the chapter on which; they fly¹

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"Lils, are you alright?" Madelaine asks me from the other side of the couch in our Vancouver apartment. "Yeah, yeah." I say smiling at her. "Are you... Sure? You've been staring at the wall and have been kinda tense?" She asks confused. "I'm alright, I'm alright. Uhm, I'll just ring Cole." I say standing. "You miss Cole!" She yells as I made my way to the balcony. "I haven't seen him for a week now, I do not know what you mean." I say sarcastically hearing her laugh.

"I miss you." I say as he picked up. "Lili, I miss you too." He says with his morning voice. "Sh*t it's cold." He exclaims making me laugh. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" I ask. "It's alright. I mean it's two am here in London but it's alright." He says. "I'm sorry, I'll just call tomorrow." I say. "No, love. I'm outside in the balcony of my room, I'm awake. It's cold." He says making me laugh. "I miss you." I say sad. "I'll meet you in LA." He says. "Lili?" He speaks. "Are you still there love?" He says making me realize I haven't said anything. "Wha- yeah, yeah. Still here." I say making him laugh. "Uhm, I'll see you in LA, I love you." I say quickly and ending the call~ grabbing a glass of water in the kitchen and heading up to my room.

"I~" I say before she ended the call. "Okay?" I chuckle. "I love you too." I read as I text. "Girls?" My brother asks as I got back the room. "Not girls, Lili." I say. "Whatever." He laughs. "Unlike you, I got a girlfriend." I laugh hitting him with a pillow. "At least I don't wake up at two am for a phone call." He says. "Newsflash, you're awake otherwise." I say both of us laughing.

Minutes later my brother was sleeping again but I wasn't. Something's wrong at Vancouver, with Lili, I feel it. "We never have five minute phone calls." I tell myself dialing her again.

"Lili! You're phone's ringing again!" I exclaim hearing her phone ring for the second time. "Lili!" I yell heading to where the sound was coming from. The kitchen counter, her phone was there but not Lili. Cole the caller ID read. "Love?" He says as I picked up making me cringe. "Watch it Jughead, I have a boyfriend, and you've got a girlfriend." I say making him laugh. "You've got my girlfriend's phone." He says. "Yeah, well your girlfriend forgot it in the kitchen. Wait I'll head to her room and hand it to her." I say climbing the stairs to Lili's room. "Lili, your ugly boyfriend's calling." I say. "Oi!" He exclaims from the other line.

"She's asleep." I say quietly leaving Lili's room after him ending the call leaving me confused, my phone ringing right after. "It's seven there in Vancouver." He says. "Weirdo." I say making him laugh. "It's seven am sure, but she's dead asleep." I say. "You don't want me to wake her do you?" I ask getting back downstairs. "No." He says simply. "Why are you calling anyway? Didn't she call you an hour ago? I mean, sure you guys are inlove and all--" I start. "Alright, stop I get it." He laughs. "What?" I laugh. "Is Lili okay there?" He asks seriously. "Well, she misses you." I say. "And other than that?" He asks. "Uhm, she's been zoning out on set and just a while ago. Well, she's been... silent these couple of days." I tell him. "Is she telling you why?" He asks. "Is she telling you why?" I ask him back. "If she's not telling you, then obviously she's not telling me why." I tell him.

"Oi Cole." I exclaim as he didn't say anything after. "I'll be there tomorrow." He says simply. "Thought we'll be meeting you in LA?" I ask confused. "I need to see Lili." He says fully convinced with what he'll be doing. "Er~ and you'll leave your college friends?" I ask. "I'm sick of them already I'll see them in a year..." He says making me laugh. "Well... What's the plan?" I ask admiring what he's doing.

"No plan, I'll just be catching the next flight~" I say quietly somehow waking Dylan. "Hey can't a good looking guy get some sleep?" He asks making Madelaine laugh on the phone. "Bro I'm leaving." I say simply look around for more of my things. "Tell the weirdos." I add zipping my suitcase. "Oi, you serious?" He says sitting up as he hears the zipper. "Oh, here's Mads say hi." I say facing my phone on him. "Hello?" He says making Mads and I laugh. "What's going on?" He asks standing up. "Your twin is sick inlove." Mads says making Dylan smirk. "I'll see you soon then." He says hugging me quickly. "Have a safe flight." He says walking me to the door. "If Lili calls you, don't answer, okay?" I tell him. "Yeah, yeah." He says. "I'm so jealous you've got a girlfriend." He says silently though to my hearing as I got out the room. "What did you say?" I ask him laughing. "I said wear your cap, you're still Cody Martin." He whisper-yells tossing me my cap me catching it as I walked out the hotel room. "False, you're Jughead Jones, put on your beanie." Mads says making me laugh.

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