the chapter on which; features an argument and a busy day on set

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"Dammit." He exhales just woken up hands on the kitchen counter. I was ready to head out, and like always, I was waiting for him to get ready so we were going to head to set together. But today asks for a change of plans, apparently. "I'll work this out, Lils..." He says not even looking at me. I was furious, yet too tired to talk about this now. "Have you had breakfast?" He asks later me looking at him in confusion and other emotions I can't name. "Really, Cole?!" I exclaim with a small stiff laugh. "What now?!" He counters. "You're such a prick." I say unamused to the highest degree. "I have been told." He mutters. "You know what? It's fine." I simply let out heading to the door by myself.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. No." I breath out. Let's just say Lili an I don't come across the stage that results into arguments. Yeah, but when we do it isn't usually the best time of our lives. (Duh?)

Call time's five, it's four, twenty minutes drive there... Got time to kill. I park in front of Starbucks, breath in, breath out. "If only I was in the middle of nowhere right now, I could floor the heck out of the life of this vehicle..." I mutter to myself. "Who am I kidding, I'm not killing time I'm wasting it."

"Wanna tell me why Lili and you didn't come together here today?" KJ asks grinning at me as she got beside me sipping on his coffee as if it was tea... "She... was called in earlier." I tried reasoning. "She was not." He states. "How'd you know?" I shrug. "I was called in earlier." He says simply. "And you live together." He states. "Yeah we do." I nod. "And have came to set at the same time ever since, even if one is called in earlier or not." He adds. "First time for everything, yeah?" I exhale sighing. "You know, you get to set early together, late together, very early together, ruining scheds together because you're an hour late... Very relationship goals." He trails teasingly. "My fault." I mutter glancing at him. "Work it out then, dude?" He smiles patting my shoulder then walking out to the others. "I've been trying to but haven't seen her since this morning." I exhale crashing on the couch.

"Calling off bughead today?" Casey asks Roberto innocently from the other side of the room. "Yep." Rob sighs. I was eavesdropping, casual. "Where's Lili?" I ask, the people in the room facing me. Great. "She's outside, serpents in this scenario, Cole." Skeet says cracking a small smile. "Isn't she Queen of the South though?" One asks. "Not today, kid." Rob shrugs. "Places, serpents!"

"What?" I laugh Camila and Mads in front of me, in one of the random picnic tables in the Riverdale set premises. "What's with the looks?" I ask putting down my phone. "You tell us, bub." Mads exhales. "Why have you been dodging Cole?" Cami asks directly. "M'not dodging Sprouse." I shrug. "Sold it away already, called him Sprouse." Mads perks. "You don't call him Sprouse in normal occasions." She explains. "Ah." I nod. "Well, now I do." I shrug. "Got an argument going on set?" Cami asks. "Seems so." I mutter. "Today's just the day when couples are not seen in the same room..." I add casually. "Until now, since we've got a scene together, as a town." I exhale. The set PA calling all members in the hall.

"It's later in the day, and it looks like you haven't spoken to her yet?" Casey asks and KJ beside me as the others called for a break in filming in the hall. "Picked up, eh?" I chuckle. "Yeah and you've been looking at her willingly since... Since?" He adds letting out a small laugh as he tips his head towards the girls. "Go on, now." KJ exclaims. "Now?" I laugh questioning. "Camila, Reinhart!" Roberto exclaims from upfront the two facing him. "Yeah?!" Cami calls. "You in here?" Roberto asks Lili glancing at me quickly KJ nudging me to face her, her cutting the contact immediately. "Yep!" She yells taking Cami's arm and leading her to Roberto. "Scene in Betty's room, while the others are still... Doing stuff, is it alright?" Show runner asks the two heading out with him in compliance. "Later then." KJ nods making me chuckle.

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