the chapter on which; he takes her out, for the first time

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"With who or when was your last relationship?" The interviewer asks me seated behind a table with the core four filming for a Youtube channel to promote the first season which we are currently filming. "Yeah, Cole when was your last relationship?" KJ asks a smirk plastered on his face nudging me. "No comment, pass." I say simply dodging the question looking at Lili after.

"Hmmm." I comment on Cole's answer raising a brow looking at the script on my table. "What?" Cami chuckles quietly, out of the cast she's the one I'm closest with aka the only one I've been really comfortable with since starting filming three months ago. "Why won't he answer the question?" I ask. "He wants to keep private things private." She shrugs. "Alright." I shrug nodding. "Why do you want to know anyway?" She laughs. "No reason." I say her staring at me. "Honestly." I laugh getting the attention of the interviewer and the boys'. "Girls?" Cole smirks. "Sorry." I laugh. "Who was your last relationship with Lili?" Cami teases me playfully rolling my eyes at her. "Save Cole from the roast." KJ says. "I mean unless it was a brutal break-up..." Cami says me shaking my head. "My last relationship was two years ago." I say proudly.

"Two years ago..." KJ nods showing interest at what Lili's saying kicking me under the table lightly me rolling my eyes. "With?" Cami asks looking at me quickly before turning to Lili again. Them knowing very well that I like Lili... "With a guys named Jace, an amazing friend of mine still, my best friend from Ohio." She says smiling. "I believe in the fact that ex's can't be friends anymore..." Cami mutters Lili shooting her a look making me chuckle. "We only separated because he got a scholarship to London for University..." She says. "A smarty-pants..." The interviewer comments me nodding. "Until this day the smartest person I know." She says me raising a brow. "Even vs Cole?" KJ asks out of actual interest and not to tease me. "Yeah, not a doubt." She actually says quickly. "We called it even, neither of us liked long distance relationships." She shrugs. "But even when he did college, we still facetimed every night, until now but not as regularly." She adds. "Do still love him?" KJ asks. "Of course! He's like my big brother now." She smiles. "Shout-out to Jace! You seem like a good guy." Cami exclaims. "First love never dies." Lili shrugs.


"I saw the video that you did a week ago the one where you spoke about your last relationship..." Mads says me nodding along. "What about it?" I ask. "Jace seems nice." She exclaims simply. "Because he is." I chuckle. "Whatever." She laughs. "Fans are outraged though, you know... Bughead." She says us walking to set. "I simply answered a question." I defend not at all bothered. "Half of them are outraged because of that, half because they don't have a Jace of their own." She says making me laugh. "Jace is engaged now." I laugh. "Really?!" She pouts. "Madelaine, you have a boyfriend." I remind her, her raising her hands in surrender getting into the lounge.

"Why don't you tell her?!" Ash exclaims as Mads and Lili enter set laughing. "Hey... Girls!" Casey says nudging me. "Hey! Good morning." Lili smiles. "Thanks, Cole needed it. He had a bad day..." Cami says. "Cole, you alright?" She chuckles holding a thumbs up. "Don't listen to her." I chuckle. "What were you guys yelling about?" Mads asks innocently. "Who won't tell what?" Lili asks taking her coat off. "Cole." They say in unison leaving Lili confused yet Madelaine Ah-ing. "Oh, great." She laughs arms crossed. "Kids, places!" Roberto exclaims getting into the room making us stand and do so. "Good morning, Roberto!" Ashleigh exclaims happily looking at me. "F*ck sh*t." I chuckle.


"Lili! Lili!" I exclaim leaving set early following Lili out of the trailer. "Hey, Sprouse." She smiles. "You're leaving early." I say her nodding. "You as well, I see?" She chuckles. "Out of the gang, I don't know you that well." I say. "That's true." She laughs. "And it's ironic because we are a couple in the show." She adds. "Well, I'd like to change that." I say making her look at me. "You'd like Bughead to not be a couple?" She laughs. "No. I'd like to know you better." I chuckle. "Coffee?" I ask nervous. "Hm, coffee and a scone... Your treat." She says eyes narrowed. "My treat, coffee and a scone... Will you go out with me?" I repeat arriving the parking lot of set. "Yeah." She smiles.

"Oof, I guess that's why you didn't like to share that on the internet... Your last relationship was sh*t." I say. "She freaking dated you because you were a Disney star." I repeat him nodding. "Cons of going to actual college and not being homeschooled, as an actor." He shrugs. "Jace dude..." He starts. "He triggered fans, therefore triggering me." He says changing the subject. "A.) Our relationship is in the past. B) You have no right to be jealous. C) He was an amazing boyfriend." I laugh. "No right to be jealous, yet." He says grinning at me. "But other than that, I have nothing to say." He says 'innocently'. "Cheat!" I laugh. "But really, you like your coffee iced?" He laughs. "Coffee being iced should be punishable by law." He adds making my eyes widen. "How dare you insult perfectly fine iced coffee." I laugh.

"Have you seen Lili?" Casey asks as I got in the trailer. "If so have you asked her out yet?" He adds Lili following. "Good morning, Betty Cooper!" He laughs. "Morning, Kev." She says walking to her seat beside Cami. "You didn't call last night." Cami pouts. "Phone died, I'm sorry." Lili answers me grinning. We were out till basically two AM, that's why her phone died. "Lils, Roberto wants you!" KJ exclaims opening the door to the trailer with Ash. "Have you asked her out yet?" Ash mouths. "Dude if you haven't yet, I will for you." KJ chuckles. "Lili, show runner wants a talk." Ash says. "Coming!" She yells. "Do it know or else." Cami yells as Lili walks towards the door. "Cole..." Casey trails as Lili passes me. "Whaaaaat do you want with Cole?!" Lili laughs stepping out of the trailer. "Lils... Coffee, scone, my treat, night two?" I ask. "If we get off set early again, sure." She smiles. "If not..." I ask. "You can drive me home? I don't know." She shrugs. "Perfect." I comment smiling her doing so as well before walking away to Roberto leaving the gang struck.

"You guys were saying?" I say casually tipping Case's mouth close. "Night two?!" Ash mutters. "You went out yesterday?!" Cami laughs. "Yep." I say. "Cole Sprouse..." KJ laughs shaking his head. "Simple." I comment looking out the trailer seeing Lili laugh with Roberto making me smile.



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