the chapter on which; he's my stupid prone to sickness lover

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"Where is he?" I ask myself trying to call him for the nth time. He said call time is at five, it's already four thirty, and it's an hour drive there. He called me last night, saying that if I wanted, I could go to set with him. Then we'll eat out since I had nothing to film- it was my day off and he's only got a maximum of two hours of filming. And I agreed but where is he? I thought. "Cole Sprouse ain't your perfect boyfriend, kids." I say as I grab my stuff --keys, bag, coffee and headed out of the door.

"Honestly, if you just effing forgot to get me, I won't talk to you for a month." I say as I parked near set. "Jughead Jones where are you?!" I yell --since I knew that at this time it's still hair and makeup, and not, filming yet. "Lils, thought you were off today, if I were you I'll spend it with sleep." KJ laughs greeting me outside the hair and makeup trailer. "By the way, where's Cole? Roberto says I'll be doing some scenes with---" he starts me cutting him off. "He's not here?" I ask confused-worried. "So he isn't with you? He isn't here, thought you were his girlfriend!" He teases. "He hasn't arrived? Texted you has he?" I ask. "No-no." He says checking his phone. "He isn't answering my calls nor texts either." I say. "I'll go now." I say running towards my car. "Text me when you find your dog, your boyfriend I mean." He yells. "Wish I could help but Rob's gunna call me in in a few." He adds from a farther distance. "Dang it Cole, the stuff I do for you." I say climbing in my vehicle... Again. And bracing myself for another hour's or two drive... Again.

"Why do I feel sh*t?" I ask myself as I hear my alarm go off. "Alexa! Off!" I exclaim getting off my bed --my precious, precious bed. "Sh*t." I say as I stood feeling extreme pain in my head, exhaustion and why is it cold? It's freaking summer. "Dang it." I say sitting on my bedroom floor hands on my face.

No, no, Lili. She'll be waiting. I say getting up again. "Sh*t." I say again as I stood getting support from my walls walking towards the living room of my flat. "Dang it, I understand! I should have brought my jacket and cap to the fair last night that Charles and I went to ---like Lili said." I say. I didn't even went home late I went home at nine. I was a grandpa. A grandpa teased by Charles (who had a jacket and cap) for going home early and a grandpa ---soaked in rain.

Not conscious of my actions i was on the floor again. My concrete (& hopefully clean) floor.

"Love!" I exclaim as I see him in his flat on his living room floor back on his couch. "Cole, you're burning." I chuckle. "Am I? I feel cold. Who are you? If you're a crazed fan, please call my girlfriend." He says sleepy as I helped him up the couch. "You've got a girlfriend?" I ask playing along before getting a bowl of ice cold water. "Yes, she's pretty amazing." He says making me smile. "Lili Reinhart." He continues before passing out again. "Weirdo." I laugh.

"Babe, babe." Someone --Lili says waking me, me --answering coughs. "What are you doing here?" I ask semi-confused, semi-not surprised. "I am being a pretty amazing girlfriend." She teases making me remember our conversation a while ago. "Roberto?" I ask. "Called you my stupid prone to sickness lover for getting a very high fever." She laughs feeding me some sort of soup. "You were right, I should have brought a jacket at least." I say making her laugh. "I'm Betty Cooper, you were crazy not to believe me, I'm never wrong." She says making me laugh. "But your not complete without me --Jughead Jones." I say. "Yeah, but I prefer my Jones not --sick." She says kissing my forehead. "How did you get here though?" She asks taking the soup away. "Walked, thank gods for walls. They're a good alternative for strength, both of upper body and lower. Did you know that Lils?" I ask. "I did not." She laughs from the kitchen.

"I love you!" He exclaims from the couch as I tidied the kitchen. "Go to sleep." I say. "I love you!" He yells again. "Save your voice." I tease. "I love you!" He continues. "Sleep." I respond grabbing a glass of water. "I love you!" He repeats. "I live for you too!" I reply walking back to him. "I love you." He says again. "I love you too." I say sitting beside him, placing his head in the crook of my neck. "I went to set, thinking you forgot about our 'date.'" I say air-quoting date. "I did not forget about that." He says quietly. "The reservation at that Japanese restaurant will be empty later." He adds making me smile. "I'm sorry..." He says. "Casey says you got sick on purpose for me to spend the day with you." I smirk. "Casey may or may not be right. I scheduled a killing head ache for today with complementary cough and colds, best part of the deal? A very high fever." He says raising a thumbs up. "Save your voice." I laugh. "Thank you for loving me." He says quietly. "Who says I love you?" I tease. "You." He answers simply. "No, I did not say that." I laugh.

"I love you." I repeat adjusting so I was looking at her eyes. "Cheater." She whines looking away from my eyes making me laugh ---she cannot not say it back when I do this, I don't know why though, I think it's cute. "Lili, Lili!" I exclaim making her look at my eyes. "What?" She repeats eyes shut. "Open em' I want to see those blues." I tease. "What if they're green?" She asks... Eyes still close. "What if they're green?!" She repeats louder. "Then I love them equally as when they're blue." I chuckle. "I love you!" I repeat. "Say it back!" I say loudly. "Shh, your voice, Roberto's going to kill me." She laughs. "I love you, I want to kiss you for taking care of me but I can't." I whisper. "I" she says giving my forehead a peck. "love" she continues leaving another on my right cheek. "you" the left. "too," my nose. "Damn, I love you." I say leaning to kiss her lips but her pulling back. "But!! you can kiss me when your not 102 fahrenheit," She exclaims. "Oh and you've got lipstick all over your face." She laughs as well making me smile. "I'll post it." I say grabbing her phone taking a selfie of me and one with her. "Twitter?" I kid. "Are you serious no!" She laughs. "Fine then, group chat." I laugh. "Log into yours, not mine!!" She continues laughing, leaving me couching, hot, and headache dominated, but heart full.


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