the chapter in which; he goes through madelaine first

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The whole of the cast just finished filming season one of the CW's Riverdale and all of the press that comes with finishing a show a few days ago. Now, since we were in Italy for some time off together, I would like to take Lili out for some food. You see, now that we've finished our business with them, media do not know that we're here on vacation. In addition to that, with the cast agreeing on a rule of not having social media during the trip, we were as near as we could be in the dark. Because of the pressure and the things they say, I do not like my personal life being mixed and shared with any of the fans. By being out of the country, and with little to no media coverage, I think I can get away with a breakfast date with Lili. Yeah? Well, hopefully she says yes.

It's just our first morning here and now I'm headed towards her and Madelaine's hotel room. Same as how I'm feeling so relaxed taking into consideration what I'm about to do, the girls had no idea I was coming nor that I had the objective of asking one of them out. "Good morning, Cole. Hey." Madelaine greets cheerfully yet the confusion on her face on why I was at their door evident, still. "Madelaine, buongiorno." I smile. "Oh, fancy!" She laughs. "Right? Where's Lili?" I ask, leaning on the door frame. "She went on a run with Camila." She replies, apprehension written on her face. "Do you want to come in?" She asks. I nod, myself very aware of my fidgeting fingers as I follow her inside the room. "She left me your hoodie, though. She asked me to give it to you if you ever came by." She says handing me the clothing I lent Lili at the airport. "She knew I was coming?" I ask, furrowing my brows as I took a glass of water from their kitchen. "She said she felt like you were. Whatever that meant." She shrugs, leading me to the small lounging area after. "See. I can't tell if that's cute or... Yeah, it's cute." She laughs, myself following. "Why are you here anyway? It's seven in the morning. Shouldn't you be knocked out like your roommate?" She finally asks, looking at me suspiciously before grabbing her phone probably to check on Casey, who I was sharing a room with. "I woke up at five, actually." I tell her. "You didn't answer my question on why you are here." She says casually. "That, my good friend, is none of your business." I reply, twisting the lock of hair that has been consistent with bothering me all morning. "Let me see if I got this right." She starts, taking a sip of her green drink. I sit up, waiting for what she has to say. "You say this is of Lili's business purely?" She asks. "That is correct." I smile. "And that it isn't of mine?" She frowns, pointing at herself. I nod. "Darling, those two statements cancel each other out!" She gasps. "Do they?" I laugh. "Yes. They do. Now, tell me." She says excitedly and even clapping her hands. "Have they just left?" I ask ignoring her last statement. "No, they left a couple hours ago." She says. "Do you know that the fans are spilt with what you're doing right now?" She asks, myself uncertain on what she's talking about. "Sorry?" I ask. "You playing with your hair!" She exclaims. "They either see it as sexy and hot, or just plain annoying." She explains making me chuckle. "I'm on team annoying, by the way. If you find me in a room with a pair of scissors, I'd cut it myself." She murmurs. "You and me both. This piece of hair just won't stay in place." I sigh. "So, tell me. Are you going to ask her out?" She asks grinning excitedly, changing the subject very poorly. I let out a breath. "If they come back before our lunch with the others, I will take her out for breakfast." I say quietly and checking my watch. "You are going to!" She cheers. "Casey's bet was so right. Charles and KJ owe him big money." She laughs. "What?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her. "They bet on us?" I laugh. "Yes. It's hard for us not to talk about you guys, your chemistry and shit." She says casually. "Who is 'us?'" I follow. "The cast plus some of the crew." She answers. "So, where are you taking her?" She adds so quickly that I couldn't even comment on her last sentence. "Out." I answer plainly. "Stop being Jughead Jones. Snap out of it. I know that isn't you." She scolds me. "You look like a true romantic. Especially when you're with Lili, may I say. You better act like one! Let it show." She rambles on making me laugh. "What do you mean by romantic? You've never seen me with a girlfriend." I chuckle. "This may surprise you but being one of the two of us, I am well aware that we've only ever known each other for a year or so." She says painting me in amusement. "All I ever really got into were dates." I follow. "Even in college?" She asks narrowing her eyes. "Even in college." I nod. "Why not?" She chuckles. "I had a hard time trusting people in there. It wasn't easy, you know." I shrugged. "I bet, mister I was in a fucking hit Disney TV show." She snickers making me chuckle. "Camila said you looked like shit." She says casually. "I would not agree nor deny." I shrug, raising my shoulders. "Wait. Don't you consider your one on one hang outs with Lili as dates?" She asks, full of curiosity. I raise her a brow. "I'm mister I was in a fucking hit Disney TV show. I think I can do better than Taco Bell and Dunkin' Donuts." I say monotonously making her laugh.

"Mads, we're back!" I hear Lili yell from the door about half an hour later as I eye on Cole and him staring back at me grinning. "Cole?" She says when she saw him on the couch, her face visibly lighting up. I'm not even exaggerating. "What are you doing here?" She laughs. Camila looks at me and as a reply, I send her a nod. "Holy shit. KJ and Charles owe Casey and the two of us big money, eh?" Camila laughs. Cole's eyes transfer to me and I turn my back on him immediately. I didn't want him to know I was in on the bet as well! "Oh, yeah. Madelaine, your outfit. You asked me to help you pick one for lunch." Camila says unnecessarily loud making me jump before glancing at the pair again. "Yeah, let's head to the closet." I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her to another opening of the room. "You unpacked?" We hear Cole ask, baffled. "He's going to ask her out?" Camila asks, captivated. "We won't know if you don't keep quiet!" I laugh, jumping in place in excitement.

"Have you been here long?" She asks making her way to the kitchen. I follow her there. "Only about half an hour." I reply. "She unpacked?" I follow with a laugh pointing at where they exited. "Haven't you?" She asks me. "We're only here a week." I shrug. "We're here a week." She repeats. "If you say so." I say through gritted teeth. She shots me a knowing look and I reply with a sweet smile. "Mads gave me back the hoodie." I say motioning to where we were. "Yeah. For some odd reason, I had a feeling that you were coming over." She laughs. Maybe we're connected. I love you and maybe, just maybe, you do love me too. I say in my head. I've wanted to ask her out for so long now. I just found it wise to not do it while filming just in case it won't work out or if, heavens, she says no when I ask for the first time. However, now, that we're on hiatus. I've got no more excuses. "Why are you already awake anyway?" She asks. "Normally, you won't text for another hour or so." She says tossing me a water bottle from the fridge. "I didn't shut my alarm." I tell her. "This day last week, and days prior and after that, we had a brutal call time for filming.'" I continue making her chuckle. "Great memories were made during those times. Don't act all upset." She laughs, taking a drink. "I'm not. I'm not." I deny. "It's only been a year, give or take, since we've all met yet it feels as if we've all known each since forever." She continues. "I do not know what I would be doing know if I haven't met you guys." She shrugs. "I'd be working on a boat." I say decidedly as a joke, only to see Madelaine and Camila frowning at what I said over Lili's shoulder. "What is that in reference to your old Disney show?" She asks, grinning. "You don't even know what it's called." I say, offended and trying to brush off the fact that the two women were shamelessly watching me ask out the women I loved. "Look, I might have zero memories with your show but at least I have plenty with you." She pouts making me smile. "Well, I hope those memories we've made in the little amount of time we've known each other will get me a yes if I ask you out right now, maybe?" I ask keeping the smile on my face. "Well, ask me properly." She smiles back. "Will you go out with me? So that I can then ask you to be my girlfriend a little amount of time after?" I say, doing as asked and a bit more. "Yeah." She answers, nodding and her smile widening just as mine did while I approached her for an embrace. "I'll be forcing you to watch my show." I say quietly while in the embrace. "Do I have to?" She answers just as quietly. "Dylan made his girlfriend do it and we're twins, so..." I trail only to have a pamphlet of the hotel hit the back of my head when Lili released me. "Smooth." Camila says making Lili laugh. "However, I think Lili would have wanted to be asked to be official like how your characters did." Camila follows holding in a smirk. "He hasn't asked me yet." Lili says casually, Cole pointing to her in agreement. "You never know." I shrug cheekily, making Lili narrow her eyes on me. Madelaine clears her throat and I look at her before saying, "in addition to that, I'm Cole. I'm not Jughead." I say, sending a smile towards Mads then. She sends me a wink and I couldn't keep the laugh in. "So, when's the date?" Camila asks. "Will you be ditching the rest of us?" Madelaine adds blatantly. "No." I laugh, knowing very well Lili and I won't like that. "How about tonight?" I ask Lili. I see her eyes sparkle when she nods. "Uh, dinner then a bike around? Perfect." We both say together making Madelaine and Camila hang their mouths open in disbelief. "Penso di aver trovato la mia persona." I say quietly, looking at her as she lifts the chins of our friends and kissing their cheeks. Camila leans on her shoulder and whispers something in her ear. She blushes before looking at me for a spilt second. I can only ever guess and maybe, just maybe, wait for it to happen tonight.

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