the chapter on which; love goes suicidal

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Thanks for supporting my book and for being patient, all the love fam ❤ CONTINUE STANNING SPROUSEHART TILL THEY SAY!! hahaha

My bottle of pills in front of me, I ask myself again... "Do I even have a purpose? Do people even like me?"

Sure I've got Riverdale, season one just finished, people loved it but I can't help think that people just like me because of Cole. I love him sure, but who are we kidding? It's showbusiness... "We'll break up, I know that. A day will come that'll he'll get sick of me, break my heart." I say to myself.

My friends? Cami, Mads, Casey, KJ, Roberto and the others. "Will they cry when I'm gone? Do they even think I'm their friend ---or is it all for TV?!" I laugh.

My family. "They probably hate me for not being able to call them, I don't even think they still know I exist." I chuckle.

I mean, it won't hurt to cut my life short... Will it?

It's 11 late night, Cami's Birthday is tomorrow, thought of getting her a gift. You know, we're friends, we're chill. But what should I get her? A book on How to not be a b*tch or How not to overdress and underdress? As you can see, we in Riverdale love each other, I love most? Lili. I'll ask her ---I mean sure I'm her boyfriend but... I'm pretty sure Cami still holds the position of best friend... To my dismay.

She isn't answering... Surely she's still up... It's only eleven.

Waking me from my thinking was my phone. It was my boyfriend, the famous Cole Sprouse. I see that he has lefty two other calls but I didn't answer them... Oh well. Let's make him call again, I'll compose myself.

She answers on the fourth call, fifth ring. But why? It's either she answers first call or she doesn't.

I can do this, one last call.
"Cole, hi." I manage to say casually. "Babe, I'm get Cami a gift, it's her birthday tomorrow right?" He speaks. "Yep, her birthday." I laugh. "So, which one? How not to be a b*tch or How not to overdress and underdress?" He asks making me laugh. "Buy both, sure you can afford..." I say. "Nah... I just won't buy her anything. I'll tell her I can pick on two perfect books for her." He chuckles. "M'kay, that's all I can say as of now, I mean I just call you a while ago ---although I can get enough of your voice I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" He says ending the call, making me cry. "I don't want to see you in the morning anymore. I don't want to see anything nor anyone." I say him calling again. "I forgot something." He says as I picked up. "What?" I ask holding my bottle of pills.

"I love you." I say smiling, her answering with sobs. "Lili?" I ask confused. "I don't want it anymore, I wanna die. I don't like anything, I wanna leave this place!" She cries alerting me. "Babe." I say trying to calm her down as I ran out of the bookshop. "Talk to me, talk to me." I say as I ran for her her apartment shared with Mads. "There is nothing to talk about." She laughs in between sobs. "I love you, your family loves you, my family loves you, Riverdale loves you, your fans... Our fans." I say still running. "Sure you say that." She chuckles. "But let's be real, you'll break me." She continues breaking mine. "Lili, where'd you get that? I love you, even more than I love myself, my career and my stupid brother put together." I say. "That isn't true. You don't need me, you've got them." She says me hearing her pills? shake in a container or something ---she told me she had suicidal thoughts before, but I never knew that she'll actually try to, do it. "It'll just be quick, I'll just take these pills and I'll be gone. You won't have a girlfriend, you won't have commitment. You can be free, go on clubs, dates... Like what you did in college!" She says crying still. "No, I do not want a girlfriend, I don't want you, sure." I say making her stop crying. "Yeah, that's why I'm doing this." She says minutes later. "I don't want you." I say. "Because I need you." I continue making her cry again. "You don't need me." She laughs. "You were Cole Sprouse without me. You don't need me." She says. "For gods sake Lili, forget about Cole Sprouse. Go for Mitchell Sprouse." I say still running to hers. "The same person." She says. "Exactly. You might not think Cole Sprouse needed you nor needs you but Cole Mitchell Sprouse does." I say entering her building. "I need you, you are my life. On screen it may be a secret. But off screen you are all I need, all I live for." I say entering the elevator. "Lili." I say. "Cole?" She responds. "My life without you, is not worth living." I say. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" I ask her. "I don't know, I need you." She cries, making my heart beat fast.

"I love you." He says as I heard my door to my room open me putting my phone down and letting my tears fall. "Do you?" I ask as he sits beside me on the floor our backs leaning on the bed. "I do." He says. "Do you?" He asks looking at me. "Yes." I say. "Do you love me enough... not to leave me?" He asks later trying to take the bottle of pills from my hands. "Do you love me Lils?" He asks turning my head for me to face him.

"Do you love me Lils?" I ask again turning her head for her to face me our eyes staring at each other. "Yes, I love you." She says letting go of the bottle me wiping her tears of with my fingers ---kissing her forehead. "Babe, talk to me, anything, please." She says as she places her head on my shoulder. "Okay then, a hundred reasons why I love you..." I start my arms around her. My girlfriend. Lili. My life.



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