the chapter on which; they decide on "and" or "end" the contract²

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I've gotta question for y'all at the end of this chapter, read on and fill me in afterwards. enjoy!! : )


"Excuse me..." Cole breaths exiting the room. "Loving you had consequences." Cami sings as Cole left Mads giving her a look then signaling me to go after Cole. "Go after him, they've both had way too much of alone times." She adds. "This is why, I don't look for love." I mutter then doing as told.

"Franz?!" I exclaim as I opened the door. "Liline?" He laughs looking up from his phone. "Dude!" We exclaim at the same time. "How are you?" We say. "Franz!" I laugh. "Woah, woah, woah... Now you're happy. Who is it?" Tess asks. "Oh, your twin." She continues smiling at me then Franz. "Come in." She says simply then closing the door Franz stopping it. "Still Tess." He mutters as he enters our residence. "Fraaaaaaaaaanz!" I yell wrapping him in a bear hug him returning it with a kiss on the forehead.

"Save it for the bedroom!" Chole exclaims meeting us in the kitchen with Mom. "Franz, dear, great to see you." Mom smiles. "You too, Mama." He smiles kissing my mom in polite greeting on the cheek. "Why are you here?" Tess asks. "A break from work, I just got back from London yesterday." He says. "No why are you here. As in here." Tess repeats making me roll my eyes. "Well, I got you girls some chocolate." He shrugs taking the paper bag from under the table my sisters widening their eyes. "Love, stay. Make yourself at home." Chloe states giving us a bar each then taking the bag rushing it to the living room. "He is home." Mom laughs. "Otherwise just down the street." She adds following my sisters to the living room. "I missed you." He whispers in my ear. And for the first time in months I felt loved.

"Smoking a cig..." KJ trails approaching me in my truck. "Lils won't like that." He says leaning on the vehicle next to mine. "Hm." I snicker. "I'm sorry." I laugh. "The shows in danger because of..." I say carefully. "Us." I air-quote making him chuckle. "You're sorry because you loved?" He asks. "I'm sorry because I did not love enough." I shrug a stray tear falling. "I was a sh*t lover." I chuckle. "No you weren't." He disagrees. "We were more of business partners than lovers those last months." I say shaking my head. "What's wrong with lovers being business lovers?" KJ asks myself giving him a look. "Sure." He exclaims. "Maybe you looked less cute two-three months before the... Break-up." He starts. "But still, you were cute." He shrughs making me grin. "Dork." I laugh. "What were you and the gang doing when we were on a hiatus?" I ask. "Nothing much, we just offered an elephant to the gods everyday for you two to go to work." He shrugs trying not to grin making me laugh. "Gotcha." He laughs punching my arm.

"Franz!" I hear Tess yell from the next room. "Mom bagged all the chocolate!" Chloe follows mom's laughter in the background. "As if I don't bring you guys sweets." I say approaching them. "Lilian, number one; they're from a dude. Number two; they're from London." Chloe starts. "...Number three; they don't have nuts." Tess adds making Franz chuckle. "Nuts are good for you." I say. "Grown up!" Tess exclaims.

"Head photographer, of a grand magazine in London. How would you not be successful?" Chloe laughs as Franz filled us in with his life now. "No wonder you wanted some time to unwind here in Ohio." Mom nods. "Amount of projects can get out of hand." Franz chuckles looking at me. You see, we've know each other since we were three. He reads me v. well. Even better than my sisters, parents, the gang...

My ex is nothing compared to him.

"You alright?" He mouths me shrugging it off. "Can can Lils and I head out for a while?" He asks all of the sudden. "With you, curfew doesn't exist. Go on." My mom says. "Enjoy dudes." Tess smiles.

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