the chapter in which; the girls take matters into their own hands pt. 1

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this is part 1/3.

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"No, that is not right. He does not love me anymore." I tell Madelaine for the nth time as we hear Ashleigh and Camila enter our shared apartment in Vancouver. "Hey, don't say that, love." Ashleigh trails, rubbing my shoulder when she got beside me. She must've heard. The partially empty apartment caters to echoes. "She's right. For the small amount of time that we've known Cole, I think we can all say that he does not easily give up on people. What more if that person is someone he loves?" Camila asks, looking at me sadly. "Well, just like what I've told you for the past few days now—" I stop, glancing at them as they share a look. "It's obvious that he does not love me anymore." I say, very quietly distracted by what they were doing. "See, do you want me to cry?" I groan. I had the girls come over for them to help me sort out what I was feeling not for them to have a silent conversation amongst themselves in front of me. "Oh, Lili..." Ashleigh sighs, holding me in her arms. "Sorry." Camila apologizes before Madelaine speaks up. "Look, it's five in the morning. You had them come over and the great friends they are, they did. However, you have got to explain to us, Lili. Why do you keep on saying that he doesn't love you anymore?" She asks, looking me in the eye. We haven't slept. I've kept her up all night talking about this, yet apparently, I have not given her a cohesive answer. "All we're saying is that before we interrogate the guy with a knife pointed at his neck, would it be too much for us to ask you to bring us up to speed?" Camila asks, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Are you on your period?" Madelaine asks, looking at me funnily. "No!" I groan. "Then explain!" Madelaine shrugs, sitting in front of me now. "I don't know! He seems to be off for the past few days now." I murmur, covering my face with my hands. "He wouldn't text me the whole day, and he barely replies when I do. I feel like he just wants to forget that I'm alive, if anything." I shrug. They open their mouth to speak, but I cut them off. "He isn't happy. I see it, even with the boys. He would avoid me too. When we ate out last night, he wouldn't talk. On our way back to the car, he fucking plugged in his earphones and walked ahead." I laughed dryly, realizing that I just let that happened. "Something's wrong, and I do not know what. It's driving me mad. I do not know what to do about it. Do you think that I should let him go?" I ask them seriously, but I talk again. "It's obvious that he doesn't want me around. I'll even go as far as saying that he doesn't want to be associated with me." I shrug, laying into Madelaine's arms as she hugged me. "Fuck this. I've heard enough. I've seen enough tears too. I'm calling KJ." Camila says, pulling her phone out. "Uh, Mads." She starts, looking at the redhead beside me. "Get Lili, and take her to her room. Talk some sense to her then make her look good. Ashleigh and I will talk to KJ." She proceeds, Madelaine complying and myself barely understanding what they were saying. I'm so tired. I've just been crying my eyes out. What could I have done for him to be like this?  "Let's go. I'll give you a makeover, yeah?" Mads says, trying to get me to smile. "No, I'll head up alone. I want to get some sleep." I decline, pointing to the stairs. "Okay." Madelaine says with a sigh. "We'll handle this." Ashleigh assures me. "You're lucky we finished the season a month ago. The makeup department would've slaughtered you for those bags." Camila kids, making me smile a bit as I got up the stairs.

"We have to talk to Cole." I say as a start when we hear the door to her room close. "Are you crazy?" Mads sighs, mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Do you want to see Lili fall into dark depression?" I challenge her. "No!" She exclaims. "Actually, Mads, I think Camila's right. We've got to speak to Cole, not anyone else." Ashleigh shrugs, seeing where I'm coming from. "Why, though? Why do we have to?" She asks, taking leaning her back into the couch. "Lili needs answers, he's the only one with them." I answer, sitting beside her. "Fine." She waves off. "Call him." She urges. "Oh, we aren't going to call him. We're going to his place." Ashleigh says, making me smirk. "I like how you're thinking." I smile. "A phone call would be boring." She shrugs. "You really are a feisty cat." Mads chuckles. "Go on, Blossom. Tell Cooper we're heading out." I say, pulling Ashleigh to the door now.

"Lili." I call, in barely a whisper. "Yeah?" I hear her reply, sniffling follows. She was in her bed, her back facing myself and the door. "The girls are leaving." I tell her. "Yeah, can you tell them that I appreciate them coming?" She asks. "Okay. Lili, I'll have them drop me off at the store. I need to get us some stuff for the house." I follow, lying! I felt bad afterwards, as if leaving her in this state wasn't enough. "Do you want ice cream?" I ask, trying to compensate for my previous action. "No, I don't want anything. You can leave, Mads." She says, reaching for a tissue. "It'll be alright. I'll be back in a few minutes." I tell her. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" I ask again. "Yeah, I'm sure." She replies. I nod, as if she could see me and head for the door. "I think I'll break up with him, the next time I see him." She says as I closed the door, all the air in me feeling like they've been sucked out.

"You're right. Lili needs this." I say, getting to the car quickly. My hands were shaking too. "What happened?" Ashleigh asks. "She's so broken that she's done with this, and him." I tell them, putting my seat belt on. "What?" Camila asks, appalled. "Why are you asking that? Do you not want the same thing?" I question her as she starts driving. "She said she's going to break up with him." I shrug. "Madelaine, I do not want that." She laughs. "I thought that we wanted what Lili wants for herself?" Ashleigh asks. "You and I both know that the two are useless without the other." Camila sighs, after a long breath out. I can't help but agree.

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