me too much." She laughs me lowering my phone down. "Really?" I ask. "An understatement." She says hugging me. "I love you." I chuckle. "I love you too." She smiles pulling me to where she was. "My turn!" She laughs getting my phone.

"Morning lovebirds!" Matt ---owner of a small breakfast diner near set smiles as I open the door for Lili. "Empty house?" I ask looking around. "It's one am what do you guys think?" He laughs taking Lili's hand and looking at the ring, he knows I proposed to her but he hasn't seen the ring yet. "She's pretty." He says nodding at me. "The ring or the lady?" Lili laughs sliding into a booth. "Both, congratulations gang." He smiles getting to the back. "Thanks." I say. "Lemme see the ones you took." I say sitting beside her. "That huge set light made you look hot." She says quietly zooming into my face. "What do you mean?" I laugh. "You look less hot without it on you." She says just as quiet making me poke her on the waist. "This one's my favourite..." She laughs zooming into one that I was laughing at something she said earlier. "So when will you guys tell them?" Matt asks getting out of the kitchen with our usual. "Yeah, we ought to tell them huh?" I ask transferring to the other side of the booth. "Yeah, a wedding will happen of course." He laughs placing our meals down. "Pictures or it didn't happen." Lils says taking a fry. "I suggest letting them know the soonest." He shrugs sitting on a chair. "Don't move." She exclaims making me choke on my water. "Sorry." She says making Matt laugh. "This place has great lighting as well." She chuckles. "Wait." She says raising her left hand me probably seen in the background since Matt was smirking at what she was capturing. "That's nice!" He nods in approval. "Get there Cole, I can take one of the both of you." Matt says Lili handing him my phone as I transferred to beside her again.

"Those were great pictures you guys posted." Mads laughs as I walked into the make-up trailer. "Yeah? Haven't checked on them yet since last night." I tell her. "Girl, both of you are viral-viral." She laughs. "Who's viral-viral?" Cole laughs as he enters the trailer too with the gang. "You engaged humans." She laughs. "Really?" He laughs. "I mean I knew we were going to go viral..." He says. "You're viral-viral." Cami laughs. "Fan favourite was this one." Mads shows us the first picture Cole posted. It was the one of us kissing but my hand ---with the ring just covering our lips. "I liked the next one." Casey speaks. "This one?" Mads asks swiping left to the one my hand was covering Cole's face. "Yeah..." Cole chuckles. "It's just so Cole and Lili, and the next one the one both of you were just smiling so happy." Casey smiles. "One you posted I loved." Cami tells me. "It's artsy but genuine." She says. "I choked on my water before that, guess it was worth it since we are viral-viral." Cole says making the boys laugh. "I liked all the pictures... Since they show one thing." KJ says. "That you have told the fans." He continues. "Watch you're gonna be called for interviews." Cami laughs. "Especially since they all have questions." Mads nods looking through Twitter.

"Lils, Cole... Netflix wants an interview for their Youtube account." Rob's says entering the trailer. "Those were amazing photos by the way..." He adds.

end of part one of two~~
I'm feeling like doing a small q&a, drop some questions fam! (anything about sprousehart, the stories... even myself :p)


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