the chapter on which; jealousy is a good thing

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"I'll be out with a friend tomorrow, while you're at work." She says her head on my shoulder us seated on the sofa. "With Erica?" I ask. "No." She answers. "Selena?" I say. "No." She repeats. "Trisha?" I say again. "No." Again. "Jess?" I repeat recalling another friend of hers. "No." She answers. "Don't I know all your friends?" I laugh her sitting up. "Er~ you know him..." She chuckles. "Him?" I laugh going suspicious. "Hm... Alex." She says smiling at me. "Your ex?" I laugh. "Ye--ah?" She smiles. "Well, I can't do anything about it, looks like you're set up already so... Whatever." I say scrolling through Twitter. "Jelly?" She laughs staring at me. "Ask me tomorrow." I chuckle still not looking at her. "Love..." She chuckles. "At least I know... If we break up I can still hang with you." I say earning a hit in the arm making me laugh. "I broke up with him years before Riverdale." She says. "That's exactly the point you broke up with him." I say heading towards our bedroom in our house. "I'm not as smart as you... Explain maybe?" I hear her behind me. "You lost feelings for him, that's why you broke up with him right? He didn't." I say waiting for her to enter our room before closing the door again. "That was years ago." She laughs hugging me. "Mhm..." I exclaim. "You trust me yeah?" She says raising her pinkie. "I hate the situation I'm in but yes, I still trust you." I say interwining our pinkies. "You don't have to be jealous. You're hotter than him." She laughs pulling me to the bed. "I dunno, from the pictures you've shown me he looks better than Charles, and Charles is close to my range..." I kid her staring at me. "I love you." I laugh. "I love you too." She smiles planting a kiss in my lips. "Good night love."

I open my eyes to see Cole's side of the bed empty, as expected he's got to get to set today. "Have a great day (dude knows you've got a boyfriend yeah?) I love you, xxx." That was the note I got from Cole today, he leaves a post-it by my bedside table everytime he needs to go to set earlier than me, or when he needs to and I don't, cute yeah? "You sure you can't drive me to where Alex wants me to meet him?" I text Cole. "To my dismay, no. Roberto said I'm in till midnight. Tell 'Alex' to pick you up and drop you off, don't Uber please. I want my princess safe." He replies almost immediately making me smile. "I love you." I text back. "I love you too, got to go I'm being called in." He replies. "Enjoy your date." He texts immediately after. "Not a date. I'm yours." I text tossing my phone aside.

"Enjoy your date." I text Lili before leaving my phone. "What? Who's going on a date?" KJ asks behind me. "Lili apparently." I say getting out of my trailer. "Really?" He laughs. "With her ex." I say jealousy flooding me again. "You're jealous." He says not asking. "You are surprisingly... Not wrong." I laugh him following. "Good, if you were not jealous... You don't love our Lili." He shrugs making me think. "Cole, KJ let's go." Cami says in front of cameras.

"Nice house Lils." Alex smiles as he opens the door to the front seat for me just after noon. "Hard work pays off, Alex." I smirk. "True." He laughs. "Cole says he's alright about this?" He asks starting to drive. "I think he's jealous, but he says its okay." I shrug. "Jealousy is a good sign that my friend, you're in hands that I can trust." He says me not bothering to ask what he means.

"So, like any other friend-fan... I'd like to ask." He says an hour since we left home, eating our lunch. "Why do we not tell the fans whether we are or aren't in a relationship." I continue for him. "Mhm." He nods. "I dunno, we just don't want them to know." I shrug. "Privacy." I say him nodding. "Being out there isn't easy is it?" He laughs. "It is not." I agree. "Every move of mine is being watched..." I say. "By your management?" He asks. "No, my management is great. I mean the fans, media..." I say correcting him. "Are we being watched?" He asks making me laugh. "Maybe, check Twitter later." I tease. "What if they haunt me down?" He asks actually worried. "I know your shippers go strong." He laughs. "I'll tweet something out don't worry, I got you." I laugh. "I'll need a picture of us though..." I say looking for my phone in my bag. "Yeah so that I find a girlfriend." He says sitting up making me chuckle. "Sh*t." I breathe out. "What?" He asks. "I do not have my phone..." I say. "Use my phone then, then I'll just send it to you." He says giving me his phone. "Yeah, but Cole..." I say. "Do you want to head back and grab it?" He offers me thinking about the thirty minutes that'll be wasted if we did. "No, this'll be good." I exclaim catching a picture.

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