the chapter in which; the girls take matters into their own hands pt. 3

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this is part 3/3.

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Any minute now, Cole will be here. After putting on my shoes, I head downstairs. "He's pulling into the driveway." Madelaine says, when I got to the kitchen. With a breath, "wish me luck." I say. "I will be ending things. So, I have no clue where I'll be getting my money... You know, in case I won't be playing Betty Cooper, next season." I tell her, slinging my bag on my shoulder. "What?" She laughs. "When I break up with him, I won't be Betty anymore. Obviously, he'll keep playing Jughead." I shrug, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "Will you really be ending things?" She asks me. "If he won't be reasonable, I will." I say, walking to the door. "See you!" She exclaims. I raise my arm in acknowledgment as I head out.

"Why are we going out tonight?" She asks, getting in the car as I hold the door open. "I don't know. I wanted to, and you agreed to join me." I respond. Instantly, regret floods me. "If you want to win her back, be a decent boyfriend for once," I tell myself. Plainly, "okay." She mutters.

The drive was very different. That was the saddest part. During the last one, about a month ago, Lili was singing to the music playing on the radio. She was holding my free hand. Today, she looks out of the window with her arms crossed. "Was I that gloomy that I affected her as well?" I ask myself, parking. I bring her to a restaurant near the water. "We're here." I say, opening her door. Seeing where we were, "why haven't you ever taken me here, until today?" She asks, withholding a smile. "We are busy people." I say, making her chuckle. "Now, we aren't?" She challenges, leaning on the railing. "You tell me." I say, raising my shoulders.

"Cole." She starts, occupying a bench. "Yeah?" I respond with my eyes on sea. "Do you love me?" She asks, making me turn to her. "Yes." I answer. I smile, when she rests her head on the crook of my neck. "I love you." I say, repeatedly. For a while, silence takes over. "Why don't I feel like you do, anymore?" She inquires. Tears fall from her eyes. The sight makes mine water too. "I'm sorry." I bid, stroking her hair. "That's not enough, Cole!" She exclaims. She was on her feet, now. "Why have you been avoiding me, these past few weeks?" She questions. I stand too. "Talk to me!" She exclaims, hitting my chest. I pull her into a hug. "I love you. Why don't you love me, anymore?" She asks, quietly. "Have I changed? Am I not good enough for you, anymore? Is there someone else?" She inquires. She was still crying. I was rendered speechless. "No..." I manage. I hug her tighter. "Then, why have you been avoiding me?" She calls. "Why don't I see you smile, anymore?" She follows, breaking free from my embrace. "You know what..." She starts. "It's okay. Seeing as you don't want me in your life, any longer... I mean, you're not happy. Your fans were right, all along. You're too good for me..." She trails, wiping away tears as she stood. "I'm ending things." She declares. I saw it coming, and yet, my heart still stops. "Lili." I call, weakly. "Don't worry. You'll get Riverdale. You won't need a lawyer to settle that." She says. "I don't want a lawyer." I argue, helplessly. "We can share friends, yeah? I've never been more happy, ever since I met them." She continues.

"I read the comments." Cole says, cutting me off. "You what?" I question. "I read the comments." He repeats, returning to his seat. "That is why I have been avoiding you, and why I haven't been all sunshine and rainbows." He says, looking away from me. "I told you not to." I point out. "I don't want you to break up with me." He says. Swiftly, he wipes away tears that fell on his face. "Please, don't." He manages, glancing at me. "You make me. You complete me. You're my inspiration, Lili. You're the only one that manages to make me laugh, the way I do. You made me realize what love is." He delivers, prompting tears fall down my face as well. "You're crazy." I comment, making him chuckle. "Don't let the internet get to you." I say. "I'm sorry." He bids. "You should be." I scoff, hitting his arm. "Thinking about it, why are you so affected by the haters? Shouldn't you be used to it already?" I inquire. "I only had Zack and Cody, Lili. Instagram and Twitter weren't even a thing, then." I remind her, getting back on my feet. "I never even had a girlfriend, at that point. I mean, people would ship me with girls, but they wouldn't know that they would have non-showbiz boyfriends... Besides, it wasn't like I was interested in them." He explains. "I graduated, and then, came Riverdale. We both know that it's amazing. Hell, people love it. They love us." He smiles. "Little do they know, we're actually a thing." He muses. "You are still my girlfriend, right?" He makes sure. "Mhm... Girlfriend." I call. I smile, before planting a kiss on his lips. "More!" He demands, sweetly. "Hush." I laugh. "Continue what you were saying..." I say, pulling him back to the bench to sit with me. "After that, do I get more kisses?" He asks, placing an arm around my shoulder. "That depends." I laugh. "Alright..." He sighs. "It's just... The majority like us together. I mean, Sprousehart, Bughead... Then, as they dig deeper... They put together that we're actually together. Then, the hate comments come." He trails. "It's like being together on screen is enough for them. Seeing us together, off-screen... I think it's is a bit too much for them." He says. "You're never too much for me." I tell him. I kiss him again.

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