the chapter on which; they 'sign a contract' for their relationship

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"good morning, internet¿" I caption an Instagram story; a selfie of Lili and I from earlier, in bed still, Lili resting on my bare chest. "You ready Lils?" I exclaim getting down the steps to our apartment. It was three thirty AM and we decided on having a small road trip to San Diego today, just for fun. "Do you have my phone?" She asks walking to me putting on her Ray-Bans making me grin. "Don't stare, jerk." She laughs. "Couldn't help it, you look great." I smile. "And yes I've got your phone." I add handing it to her. "It's dark out, how can you even tell that u look decent?" She chuckles. "Boyfriend senses." I simply say. "You posted something haven't you?" She asks staring at her phone. "It's going crazy, you must've." She laughs. "On your accounts, no." I chuckle. "Ah, so on your account." She chuckles heading for the car.

"Cute." I smile checking his stories as he got in the driver's seat. "I am cute, aren't I?" He kids. "Cuter being is on your right." I shrug. "Maybe." He says quietly making me hit him playfully. Ever since we announced our relationship public a year ago we've pretty much kept everything else private, posting pictures together very very rarely. "This'll be a good thing for them to wake up to." I smile. "Three hours to Coronado Beach, let's go." He smiles as he starts driving.

I hear her exhale deeply just thirty minutes before reaching our destination making me look at her quickly. "You alright, babe?" I ask focusing my eyes back on the road as she puts her phone down. "Fine." She says quietly. "Can we stop somewhere first?" She asks me nodding. "Yeah, sure." I reply still skeptical on why her mood suddenly changed.

"Starbucks, you up?" I ask seemingly snapping her back to reality of staring outside. "Yeah, I think there's a twenty-four seven one nearby." She says a bit more cheerful than earlier making me smile a bit. "Lilian!" I exclaim her turning her head to face me. "I love you." I say softly making her smile.

"I f*cking need to use the bathroom!" I exclaim as Cole parks hearing him chuckle as he rushes to my side of the car to open the door for me. "Sh*t!" I exhale as my phone slid off my hand to the side if the seat making Cole laugh louder. "Go ahead, I'll get it." He chuckles me jogging to get inside Starbucks. "Bless bughead and beanies." I say making him chuckle.

"Finally." I exclaim getting her phone from the side of our ride for about five minutes of trying now. What I saw when I unlocked her phone made me furious. She was on Twitter a tweet flashing:

You 👏 do 👏 not 👏 deserve 👏 Cole 👏 Sprouse 👏

It's been a year or so and I still don't get why he likes you... 👌

Followed by:

Unbelievable how he still likes you, huh? 😂

Both having a number of likes and retweets but replies from fans still dominating.

"Dammit, sh*theads." I exhale pocketing Lili's and going on mine. "You don't like her then you don't like me. You don't like her then I despise you. Simple analogy, really, but still your sh*t minds... nor hearts can't seem to process it." I tweet out sending texts to the gang to back me up. "WHYYYYY THOOOOOOO?!!!" Casey texts back immediately. "Your opinions in these part of our lives DO NOT matter, keep that in mind." Camila tweets out after seeing my text. "Guys, just stfu. Love is love, you can't change that." KJ follows quoting my tweet.

"It's your guys' day, don't let them ruin it. You're happy, he's happy. That's all that matters. You love him, he loves you." I say in the mirror. "Frick." I exhale wiping a stray tear away making me chuckle.

"Woah." I chuckle entering the cafe. "This is different." I say looking at the place it was huge compared to typical ones in LA, it was also empty aside from a few elders and business-inclined looking dudes. "Hey, uhm... Where are your restrooms?" I ask the counter her smiling as he looks up at me. "Cole Sprouse!" She chuckles. "That's me, good morning." I laugh. "Hey, good morning! Are you looking for Lili? She's upstairs." She continues. "So are the restrooms?" I ask grinning. "Yep." She smiles. "I love your guys' relationship, makes me happy that you're still together." She adds making me smile. "If only more of the fan base are with us... Hana." I say seeing her name tag. "Caution on getting up there though, some teenagers just got in before you did." She warns me nodding before I got up.

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