the chapter on which; he forgot¹

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"I'll head out now..." Lili says to us girls in the trailer; Madchen, Mads and I plus the crew right after she got back in the trailer and removed her makeup after only two hours of filming on camera. "Already?" Madchen asks Mads nodding. "Cole's got three to four hours left Lils." Someone says from the back. "Sure, I'll just text you guys later or something, I don't know. See ya later Mads." She says heading out of the trailer leaving us confused. "Well, that was..." Mads start. "Different." I finish.

"Cole, again! What's up?" Roberto yells again. "Sorry!" He exclaims placing his hand on his face and removing his beanie. "Sht." He breaths out. "Bro, you alright?" I ask pulling him aside. "It's like the forth time." I laugh. "Fine, fine." He says. "Of course he isn't." Ash says. "He's the smartest guy on set, one of the best of us and he doesn't know how to deliver his lines? Are you okay, Cole?" Ashleigh asks again. "I'm good." He says simply yet not persuading us. "Let's do it again. Sorry, sorry." He says leaving us concerned and suspicious. "KJ!" Rob says calling me after sharing a look with Ashleigh.

"Yo!" Mads calls as KJ got back in the trailer with Ash about an hour after. "Am I in now?" I ask them confused as they should still be rolling. "Nah, Rob says it's an hour's break to us" he says sitting down. "Call you in early, but set you on camera five hours later..." Mads and I say together laughing after. "Where's Cole then?" Madchen asks. "Ah, he's done for today since Mr.-I'm-weird-I'm-a-weirdo apparently can't deliver his lines right..." KJ answers. "Marisol and Luke are on cameras though." Ashleigh adds. "Cole?! He's having trouble with his lines?" Madelaine blinks. "Oh, that Sprouse is taking my title? No, no, no, he's that hot one-taker and I'm the one that takes ten takes." Madchen laughs. "He's got a girlfriend Madchen..." KJ teases making her laugh. "Yeah, he's been like that since we started rolling actually." Ash says. "Why?" Cami laughs. "I dunno, he says he's alright..." KJ shrugs. "But clearly he's not." Ash finishes.

"Pick up..." I say for the fifth time staring at my phone. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..." I say tears rolling down my face, screaming my heart out after somewhere a small distance from set.

"Cole." Cami says as he got in the trailer sweaty. "Where have you been... Why do you look..." Madchen starts. "Sweaty? I went on a run." He says simply. "At 2 o'clock?" I chuckle. "On set?" Mads adds. "Why not?" He shrugs. "I'll head home now." He says. "You're leaving?" Ashleigh asks. "Yeah." He says. "Without telling us what's up?" I ask. "Nothing's up." He chuckles. "And you're not concerned that Lili isn't in this trailer waiting for you to finish filming like she does everyday?" Cami laughs. "Lili left early... Didn't tell us why. Did all her shots as pure work, no jokes, no laughs." Madelaine says. "Something's wrong isn't there?" Madchen asks voice full of concern. "Is it that obvious?" He chuckles sitting on the floor. "You're right." He says. "Yes, something's fuc*ing wrong!" Cole yells on the floor placing his hands on his face after. "Sht, drama on set, off camera..." Madelaine says sitting beside Cole and rubbing his back as he cried head on his knees. "What is it?" Cami asks.

It's three thirty I've been sitting on my bed staring at the ceiling for sometime now, when my phone rang again, giving up I got it. Surprisingly, it wasn't him; Hugo it read making me smile.

"Rein!" He exclaims making me chuckle. "Hugo..." I respond. "I'm here in Vancouver landed three hours ago!" He cheers. "That was today?" I ask standing. "Yes princess, I'm a bit hurt that you didn't remember, nor did you placed it in your calendar." He says making me chuckle. "Are you busy filming Riverdale?" He asks sadly. "Actually no, I'm free till tomorrow." I respond. "Amazing, thought you didn't have time for me anymore, now that you've got new cool friends." He laughs. "Bub, this might be gross, but believe me you're always a priority." I laugh. "Aww, you are too princess." He laughs. "So where to?" I ask taking my bag, keys and heading for the door.

"You forgot about a date." Cami repeats in a calm manner surprisingly. "And it wasn't even a 'lets go out' date, it was 'let's chill on the couch and watch Netflix' date--- which is way cuter may I say, and you forgot about it?!" Mads exclaims now standing. "I know, I suck." Cole says head still on his knees. "Honestly, I leave for five days..." Mads says again. "You fuc*ed up man, even I can't say anything positive about this." I say truthfully. "What are you going to do about it?" Madchen asks. "I don't know, I've been calling her, she isn't answering. I've also been texting her, obviously she's ignoring them..." He trails. "When did this happen again?" Ashleigh asks. "Saturday." He says look up. "It's freaking Monday today." Cami says hitting his head. "I know Camila." He exclaims. "You think it's not killing me? That I'm not trying?" He laughs. "I came home from a night out with some college friends at two AM--- not even drunk, to two boxes of pizza and drinks on my coffee table, and blankets on the couch and a fuc*ing note from my girlfriend and you think I don't feel guilty? Damaged?" He yells. "What did the note read?" Madchen asks Cole taking a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket handing it to her after. "'I kept telling, convincing myself that you didn't forget, but it's 10 PM, I said six. Guess you did. Enjoy the pizza ~Lili.'" Madchen read. "I've been trying to approach her since yesterday, she locked up the apartment, even today on set but she wouldn't even let me get close to her, and I only had two hours of trying." He chuckles as Roberto enters the trailer. "Guys, it's been an hour... Cole you're still here and crying?" He asks confused. "Roberto, we're a few episodes early right? Can we maybe not film anymore today?" Madchen asks. "Well yeah, sure... Are you alright though Cole, mate?" He asks kindly. "Fine Roberto." He says not looking up. "I'll tell crew to clean up already and tell them not to enter here... The cast?" He asks. "Whatever, call Luke and Marisol sure." Cole answers. "Thank you!" Mads yells as he left the trailer. "Well, guess it's a good thing Betty and Jughead didn't have any scenes together today..." I chuckle.

"Where are you?" I say looking out. "Reinhart!" A familiar voice exclaims, hugging me from behind. "Hugo!" I say turning to face him--- a good looking guy, with a great body a bit taller than Cole, brown hair, and eyes. "I've missed you princess!" He says hugging me again. "I've missed you too." I say hugging him back, he's my best friend back at home, we were neighbors, best friends--- first kiss even. At this moment I was, happy for the first time since Saturday.

end of part one of four~~


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