the chapter on which; they decide on "and" or "end" the contract³

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majority asked for part three of 'they decide on "and" or "end" the contract' so here you go fam!! :)


"Got it!" Hart yells suddenly making me snap my head up. "Yo?" I ask confused of his sudden reaction. "I've been staring at you, didn't you feel?" He asks casually. "Quintessential Hart." I say leaning back on the chair. "Ever since you got back to set after your per se hiatus. You've been missing something." He says. "Yeah... If you're talking about me looking empty because of your friend then please don't remind me, I'm tryna get over it." I breath out slouching. "Yes but no." He nods. "Not just Lils." He adds. "You've also been missing your camera." He says in a tone of matter of fact. "And you're point is..." I ask. "No point, just a line." He shrugs me raising a brow on him in amusement. "Why don't you have your camera with you?"

"What?" Franz laughs minutes after he stopped the car on set's boundary. "You're not even going to ask me if I'm sure if I'd really like to do this?" I reply in disbelief. "Liline, you're still so like me." He says as I got out of his stupid tap down. "We're twins it's in our imaginary DNA." I say casually. "Wait." He exclaims getting out of his car as well. "I need good luck." He says quietly tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Wow, never knew that the Franz, needed good luck for a shoot." I say making him smile. "But, so do I." I breath out. "Good luck." He says planting a kiss on my forehead. "Good luck, love you." I smile doing the same on his cheek. "Holy Molly, mother of Ron Weasley." I exclaim shaking my hands making Franz laugh. "Why am I so nervous?!" I yell him cupping my hands. "Relax, petal." He smiles. "Easy for you to say, you've got your comfort thing on your hand the whole time." I say pointing at the backseat his equipment laying there safely. "As much as I would like to come with you, I'm pretty sure I won't be allowed, plus, I myself, have a shoot to attend to." He says playing with the charm bracelet he gave me second grade him smiling at it then at me. "Hey, but if you do need me. Hit me up and I'll go Fast Franz again." He says me nodding thankful that he exsists.

"Who's that?" A person asks as I made my way into set passing the casts' parking lot. "Charles." I say. "I was loosing hope that you were going to arrive." He says flashing me a smile~ seemingly because I'm here for filming and not because of my presence... Cool. "Where are the others?" I ask him. "The three dorks have been waiting for you since this morning." He says as we made our way to the gate. Madelaine, Cami and KJ leaning on it. "Lili!" Mads exclaims lounging her hands around my neck. "Hey, Mads." I laugh KJ behind her me hugging him as well. "Camila." I laugh doing the same.

"I don't know..." I shrug. "I dunno." I say Hart just nodding understandingly. "Is Lili really not coming though?!" He exclaims later breaking the ice, then crashing beside me on the couch. "We're done for. We're done for." Van laughs entering the room me exhaling deeply. "

"Let the others know that she's with me, I'll help her with Roberto." Charles tells Cami and the others. "Why?" I ask him confused. "I need to talk to her." I hear him whisper to KJ.

Why are the talking like I'm not here.

"Things have been rough with your per se, hiatus, Reinhart." He says leading the way to Roberto's office. "Cole got here weeks ago." He adds my heart pacing all of the sudden. "So don't expect everyone to treat you the same." He chuckles almost to himself only.

"Roberto, Blondie showed up." He says as he opens the door to his office. "Lils." He chuckles as his head shot up from his papers. "Hey.", awkward. "What are you working on?" I ask him. "Season four." Charles say still by the opened door. "Enough of the small talk." He scoffs. "He's right, Lili. We need to finish this season." Roberto nods. "Melton, tell the gang to head to hair and makeup. Send a message to the group chat to notify the adults. I'll contact the crew to set up the cameras, lights and all." He says as if I was invisible. "All nighter?" Charles asks. Have I mentioned that he was sort of the leader off events and off cameras? "Of course, yes. All nighter." Roberto says. "Lili, head on." He exclaims.

"Weirdos." I chuckle Van and Hart laughing their asses off with an edit sent by one of the crew earlier on the group chat. "It's funny!" Van exclaims. "Hey," Casey says somewhat lost as he enters the room. "Heard that Lili's back... Is it true?" He asks scanning the room, making me sit up Vanessa shooting me a concerned look. "She's not here so obviously... it's a lie, gossip, out of the loss of hope of crew." Hart scoffs yet looking at me concerned as well. "Oh, so she really ditched us then." Casey says crossing his arms over his chest. "No she didn't." Mads starts entering from the back. "And it isn't gossip." Cami says "She's with Charles speaking with Roberto." She continues. "...M'kay." I shrug. "Good that she didn't let you guys down." I say silently, KJ after messing my hair making me and the others chuckle.

"Dudes!" Charles exclaims enthusiastically from the door. "Melton!" I exclaim wincing not looking at the door. "Hair and makeup, let's go." He chuckles.

"We know you love us and your job. Are you glad now?" I hear Cole exclaim me still outside of the student lounge set. He seems happy. "I mean.. yah." Charles jokes. "Thank your ex." He says glancing my way as he does. "Honestly though, hair and makeup dudes, let's go." He repeats pleadingly this time. "Thought I'd be excited filming again, thank God my hair's still red." I hear KJ mutter making me laugh. "You know you should talk to him yeah?" Charles says facing me as the others exited the back. Now he doesn't seem upset with me. He seems sincere. "Yeah... yeah, I know." I nod. "I recommend total closure before getting too close with that dude who dropped you off a while ago." He says stepping off the steps and facing me now. "He isn't my boyfriend. I'm not that easy---" I scoff getting cut off by him. I would like to get angry with him, he is totally getting on my nerves but I know that I have no right to. "Reinhart, you and I both know, that it will only take a matter of time before you become lovers." He says leaving me speechless. "He's good looking, I'd give you that." He says crossing his arms over his chest. "He looks successful as well, will you be working for him after?" He asks casually my eyes widened. "You're not going to take on season four are you?" He asks more quietly now. I don't know what to say, he reads us well... Sometimes too well. "Charles, you have to understa-" I start him smirking unamused. "Thought so too." He exhales making his way to hair and makeup himself.

end of part three of four~~


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