the chapter on which; they've kept it secret for four years ft. hailee steinfeld

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"Love me!" I pout on our bedroom floor in the house we shared in LA for three years now. "I've, got work." He says offering me a hand all dressed and ready. "Well, good luck on your first day." I say making him laugh as he helped up. "I love you." He smiles holding me by my waist. "You'll be home what time?" I ask sadly. "By eight." He says mind made up. "Hmp." I pout him chuckling. "Or, earlier! I'm not the greatest actor, but I aim to be the greatest boyfriend." He says narrowing his eyes. "Believe me, you already are, for four years now!" I chuckle running my fingers through his hair. "You fu*king wrote in your contract 'no kissing scenes, no romantic interests. Please. I'm Cole Sprouse, I have a girlfriend. If anything stated above or anything near that is in my character, I resign.'" I say making him laugh louder. "I don't like doing that, even if its acting unless its you I'm with." He laughs. "You wrote that in your contract and you aren't even playing the star of this movie." I tease. "In Riverdale, I guess I play Josie." He says as we walked downstairs. "Do you have plans for today?" He asks me. "Hm... Nope. I'll ring the girls maybe, KJ, Casey... I don't know." I shrug grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl for breakfast. "Why aren't you leaving yet?" I ask seconds later. "I'm gonna miss youuuu." He exclaims hugging me making me laugh. "It's not like you're gonna be gone for a week." I laugh. "Why is it that if you're up for a magazine shoot I get to go with you?" He says making me chuckle. "Today's just your meeting day." I laugh. "I'll go with you someday this week... Maybe." I add him raising a brow. "And look at the weather, it's great. I'll stay in bed all day." I joke making him whine. "I'd like to stay in bed with you..." He says making me laugh kissing him after.

"Enough!" Lili chuckles pulling away seconds-minutes after. "I'll just call set and tell them I'm sick for the day..." I joke as she fixed my hair. "Drive safely." She laughs. "No? I can ring them..." I say as she pushes me to the front door. "Okay, no." I continue raising my hands in defeat. "You're late. Jasp and the others will be waiting." She laughs. "I love you." I smile looking at her. "I love you too." She says giving her another peck.

"Hey." I say answering my phone a few minutes after Cole left. "Lili!" Cami answers enthusiastically. "What's up?" I smile, it's been two years since Riverdale's last season but we~ the cast see each other like, every week still. Furthermore still being praised by media for being legit friends. "Are you and your boyfriend free today?!" I hear Casey yell. "Casey?" I laugh getting back to my bedroom. "Yeah, we're rounding up the cast for lunch." Cami says. "Who do you have as of now?" I laugh. "Just the two of us, the parents of Riverdale are out of the country or with their families, KJ's in New Zealand, Ash's busy as well, Mads got a magazine shoot..." Casey answers. "Yeah, so you two lovers up?" Cami asks. "I'm up but Cole's out, he's got a project." I say. "A movie?" Casey asks surprised. "Yep." I answer. "That's amazing, we'll pick you up maybe in thirty and..." Cami starts. "We'll break the internet once more!" Casey yells making me laugh.

"Sprouse!" The director, Jasper yells as I parked near where we set. "Hey." I smile shaking his hand. "No kissing scenes, no romantic interests... I got it." He says making me laugh. "Am I the only one you're waiting for?" I ask as we walked into the building. "Actually, yes." He chuckles. "Sorry." I chuckle as I typed a text to Lili;

Made it, Jaspar got the no kissing scenes and romantic interests part and they're all waiting for me according to him. Juliet, I'm amazing.

"You said you've got a girlfriend." He says as we got in the elevator. "A very beautiful one, yes." I answer putting my phone into my pocket. "Reinhart?" He asks smirking. "Were you a fan of Riverdale, director?" I smirk. "I was and still am." He answers. "Yes, Reinhart." I laugh. "I'm shookt." He says eyes wide. "Since when? Since when?!" He asks excited. "We were friends even before today, why do you not know this?" I laugh, him still waiting for an answer. "For four years now." I answer as we got out if the elevator. "Oh my God, SPROUSEHART!!!" He exclaims making me laugh.

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