the chapter on which; his heart beats only for her

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everyone: *leaves*
me: haha, lol, same.

this is the last chapter.
we're #OnFifty-five... my creativity on these two human beings have gone dark, especially now that they've gone public.

their carpet debut closed an era. as in my opinion walking a red carpet, the met gala even, is the second best u can do as a celebrity couple (coughs, shawn × hailey) first of course, proposal and marriage. lol. idk, I think 55 is just a number to close it all off : p i meaaan, no tea, no shade, but i don't think we need fanfic anymore, as they themselves, together, on each other's socials and all and all, life is, I believe, perfect as it is(?)

HAHAHA OKAY don't come for me!!! this is only MY OPINION and, c'mon save me some slack i just lost it. love just isn't real because david × liza. KIDDING DUDES love u, hope to see u, STILL, on my comments!!
💙 💙 💙

"How is he?" Mads asks as she slides into our booth at a food place. "He who?" I ask casually. "Boyfriend." She says as I took a sip of my shake. "This is really good." I chuckle. "You mean Cole?" I ask again. "No, Melton..." She says making my eyes widen. "Woah." I laugh. "Yes Cole!" She exclaims yet voice still contained. "He flew to New York a week ago." I shrug. "Time off? Are you guys fighting? And not play fighting nor in bed, fighting..." She asks looking at me concerned. "No no." I laugh. "We're still together." I assure. "I think." I doubt slightly her giving me a look. "He's just having time off to figure out and hopefully fix and sort out his... Thing." I say. "What's up with him anyway?" She asks. "I told you on the phone, we don't know." I say. "Is he with Dylan?" She asks taking a bite of her pasta. "Mhm, that's what he told me." I nod. "What's he say and report to you?" She asks. "For all he knows he's been sulking in his window seat in his room. You know, head pressed by the glass, music video sh*t." I trail. "He hasn't been going out." I add sadly. "I'll take that he's not doing well then?" She asks. "Yeah, I don't think so."


"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask him. He was at my apartment, his back leaning on the kitchen counter arms across his chest head back. "Can I stay here?" He asks voice shaking and barely audible catching my attention. I drop my bags and walk towards him. "Cole, are you alright love?" I ask taking his hands pushing away the strands of hair by his eyes him still not catching eye contact with me. I pull him into an embrace. "What's wrong? You're scaring me." I say worried. "I don't know... I don't know." He breaths out me leading him to the couch. I sit beside him. "Bad day?" I ask, even though I know it wasn't. He's basically been off the radar almost half of the month already. "I'm sorry I haven't been contacting you that much." He says his eyes closed his hand still held by mine. "Will you tell me what has been bothering you now?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." He repeats a tear falling off his face. I breath out and cup his face. "It's okay..." I smile wiping his fallen tear. "I've missed you." He says pulling me to him his hands now wrapped around my waist my head on his chest, getting me access to what once was my favorite sound, his heartbeat. But it didn't sound like how it did before. It's sad. "Does it still beat for me?" I ask him quietly not even waiting for an answer. "Only you." He answers barely a whisper seconds later him taking hold of my hand.

((edit: haha, stream Only You by little mix and cheat codes on music streaming platforms. download this sh*t, honestly, it's amazing.
k bye, i'm so annoying.

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