the chapter on which; he forgot³

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"No." Cole says standing. "What the f*ck do you mean no?" I ask him. "She'll obviously answer if it reads Cami not Cole." He says. "Well? What do you want me to do?" I chuckle. "Yeah, let's not do Cami's phone, Cole's voice." Marisol says. "Yeah, it's like, I don't know, it's just wrong." Mads says. "Fine, Cami's phone, Cami's voice." I say dialing Lili.

Lili just left the table when her phone--- which she left in the table, rang. Me ignoring it the first time, it rang again the second. Both times it read Cami. "Who's Cami?" I ask myself. I'll just answer it and tell her Lili's at the restroom.

"She isn't picking up." Cami says as Lili didn't pick up the first ring, her phone on speaker. "See, she knows when I'm with the caller." Cole says. "Nonsense." Ashleigh says. "Shush, I'll be the only one speaking." Cami tells us.

"Hey Lili!" Cami says as she picks up. "Uh, Cami right?" A masculine voice says answering the call all our facial expressions changing. "Yeah, I'm with Lili, she's actually in the restroom right now, that's why I'm answering the call..." The guy says kindly, Cole leaving the trailer, me following him. "If you want you can wait and I'll hand it to her when she comes---" I hear him offers as I left the trailer. "I'm going home." He says, looking exhausted and sad~ really sad. "I'm hopeless without her aren't I?" He laughs. "I'll see you tomorrow KJ." He says walking away.

"He went home." I say getting in the trailer again. "You let him?" Ashleigh asks. "He was exhausted, he needed sleep." I say Luke nodding. "So?" I say look at Cami. "Dude says he'll let Lili know I called." She shrugged. "Who was that guy?" Madchen asks. "Him, funny what I see on Twitter huh?" Madelaine says lifting her phone up for us to see pictures on Twitter--- on one they were hugging, another they were laughing seated in a cafe... "He's hot." Ashleigh says making Madelaine chuckle. "He is isn't he?" She agrees.

"A friend of yours called." Hugo says as I neared the table. "Really? Cole?" I ask worried. "No, no not Cole. I answered, they rang twice. I hope it's okay." He says kindly. "It's good, who was it?" I ask sitting down. "Cami? Cami I think her name was." He says me nodding as I typed her in a message.

I'm out with someone, I'll call you later when I get home. xx Lili

"Who's Cami?" He asks as I placed my phone back in my bag. "Veronica." I reply. "Hm..." He says making me laugh. "This is why Talliah's my best friend and not you. She watched it." I laugh. "I'm busy." He laughs. "And she isn't?" I comment making him laugh louder. "She's currently working and you're here in Vancouver." I laugh louder.

"Cole, we're here." My driver from Riverdale says making me open my eyes from the hour drive from set. "Thanks man, I'll see you tomorrow." I say getting out. "Cole." He says. "Whatever is bothering you, you'll get through it." He says kindly me nodding. "See you tomorrow." He says driving off.

"The only thing is that I know I can't get through this alone." I say under my breath heading to my apartment.

"One once said that, true love wins." Hugo says as we walked outside of the cafe his arm around my shoulder. "Who said?" I laugh. "Aside from Pinterest nowadays, I heard it first from you." He answers. "I do not say stuff like that." I chuckle. "Fourth grade Lili once did." He says looking at me. "Did she?" I laugh. "Yep, and I know that twenty one year old Lili is bothered on what's going to happen when she leaves Hugo and get back to her real life with Riverdale and her boyfriend." He says looking straight. "You were never vocal of your problems Lili." He chuckles. "And I still am not." I laugh. "I just don't want talking about them, especially that I know that no one can do anything about it except for me." I say. "For the first time since high school Lili Reinhart is facing love problems!!" He jokes pinching me cheeks. "Just because Talliah and you were a thing since then..." I say removing his hands off my face. "Aww, you jealous princess?" He jokes. "Don't worry, you we're still my first kiss." He sates. "That was second grade Hugo." I laugh punching his arm. "And I'm not jealous, Cole's a great guy." I insist. "He's a smoker." He says crossing his arms. "He quit, told him to." I say continuing to walk. "Well, he is a good boyfriend then, quitting an addiction for you." He says impressed. "I was just really bummed that he forgot about that date, it was a stressful week for all of us on set." I say him yawning. "Oh, jetlagged?" I laugh. "Hm?" He asks making me laugh. "It's six o'clock." He says reading his wristwatch. "Nine PM Ohio." I laugh. "Then yes, jetlagged." He laughs placing his arm around my shoulder again. "See this, I assume you've got no car..." I say. "Yep, I mean I don't live here princess." he says. "I'll drive you to your hotel, or you can stay at mine." I offer.

"I miss you, I need you, your voice." I cry trying to call her again.

"Cole's---" he starts taking my phone from my bag. "Don't answer that, bub." I say eyes on the road. "Since when has this been happening, again?" He asks. "Saturday night." I say. "It's already Monday Rein." He says. "I know." I answer.

"'im sorry'" I tweet out. Tossing my phone to the wall after.

"Has she texted already?" I ask Cami. We were at the apartment I shared with Lili already, KJ was on his way to Cole's what I know with Casey I think. "No... Lili's not seeing anybody aside from Cole has she?" Cami asks. "I mean, Lili won't do that right?" I laugh. "Check this." Cami says showing me the tweet Cole sent in.
"'im sorry'" with replies from fans saying: WTF, for what?; Uhm... Okay?; What's up with these tweets?; Cole??; You don't suck and what??

"Cole!" I yell getting in his apartment with Casey. "Here's the pizza and stuff you've told me about..." He says as we got in the living room. "Bedroom." I say as he followed.

"Cole." He says as we got to the room he was on the floor facing his patio. "Where's Lili?" He asks. "On a date with some dude or something." He says emotionless face wet with tears. "Lili won't do that." Casey says. "Maybe, sure. But she still isn't talking to me, still got a problem." He chuckles.

"We're here." I say. "I'll see you soon again." He says his hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you." I pout. "As if we don't talk everyday on FaceTime." He laughs pinching my nose. "Sure you aren't free for the next three days?" I ask him, "No, sadly." He says. "Then you say I'm the busy one." I say making him laugh. "I'll see you soon." He smiles hugging me. "Bye princess!" He says leaving the car. "Bye bub, love you!" I yell. "Love you too, fix things with Cole tonight alright." He says on the window. "Dang it." I breath out as I drove away after another wave.

end part three of four~~


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