the chapter on which; he doesn't contact her

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lost track of the days, sorry for late update hezhez... buckle up, this chaps a long one ; )


"Oh, Lili. Chill out will you?!" My older sister- Chloe laughs as I got in the entertainment room sighing. "I am!" I exclaim. "Are you?" Mom asks. "Maybe not..." I mutter. "Why isn't he picking up my calls, answering my texts... Why isn't he, sending me text nor calls?! What if he found another girl through this month of break? Will we break up???? Will he keep Riverdale or will I? or will we have to put up with each other?---" I start. "Sis, you're rambling again." My little  sister- Tess exclaims making me stop. "No I'm not, I'm making perfectly fine sense." I say looking at them. "Am I not, mom?" I ask. "That's when we know your nervous, pissed, and tired." She comments. "Well I'm not tired I just woke up from a three hour slumber because that'll make time move quicker or some sh*t according to her." I say pointing at Chloe. "And lemme tell you, it just made me realize that three hours has already passed, and he hasn't contacted me yet!" I say crashing in the couch my mom's phone ringing. "And you say Tess acts like a sick inlove high schooler." Chloe laughs. "I am in highschool." Tess tells. "Lil's not." She laughs. "Mom, who is it?" I ask. "Your father." She smiles. "It's only four o'clock, how can he be speaking to you?" I ask. "It's called being promoted to a higher position while you're in Vancouver therefore schedules being changed, switched, etcetera..." Chloe says as my mom got up to answer it. "Alright, shut up." I chuckle checking my phone again to laying back down to nothing. "Stop, we'll take your phone and we'll look through it." Tess says taking it from me then sitting beside Chloe.

"Cole!" Lili's mom speaks as I got in her father's car. "I've landed safely, Mrs. Reinhart, I'm in dad-in-law's car." I say casually looking at Mr. Reinhart. "What?" He asks a goofy face plastered making me chuckle. "It's going to be a couple of hours drive to here." Her mom speaks. "Eyes on the road, sir." I laugh making Lili's dad look back at the road. "Nah. I like dad-in-law more, stick with that." He laughs later on making Lili's mom and I follow. "We'll see you girls in a few, get Lili out if the house." He speaks me raising a brow. "Why does Lili need to get out?" I ask. "Child... Do you want it to be epic or not?" He asks looking at me. "Dad-in-law, I don't want to die, please keep your eyes on the road..." I repeat. "Dear, eyes on the road!" Lili's mom exclaims. "I don't want to say it, I believe you too know this; Lili loves Cole more than she loves any of us." She states making my eyes widen. "False!!!" He exclaims. "Let's get to that later." He laughs. "No comment." I laugh. "Road, eyes, yes!" He yells.

"Moooooooom!" I yell as I see my mom getting back. "Lils!" He exclaims. "You guys are so cute!" Tess laughs. "Thanks." I smile then turning back to mom. "Pauliiiiiiiiine!!!!!" She laughs sitting beside me. "He doesn't love me anymore." I pout childishly. "Shut up." Chloe laughs. "As if." Tess comments. "We've met Cole, we like him..." Mom starts. "Love." Tess corrects. "We love him, if he breaks up with you, or if you break up with him, we won't have a choice but..." She continues. "We'll adopt him." Chloe continues casually. "Correct." Mom laughs pointing at her. "Ew, no." I laugh. "Plus Dylan, they're twins therefore they're buy-one-take-one." Tess says me shaking my head. "Give me my phone." I say as I stood. "Why?" Tess asks. "I'm going jogging." I breath out. "Great!" Mom exclaims. "What? No." Tess exclaims. "I'm going on a jog, not flying back to Vancouver." I chuckle. "Lili's going on a jog. She needs some other place to let her self deprecation eat her whole." Chloe laughs. "Sis." I say. "Love you." She chuckles pushing me out of the room.

"We're home!!!" I exclaim knocking on the door. "Wow, calling me dad-in-law is one thing, calling my house your home is another." Lili's dad laughs. "An there's this thing called doorbell. Ever heard of it?" He asks pressing the small button making me laugh. "Dad! Cole!!!" Tess exclaims as she opens the door. "Hey Tess." I smile her hugging me. "Mom didn't tell me you were coming till five minutes ago." She says letting go making me laugh. "Mrs. Reinhart! Chlo!" I yell. "They're in the kitchen." Dad-in-law comments the same time as Tess did. "How'd you know?" I laugh pointing at him. "It's called dad senses, like Spiderman's spider sense but for dads." He mutters making me chuckle. "We're in the kitchen!" I hear Chloe exclaim.

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