the chapter on which; he goes on the Ellen DeGeneres Show¹

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dayyyyyum, we're on chapter 30. thank you guys for the support + love to this book and to our parents of course, cole x lili  :' )  just to be clear, i only upload once a week. normally fridays at this time. sending you a virtual hug, have a great day ahead ♥

"Where's my Reinhart?!" Ellen exclaims barging into my dressing room as Lili fixes my hair. "Hey!" She chuckles hugging the prominent host. "My, Reinhart." I correct quickly hugging her as well. "So, you're together ey?" She laughs me nodding following Lili to the small couch. "Why do you act surprised you've known since..." I say. "For how long now?" She asks. "Long enough to question why she's not sick of me yet." I kid. "Two years, and some." Lili answers. "Why won't you come in the interview later?" She asks Lili. "You weren't expecting me, the audience don't as well, I'll be alright here backstage." Lili insists. "Expect some teases though about you having a girlfriend, Cole." Ellen laughs. "Amazing!" I mock. "Are you okay with me outing you Lili?" She asks quickly. "Bout time?" She asks me me contemplating. "I mean~" I start. "Amazing, this isn't in the scrip but amazing!" Ellen exclaims. "Twenty minutes till we start." She says walking to the door. "Lils," she calls. "Yeah?" Lili chuckles. "Fix his hair, kindly!" She laughs in reply. "What's wrong with it?!" I laugh Lili scooting over fixing it again.

"There, it's gorgeous." I smile planting a kiss on his forehead after. "You're gorgeous." He says softly pulling me closer to him. "I feel like grabbing some ice cream later..." He says minutes of comfortable silence after. "Your treat." I laugh. "Sprouse, tick-tock, showtime!" Ellen exclaims barging in again, Cole giving her a look. "This doesn't count as walking into~" She starts being cut off by Cole. "Head start your show, I'll follow!" He yells jokingly. "Hurry!" Ellen laughs shutting the door after. "Head on the back..." He says pulling me out the room to a hallway.

"My nerves are getting to me..." He says shaking his hands me holding them. "Cole in five!" A dude yells nearby. "I'll be back here." I say kissing him twice. "Cole let's go!" The dude follows. "You said five!" Cole answers. "Five seconds..." Dude laughs. "For good luck." Cole whispers diving in for a sweet quick kiss. "Sprouse!" A bunch of staff yell making him jog off, me laughing.

"Sorry, I'm late." I laugh quoting late with my fingers, falling into the couch on stage. "I got... lost backstage." I say widening my eyes to Ellen. "Sweet." She comments grinning. "You're gunna tell them aren't you?" I say only for us to hear. "Pardon?" She says still grinning. "F*ck you." I still just as quiet. "No swearing!" She laughs. "Are we live?" I laugh. "Yes. Yes we are live." She laughs. "Well then shi~" I start her pointing a finger at me. "Shi -----ould, we should get started." I say making her laugh. "Share!!!" An audience member exclaims. "So Cole..." Ellen starts. "Still... Riverdale?" She asks. "Still Riverdale." I nod. "Still Bughead?" She follows pretending to read we cards. "Still Bughead." I continue. "Still love the cast?" She trails. "Still love the cast." I say through my teeth. "Still single?" She asks looking up from her cards me smiling at her ---not a good smile, more like a I'll kill you when we get back stage smile. "Next question!" She exclaims seconds later the audience going crazy at this point. "Sit down!" I exclaim looking at the audience. "You're mine!" A teenager yells making me furrow my brows. "What do you mean he's yours, his girlfriend's backstage!" Ellen yells standing my hands on my head. "F*ck you!" I laugh. "Why?" She smiles the audience still screeching. "Pull yourselves together kids..." She says looking at them. "They don't know you have a girlfriend?" She asks me me just staring at her. "Funny that in other interviews I can choose the questions I don't want to answer, but in here..." I laugh. "Okay... I have prepared kiss marry and kill's but since you have a girlfriend... We won't be able to use them..." She says me raising a brow at her. "Yes I won't use them. Number one because, I don't want to picture a life without her and because I a hundred percent know for sure who I'd like to kill." I say her nodding. "....Great! So I'm just going to ask you who you'd like KJ Apa." She says a wild KJ just bursting out of the box table thing in the middle of our chairs. "It will never work on me." I say not a percentage surprised. "Well f*ck." Ellen laughs. "Especially with KJ..." I laugh pointing at him. "No swearing." KJ laughs pointing at Ellen. "Hey mate." He laughs sitting beside me. "Does Lili know you're here?" I ask him quietly him nodding in response. "So kiss marry kill for KJ, Cole's decision." She says.

"Camila, Madelaine and Lili..." KJ announces. "This is the last one." Ellen grins holding up the pictures of them. "Well it's got to be innit?" I answer. "Kiss Madelaine, marry Camila, and kill Lili." I say quickly. "Okay, I can live with that..." KJ smiles. "I can't live with that." Ellen says. "KJ, can you stop being a good friend for once and help me out his relationship?" She laughs KJ raising his hands up in mock surrender. "What you should have said was... Okay, I can live with that especially since Camila was the only one single... Madelaine's going strong with Travis and Lili's dating well..." She continues KJ laughing and the crowd just crazy crazy mayhem. "Shut up!" I laugh. "Shutting up! KJ, I'm going to ask you a very simple question..." She starts again. "Yep?" He answers. "Do you have a girlfriend?" She and I say at the same time. "Cole, great you're getting the hang of it." She says not looking at me. "No. I am single, still." KJ answers the girls whooping. "Like Camila, and unlike Madelaine and Lili huh?" She asks trying to sound as casual as the situation needs ---she failed, making me laugh. "Cole, I'm going to ask you the same question... are you single? Or are you the boyfriend of Lili?" She asks turning to me again. "F*ck you." I chuckle standing from my chair. "Commercial break what a coincidence..." I say pointing at the crew who are calling for a commercial break. "See ya!" KJ laughs dragging me backstage, us leaving Ellen on her table.

"Hey KJ!" I smile side hugging him. "Ellen will be the death of me..." Cole says making KJ and I laugh. "Simple question, are you single?" I kid. "I think it's time to let them know." KJ says tossing me a bottle of water. "...and you knew he was coming." He says looking at me, pointing at KJ. "Yeah?" I answer KJ laughing. "Betty was closer to Archie than she was to Jughead." He says Cole rolling his eyes. "It has been decided, I'll be outing you lovers today." Ellen says walking to the room. "Dude, haven't you yet?" He laughs. "Lils, just head out before the show ends and do some cute sh*t to your boyfriend." She says quickly heading out after. "Cole, KJ, in ten!" She yells Cole groaning. "Ten minutes or ten seconds?" The boys yell at the same time making me laugh.

end of part one of two~~


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