the chapter on which; its a youtube takeover

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"Lili!" Cole exclaims getting in the trailer. "What?" I ask turning my phone at him as I was recording an IG story. "...Stop." He laughs seconds of staring at my camera on later making me chuckle. "Babe." He laughs wrapping his arms around me, me stopping recording. "What?" I laugh him kissing my cheek as I send in the story. "Nope, hide me." He chuckles sitting on the floor behind my chair. "Mads?" I laugh as Madelaine runs in the trailer out of breath. "Where's your boyfriend?" She asks me pointing behind my chair quietly. "Lils!" He laughs falling on the floor. "What's up with you guys?" I chuckle. "Hey." KJ says barging into the trailer Casey and Cami tagging along. "I'm trying to convince your boyfriend to do a channel takeover for me." Mads says simply falling into a chair. "Channel... Takeover..." I say mind processing. "For my account." She says. "Like what I did two... three weeks ago." Cami says. "Will you pay me?" Cole asks me giving him a look. "Babe... What?" He laughs. "I don't want to talk to a camera walking around town." He says. "Twas fun!" Casey laughs Cami nodding. "You can do a sit-down." Mads says trying to convince him. "Why don't you do KJ?" He asks pointing at him. "I filmed with her and Travis yesterday..." KJ says. "Why are you doing takeovers again, Mads?" I ask Madelaine. "You are highly requested in my channel but since our schedules do not fit... I do takeovers." She says simply. "Then why don't you do it Cole?" I ask turning to him. "I... don't want to, plus they'll know more things about me." He answers. "I'll do it with you." I say him raising a brow. "Can I?" I ask Mads. "Yeah. Two birds in one stone." She smiles looking at me then Cole. "What do you say?" I ask him. "...I can't say no now that you're asking can I?" He says making KJ laugh. "Nope." Cami says. "If the girlfriend says so, you can't say no." Casey chuckles. "A simple sit down." He says as he got the camera from Madelaine. "Love you both!" She says excitedly. "If you got that on camera and posted it, their fans would have killed you." KJ laughs. "Especially since their relationship is public now." Cami adds showing me my story, him kissing my cheek, that I posted a second ago making Cole grin.

"I don't want to do this..." I say placing the camera on the table on it's weirdly small tripod. "Why is this tripod tiny?" I whisper Lili laughing out of frame. "Babe, do you even flippin know what we are doing here?" I laugh. "No." She says. "Last time I saw one of those, was in Coachella years ago..." She says. "With the YouTuber named Janine? Jannah? From the Philippines?" I say unsure. "Janina." She says sitting beside me in my place. "Janinaaaa, yes Janina Vela!" I laugh. "Shout-out to you, because unlike the owner of this channel you seemed to know what you were doing... Does she still upload?" I ask her. "Yeah, I mean I think so." She laughs. "Mads, you've got one job... No, three I mean. One; cut out bits you know we don't want the public to know. Two; edit this. Three; link Janina Vela's channel in the description." I say Lili nodding. "So!" She exclaims. "What do people on YouTube do?" She asks me raising my shoulders. "Let's ring Mads." She says. "Can I borrow your phone?" She laughs after. "Yeah." I chuckle handing my phone to her. "I left mine in the kitchen..." She trails dialing Mads. "You memorize her number?" I laugh. "Yeah, jealous?" She teases making me stare at her. "Moon and back." She smiles me pecking her quickly in the lips.

"Hey Mads can you cut stuff out?" I ask making Cole laugh. "Please don't make out as you film..." She says. "You made us do this." Cole teases. "Whatever..." She says. "Cut them out!" Cole whines. "Yeah, yeah... Why were guys calling?" She asks. "What do YouTube people do in their outputs?" I ask. "Q& A's?" She suggests. "Nah... We do loads of those already." I say. "Tags? Look some up in the web." She says. "Alright, we'll try that." Cole says. "Bye!" She says me ending the call.

"Boyfriend tag?" I ask smirking at him. "Let's see..." He answers sitting up putting an arm around my shoulder. " When did we meet and where... Where/when was our first kiss... Who said “I love you” first..." I trail. "No, no, it gives away too much information. I don't like this." He says making me laugh. "They'll be so annoyed." I laugh him shaking his head. "Why?" I pout him staring at me. "No..." He says hugging me. "Let's just ask them questions, Q&A, per usual." He says. "Okay." I say heading to his Instagram.

"Hey gang, Mads managed to convince us into doing a take over for her channel..." I start. "Send us in some questions." He says me nodding. "Type some questions on Madelaine's most recent Instagram." He clarifies making me laugh. "We'll be answering the first few ones, see you there!" I laugh.

"How many have we gone through??" I wail my head on Lili's shoulder. "We've gone through... Eight I think." She says patting my head. "That's good." I say. "No! I'm enjoying this, love." She says going through comments. "Last two." She states. "Will you marry her?" I read quickly. "Yes I will." I declare her chuckling. "Grab a flower and do the thing that girls do..." I read questioning. "Can you get my flower from the room?" She whispers. "Flower...?" I ask. "The one you gave me two nights ago..." She says quietly. "Ah! Flower." I say jogging up to my room.

"Things that girls do..." I say heading back down with the daisy. "What do girls do?" I laugh seeing her go through my phone. "You got some pictures huh?" I laugh sitting beside her again handing her the flower. "Why the daisy?" She pouts. "It was dying... I won't get the rose it was well." I chuckle. "So, what do girls do?" I ask. "Surely you know the thing when girl's ---even boys do this as well I think. Take off the petals and go he loves me, he loves me not." She says me nodding. "We're gonna do that?" I ask. "Yes... We're gonna do that."  She smiles. "Okay." I laugh.

"He loves me." I continue. "He loves me not." I say. "He loves me... He loves me not." I pout taking off the last petal of the flower. "I'm never getting you daisies again..." He laughs embracing me. "You don't love me." I mock trying to remove his embrace. "Lils!!!" He yells me trying not to grin. "Gang, we all know that flowers don't lie... In this video you know a bit more about us." I say ending the video Cole getting his phone back from me. "...And that Cole doesn't actually love me, ship is sinking." I joke. "I love you!" He exclaims planting a kiss on my cheek before standing up. "We'll see you... Never again on this channel!" He laughs. "We love you!" I yell him stopping the camera from filming.

"You'll really continue to pout?" I chuckle staring at my girlfriend as I stop filming, the camera turned over. "You don't love me." She repeats. "Babe, I love you." I laugh. "I love love love love love love love love you." I say until a smile cracks on her face. "Really?" She says making me smile. "Really. Do you love me?" I ask getting back down to the couch. "Yeah." She smiles. "Cool." I chuckle kissing her after.

"Lils, Cole! Can you do it again?" Mads yells getting into the trailer 5 in the morning a month or two after us filming the video for her channel. "Do what again?" Lili asks blocking the sunlight that came in with Mads opening the door, her head  on my lap, all of us still groggy. "Why are you so energetic?" I argue. "The video, the takeover." She clarifies me shaking my head immediately. "Mads, no." Lili says. "Next year." Lili laughs. "Why?" Mads asks. "It was hard!" I say. "I'll provide the daisy." She says. "No, no more daisies." I laugh Lili following.

plug plug plug: Janina Vela, a youtuber made in the Philippines 💖


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