the chapter on which; they go on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

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***AU/ spin off to the chapter on which; he goes on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. ---go give it a read! (wink wink)

"Sprousehart! Sprousehart! Sprouse... Hart!!!" Jimmy yells as the cameras started rolling and us sitting down. "Why the flippin hell did it take so long before you, before you..." He starts pretending to wipe a tear off. "Before Ellen DeGeneres, outed our relationship?" Lili says patting his back. "Yeah, before you let us know?" He says. "I mean, how long have you dated already?" He asks. "Three years." I say. "So you started dating, in the timeline of Riverdale..." He says. "Just before filming, or just after filming the pilot." I say looking at Lili. "Just before filming." She nods. "We knew each other for a long time then, because behind the scenes there are loads of things happening... paperworks, casting, photoshoots, promos, and all the other stuff." Lili states. "And since, we were like in the core four... If you'd like to call it that, we would always be with each other, with Camila and KJ." I add. "So you had a crush on Lili." He tells me making Lili laugh. "I mean..." I laugh. "She's my girlfriend now..." I say sheepishly. "And three years and counting!" Jimmy claps. "Honestly, I just wanted to talk to you guys, that's why I only called the two of you in and not the whole cast..." He says getting reactions from Lili and me. "You just wanted to talk to us?!" I mock. "Well, we just want to promote the show!" Lili continues getting cheers from the crowd. "Riverdale, in the CW, eight-seven central." I say, Jimmy staring into space.

"And cut!" Staff yells making the three of us laugh. "That was a joke, I love the whole cast, including Roberto." He says. "They would have been here, but they're busy on set." Cole says. "But bughead wasn't so..." I trail. "You guys would be putting up with just us, just us." Cole laughs. "We wouldn't ask for better lovers to gag on! Next segment!" Jimmy laughs.

"Lils, you know Cole Sprouse." Jimmy starts me nodding. "You know his brother, twin..." He continues. "Dylan." We say together. "Do you know them apart?" He asks making Cole and I laugh. "Yes. I know them apart." I say confidently Cole standing and still laughing. "I told you Jimmy." He laughs. "Why?" He chuckles. "Let's, let's just do it." I say pulling Cole back down. "Then we'll explain." He says.

"We've got pictures, ones we've sent to Cole months ago for him to determine if it's Dylan or himself, or who's on the left and right." Jimmy continues me still chuckling. "Babe, stop." Lili says hitting my arm. "Yeah, babe... Stop." Jimmy repeats making the crowd laugh. "Lili, we have an iPad for you, the pictures will also be on screen, tell us if it's Dylan or Cole." He says Lili nodding.

"That. Is so not you, Cole. That's flippin Dylan." Lili laughs us on the last picture on we were kids. "We've been on this picture, the last one for three hours now." Jimmy jokes. "Call Dylan. Text him or something." Lili urges. "Can we have one of our phones?" I say. "Or, guys, guys..." Jimmy says as a staff hands Lili my phone. "Or, listen." He says getting our attention. "Or, we can just not, and not count this in Lili's score, yeah?" He says cheerfully. "No!" Lili laughs making me laugh. "I've got a huge reputation to maintain." She says dialing Dylan. "She memorizes his number." Jimmy says looking at me. "Mhm, she memorizes all of her friends'" I say. "My girlfriend is a nerd." I add Lili hitting my arm again making Jimmy laugh. "Lils, do you memorize my number?" He asks. "Not yet, Jimmy." She chuckles as Dylan picks up. "Lils, what's up?" Dylan answers. "Is Cole being a prick?" He asks making me raise a brow. "No, no, Dyl, he's been amazing..." She says Jimmy giving me a thumbs up. "Oh, so it isn't time for me to take my Nerf out?" He says making me laugh. "Oh, hey brother!" He laughs. "We're live on Jimmy Fallon." I say. "Hey Jimm-ey!" He exclaims. "Hey!" Jimmy chuckles. "Dylan, I'll send you a picture, then I'll call you again." Lili says. "Alright, alright... Bye!" He exclaims Lili ending the call.

"Left. I was the one on the left." He says picking up immediately. "Am I right? Jimmy got you to identify who's the one on the left the right, you say Cole's the guy on the left and you say otherwise now you're calling me?" He says making me laugh. "Yes, you're right." I say. "Cole! Cole Sprouse!" He yells making Cole sit up. "Dude?" He says. "Girls... Lili is never wrong, especially in terms like this... We have learned, it has been proven." He states making Jimmy laugh. "Besides, the kid on the left is more good looking, I understand why you'd want to be him... Aka me." He says making all of us laugh. "Thanks, Dylan!" I laugh. "No problem, Lili, Cole, Jimm-ey!" He laughs. "We'll see you this weekend." Cole says me nodding. "We love you!" I say. "I love you guys too, bye!" He exclaims ending the call.

"I told you!" I exclaim handing him back his phone. "I wave the white flag." He says making Jimmy laugh. "Now... Lovers, can you explain what Lili is never wrong, especially in terms like this... We have learned, it has been proven. Means?" He says making my partner laugh again. "It's a drunken memory for me, so Lili can explain." He says making me shake my head. "It's not what you think, Jimmy. Don't bother blurting it out." I say, Cole's eyes widen then shake his head histerically. "We wouldn't have called Dylan if that happened, because he would have been killed... By me." He jokes making me laugh. "It was a summer get together, slash party of Riverdale... And we decided on inviting Dylan, for the lols." I start. "Yeah, then?" Jimmy says. "And since he was in Vancouver." Cole says. "Ah, so it was in Canada." Jimmy asks us nodding. "Canada, yes." Cole nods. "KJ and the boys, including Dylan. For gods sake were, doubting Lili that she didn't know the difference between Dylan and I." He says laughing later. "So, they came barging from the poolside into the living room, to were the girls and the parents of Riverdale were including Roberto. I was confident af that I knew the difference between the two Sprouse's, the girls and half of the parents were on my side... So was Cole, right?" I ask him nodding. "Were you really?" Jimmy asks staring at him. "I was! I swear on the hat of Jughead Jones." He exclaims. "They got to pursuade Lili and I in this stupid, deadass dangerous game of blindfolding Lili and making her touch us. Belt up." He continues. "Clothes on?" Jimmy asks. "Clothes on. It was Vancouver, summer, but it was Vancouver. We needed our clothes." Cole laughs. "The catch?" Jimmy asks. "See you already know there was a catch." I laugh. "Of course there's a catch, it's Riverdale." He laughs. "The catch was... Lili would kiss who she thought her boyfriend was." Cole continues. "If I wasn't tipsy, I would have not agreed on that. I was confident in Lili." Cole says looking at me. "But damn, looking back now, I would solid not have agreed on that." He says making me laugh.

"But you succeeded right?" Jimmy asks Lili. "I did." Lili laughs. "Straight away, actually. She did Dylan first... She succeeded but that was not what she made tipsy Cole and Dylan think." I laugh. "Let's just say, I abused my power of knowing my boyfriend and his brother while they're tipsy." Lili says. "Wow, this segment went from wow to wow." Jimmy breaths out making us laugh. "Well, Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart everybody!" He laughs. "Riverdale, in the CW, eight-seven central." He finishes, cameras stopped rolling.

"Can you kiss?" A fan yells from the crowd. "I think they want you to kiss your hand, Jimmy." Lili says still seated. "They've seen that multiple times Lili." He laughs. "Who do you want to see?" He asks the crowd. "Sprousehart!" They yell. "The cameras aren't rolling anymore, gang." Jimmy comments. "Just saying, it's just us." He chuckles. "Plus the people of the internet, five seconds after..." I trail. "True..." Jimmy laughs. "On the cheek." Lili says after a while, standing up. "Mhm, on the cheek, cheek." Jimmy says grabbing his scripts. "I love you." Lili says quietly. "I love you too." I reply just as quiet. "Pardon?" Jimmy coughs. "We love you!" I say. "Mhm..." He laughs. "On the cheek, for the success of the next season." He states grabbing my phone to video it probably. "The show doesn't need this." Lili says myself nodding. "Our hearts do!" The fans yell making me laugh. "Do I kiss? Or..." Lili asks. "Lili!" Jimmy yells making me laugh. "Sh*t, okay!" Lili exclaims startled. "Sorry, I'm just passionate. I love my job." He says making me laugh. "Count down." I exclaim tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Three... two..." They say. "Cole!" Jimmy exclaims, as mentally planned. Making me look at his direction, Lili's lips crashing into mine, the crowd going crazy.



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