the chapter on which; they go grocery shopping

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I was heading home from set when Lili called, "Reinhart!" I say as I picked up.  "Babe, where are you?" She asks. "Just finished shooting I'm on my way back, you?" I respond. "Grocery, accompany me?" She pleads. "Hm, depends on the reward." I kid turning the corner towards the grocery store. "I'll sleep over." She says. "Think that's a reward for you." I say hearing her groan.  "Kidding, I just turned the corner, ten minutes." I say before her. "Was gunna offer kisses but yeah, okay..." She teases. "Oi!" I exclaim. "See you here!" She laughs ending the call.

"I saw your favourite." I say as I walked towards the familiar blonde with a pack of chocolates in hand ---her burying her face to my shoulders, arms crossed in response. "You alright?" I chuckle pulling her back. "He just left." She says burying her face on my shoulders again. "What? Who?" I say still confused now hugging her. "I'll tell you later, let's check out." She says getting her cart ---me... Still confused. "What? Babe are you done shopping though?" I ask taking the cart from her. "Yes. You said ten minutes, you took twenty." She chuckles still walking towards the cashier. "Let's go!" She exclaims.

Minutes after I called Cole, I found myself staring at Ben and Jerry's ice cream as I could not choose between strawberry cheesecake and cookie dough when a guy bout' my age approached me.

"Can't decide between cheesecake and cookie dough?" He asks smiling at me. "Yeah." I answer friendly. "They say, if you can't decide on what to get, buy both." He says grabbing them and placing them on my cart. "Thanks." I laugh. "Yeah, I've been waiting, I knew I just had to do it, come up to you..." He says trying not to freak out knowing where this'll lead because clearly this guy doesn't know anything about 'Sprousehart. "Yeah?" I managed to say. "You're really pretty and it'll be great if I can get your number, take you out sometime, get to know you... I need someone to eat ice cream with, you see." He says kindly. "That sounds great." I say. "Yeah?" He smiles. "But I have a boyfriend." I say simply yet making myself feel bad. "Oh... Where is he then?" He asks. "He's on his way from work." I answer. "Work? You look young to work." He chuckles. "Yeah, we both work actually, it's complicated. I'm sorry, you're a great guy." I exclaim him smiling slightly rubbing his palms together. "Its been nice to at least talk to you... Tell your boyfriend to take care of you, yourself too, take care of yourself miss." He says walking away.

"If this guy hurt you, I'll ask Dave to haunt him down for me." I say pertaining to our security on set as I got in my car. "No, no, he didn't hurt me he was talking? to me." She says me freezing as she said the last words ---my phone ringing afterwards. "Answer your phone." She chuckles taking it out of my pocket. "Cami." She says answering it. "Wrong timing Cam, I'll call you later." I say as Lili places it on speaker. "Are you with the others?" Lili asks. "Hey Lils!" She greets. "Yes I am." Cami says. "Why are you calling?" I ask irritated that Lili still isn't telling. "Rob says you're free tomorrow." She says making me a bit happy. "You're free tomorrow?" I ask Lili. "Mhm." She responds. "Nice." I comment.

"I've got a story to tell." Lili says after. "Oh, we're telling them too, okay." I chuckle Lili pinching my cheek. "Call the gang." She tells Cami. "Mads, Casey, and KJ are here... And Luke." She says as they sat. "This better be good." Luke laughs. "I was at the grocery store..." She starts. "Mhm, you needed milk." Mads laughs. "Charles dropped me off, since he was off too, and I had no ride home. Called this guy since I didn't want to take an Uber ---had bags." She continues. "Five minutes after I called him, this guy, about our age..." She says. "Oh no." KJ chuckles. "Was he good looking?" Camila cuts. "He was alright, decent, yes." Lili answers making me sit up. "Tall?" Mads asks. "Tall as KJ, sure." She answers. "Alright, he was hitting on you, but how?!" Casey exclaims making Luke laugh. "Casually, I was looking at Ben and Jerry's..." She continues. "Relatable, continue." Mads comments. "And he was like, 'can't decide on this strawberry cheesecake and cookie dough? People say that if you can't decide get both.' and he was just so kind and funny. That I didn't even notice that he was trying to hit on me and I was like 'Thank you'" She says looking at me. "So he wasn't hitting on you?" Casey asks. "Then he was like: 'So, I've been waiting, I know I just needed to come up to you, you're really pretty..." She says. "My pretty." I pouted making her look at me and the others chuckle. "It'll be great to get your number, take you out, get to know you, I need someone to eat ice cream with.' he said." She breaths. "And you said?" I ask. "That sounds great, but I have a boyfriend." She says grabbing my hand and biting it. "Ow!" I exclaim. "Not just any boyfriend, I've got Cole Sprouse" Luke exclaims making us laugh. "Then?" Mads asks eagerly. "He said 'Where is he then?' He's on his way from work' I say. He was so confused and says. 'Work? You look young for work.'" Lili continues. "And I was like: We both work actually, it's complicated.' I say." She says. "Damn right it is!" KJ laughs. "Unlike you, I actually eat by my own money' you should have said Lili." Luke laughs. "He said more!" She says. "'Tell your boyfriend to take care of you... yourself too, take care of yourself miss.'" She says looking at me. "Hear that Sprouse?" Mads teases. "Take care of your girl alright Cole?" Casey says moving out if the video call. "Or else, she gets to keep Riverdale and you go back to Disney." Cami laughs. "Yeah, and she'll find that guy and eat ice cream with him.". Madelaine teases. "Bye!" I say trying to end the call but Lili stopping me. "Mkay, you can make out now... Rob just wanted you to know that Cole, you're free tomorrow ---I'm jealous actually... And yeah." Cami says the others out if the frame. "Alright thank you, bye!" I laugh her ending the call.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" I ask as I got into his place standing while he was seated in his couch. "Jealous?" I chuckle looking at him arms crossed. "I'm not saying yes, but how can't I be jealous? I leave you for like, seven hours and someone's already trying to get to you." He says seated on his couch. "What can I say? I am pretty great, you're lucky." I laugh sitting beside him. "I am aren't I?" He says softly kissing me afterwards. "But. You're. Mine." He adds.


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