the chapter on which; they call worst case scenario²

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the next time i'll be updating, it'll be the last chapter, sadly(?) will my updates be missed? HAHA heyyy, it's been a great ride, y'all... but everything ends.
#walangforever 💔


"Sprouse, I told you to sit on your hands. They've been f*cking shaking." He suggests snapping me out of my daydreaming. "This is as close as we'll be getting, after that thirty minute drive..." He says getting out of the car, just in front of the shopping centre. "The most painful thirty minutes of my life, at that." He adds as I get out of the car as well. "I'm sorry." I blurt out, knowing that it had to be said. "It's fine." He smiles going by foot, nearing an officer in duty. "Problem is that, a) there is no way that security will let us near, nor, in the centre. B) if ever we do manage to get in, we've got zero knowledge on where Lils is. C.) we're not exactly dressed as not KJ Apa and Cole Sprouse..." He trails. "Mate, I love you and all that sh*t, but please dude, let me think." I say with a wide smile. "Go on..." He shrugs making me chuckle. "I can't think. Help me think." I urge him placing a hand over his face. "For f*ck sake, Sprouse." He mutters jogging on to an officer.

"Hey, officer..." He starts getting right infront of a guy in a uniform. "You shouldn't be here, kids." He exhales looking down on us. "We're outside yellow tape, it's fine." I say. "Shut up, Sprouse." KJ says quietly. "We've got a friend inside there." He continues. "We're hoping you can fill us in on what's happening, sir?" I ask. "Yeah, because his fiance is inside there..." He trails my face scrunching up. "Whom is my friend, best friend actually." He continues. "What?!" I laugh. "Three dead, twelve injured." He speaks nonchalantly, my heart transferring to my gut, seemingly. "Sh*t." KJ exhales glancing at me. "Suspect is still being searched for." He continues. "And the civilians?" I manage to ask. "Locked down in stores at the moment..." He nods. "What can we do?" I ask. "We wait." KJ says. "We wait." The officer smiles pitiful. "It's been thirty minutes, dude." I say. "Barely, it's only been fifteen." The officer corrects, myself giving KJ a dead eye. "A hyperbole." He shrugs. "Look, kid, our team is doing the best they could." He exhales. "I want better." I say. "Cole, let's go." KJ says placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure your fiance, girlfriend, best friend, friend is alright, boys." He continues KJ saying our thanks. "She'll be okay." He smiles. "Fifteen families are already hurt and-" I trail KJ pulling me away from the conversation.

"Mate?!" I laugh as he let's go of me. "I was not done yet?" I express. "Shush." He scolds pulling out his phone which was ringing. "Hey." He speaks onto it, myself flashing him the finger jokingly. "I love you too, mate." He laughs. "Yeah." He nods onto the phone. "He's here, and I think he's losing his sh*t... Nah, he already lost it, I mean we are here..." He trails glancing at me myself snatching his phone and placing it on speaker. "Who is this?" I exclaim. "The one and only Charles Melton, you sh*t." Speaker answers. "What do you want?" I laugh. "Why the f*ck are you dudes there?!" He exclaims. "Lili's inside." KJ replies. "Holy sh*t." He exhales. "We're working on it." I say. "You're all over Twitter, boys." He continues. "Told you, later C..." KJ says nudging me. "Shut up." I say. "Call me when you guys are with Lils, eh?" Charles continues my phone vibrating at that, myself tossing KJ's phone to him. "Yeah, we will. Can you update the group chat as I busy myself with wrangling Cole Sprouse and his sh*t here?" KJ graciously asks as I take my phone out, an unregistered number calling in. "If an unknown number is calling you, would you answer it, Melton?" KJ asks loudly by my shoulder. "Answer it." Charles answers right away. "Yeah, I'm with him." KJ nods. "I was not f*cking asking you, boys." I laugh taking the call.

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